Advantages of natural gas over other fuels and its disadvantages

Many are interested in the question - what are the advantages of natural gas over other fuels? In general, natural gas is a common mineral that is actively used by humans as fuel for power plants, boiler houses, enterprises and vehicles, as well as for domestic needs. Another area of ​​its use is the production of synthetic polymers. Almost everyone knows why natural gas is better than petroleum products. Gas is considered an environmentally friendly type of fuel, therefore, in many densely populated areas it is used as a priority.

Gas description

The main advantages and disadvantages of gas when using

Gas is the cleanest among all common types of fossil fuels. With the same amount of heat released, gas combustion produces 3 times less CO 2 than with coal combustion. All other pollutants are also emitted in much smaller quantities.

The main disadvantage of gas is an increased explosion hazard. Periodic emergency operations in coal mines are associated precisely with explosions of gas released from coal seams. The extraction, transportation and use of natural gas are often associated with the release of methane greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. At the same time, gas burning practically does not produce soot and aerosols.

advantages of natural gas over other fuels

At thermal power plants, the advantages of using gas are the possibility of greater maneuverability and regulation of energy production depending on the needs of the consumer. In this case, almost no solid waste is generated, and therefore there is no problem with their disposal, as when burning coal.

Advantages of natural gas over other fuels

The use of gas as fuel for cars has its pros and cons.

  • The main advantage of gas motor fuel is a low level of emissions of harmful substances (or lack thereof). This applies not only to harmless to health, but harmful to the climate of carbon dioxide, but also nitrogen oxides, soot, carbon monoxide, lead and other toxic compounds. Although most Russian car owners do not consider this an advantage . But in vain. After all, health is the most important thing.
  • Some financial benefits. True, the installation of gas equipment is not cheap, but these costs will pay off after 10 or 20 thousand kilometers. Gas stations are often enough.
  • The possibility of combined use of fuel. When filling a gasoline and gas tank at the same time, you can increase the range of the vehicle from 350 to 500 km. This will reduce dependence on intermediate gas stations where low quality liquid fuels are possible. The use of gas also reduces engine oil consumption and parts wear.
  • Longer car life. Uniform gas combustion and low emission of its combustion products reduce the load on the engine and other parts of the car, which makes them more durable.
Gas filling station

Cons of using gas fuel

In addition to the advantages of natural gas over other types of fuel, it also has disadvantages:

  • Some difficulties with refueling a car. Gas refueling is somewhat more complicated and longer than refueling with liquid fuels. Plus, the number of gas stations is not as great as gas stations. There may also be difficulties with the repair of gas equipment (due to a lack of specialists).
  • Reduced engine capabilities. When using gas, engine power drops by 10-15 percent, and the speed of movement - by about 5%.
  • Extra weight. After the installation of gas equipment, the total weight of the car increases by about 60 kg, and the trunk volume decreases.
  • Risk of leaks. Gas is more whimsical than gasoline and requires increased attention. It is important that the gas bottle is well fixed. If there is a gas odor in the cabin, trunk or hood, contact a service center. It is not recommended to refuel the car with gas intended for domestic needs. It also requires monitoring the pressure in the cylinder and following the recommendations of specialists.
  • Sensitivity to temperature. At temperatures below - 10 there may be problems with starting the engine, and at too high a temperature there is a risk of depressurization.

In general, the installation of gas equipment is advisable for long travel distances and the presence of a sufficient number of gas stations in the region.

Natural gas in cars


Thus, the advantages of natural gas over other fuels are obvious. However, when used in internal combustion engines, drawbacks are also of great importance. The benefits of natural gas as a fuel are mainly related to the environment.


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