Blocking sites: how to get around? How to remove website blocking forever

If you use the services of the Internet (and this is definitely the case, since you couldn’t read this article otherwise), and also live in the Russian Federation, then you probably know what a website block is. For you, this is expressed in the fact that the provider, referring to the decision of Roskomnadzor or some other administrative authority, or some other “weighty” reason, blocks access to one or another site. Therefore, of course, you will not be able to access this resource in the future.

This article will be devoted to a review of this issue. In it, we will consider the reasons why sites may be banned, as well as the technologies that make it easy to get around. You will learn how to disable the blocking of sites, despite any attempts by the provider to not let you to one or another resource.

How do we access the site?

So, for starters, in order to understand how website blocking works, you need to understand a little how we get to a particular resource, how the Internet is generally arranged, and why someone might not allow us somewhere. Let's start with a bunch - DNS, IP and domain name.

program to block sites

So, you know that the Internet through which you go online is provided by your ISP. Every month you make payments for using its services, choose tariffs, speed and so on. The provider, in turn, directs you to the DNS servers that process your request when trying to visit a particular resource. The DNS server, in turn, converts your request and redirects you to the IP address on which the site is located. And the domain name of the site (for example, is just a literal expression of an IP address that is easier to read.

Locking mechanism

If you want to know what blocking sites is, how to get around it, you need to understand at what level the resource was blocked. The first level, the easiest, is DNS blocking. Removing it is quite simple - use the public servers, which are now full. These addresses are now provided by Google, Comodo, Norton, DNS Advantage, and other service providers. Simply register the numbers of their DNS in your computer settings to use them. Since there are no restrictions on public servers, you can log in to VK or another service without any problems.

disable site blocking

Blocking by domain name is a more serious problem that can only be solved using the "mirrors" of the site. “Mirror” is an alternative resource address to which you can connect if the main domain is blocked by the provider. For example, if is the primary site, then a mirror can be created on or As a rule, site organizers indicate alternative domains if necessary.

Blocking by IP address of a resource is the most difficult. Therefore, we will talk specifically about it: about how to bypass the blocking of sites by the provider in this case and what needs to be done to do this.

how to bypass the blocking of sites by the provider

Note: in this article we do not consider the so-called "local" lock. We are talking about another way to ban visits to sites, which creates a special program to block sites. Such a solution can be used in offices, for example, in order to prevent employees from wasting time on social networks and games. To get around such a ban, you can use the same tools, which will be discussed later.

Reasons why sites are blocked

In general, you must not forget about the reasons why certain Internet sites lend themselves to blocking. This is necessary, at a minimum, to understand why your favorite site cannot be visited.

As mentioned above, one of the reasons why you have been blocked by VK, Youtube, or another entertainment-related service is a strict boss trying to get you to work. Let's just say that this is the most simple and uncomplicated reason that encourages you to distract from unnecessary entertainment and work for the good of your company. Besides her, there are other versions of why this or that resource is blocked.

It makes Rostelecom search for some of its users how to bypass the blocking of sites. This is a nationwide provider that provides telecommunication services. Like other operators of this market, it is subject to the regulatory acts of Rospotrebnadzor, an administrative body that is also involved in monitoring information, including on the Internet. He is able to prohibit sites that can be called "extremist", "fraudulent" or attributed to other categories, meaning that the resource is illegal. Thus, in order to get to it, you will need to know how to bypass the blocking of prohibited sites.

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Another option is already coming from other blocking entities. For example, some copyright-infringing sites are prohibited by the Google search engine and other resources that control the Internet to one degree or another. Sites may also be blocked by government bodies of other countries, because they contain illegal materials. The latter include child pornography and bestiality, resources promoting excessive violence, various discriminatory sites and the like. In principle, they are struggling with them in many countries of the world, but their popularity does not fall from this.

how to bypass the blocking sites Rostelecom

Thus, in general, we can say that resources of two directions are blocked: illegal (recognized by such administrative authorities), as well as unwanted to view (for example, during working hours).

Top known blocked resources

From the group of the first, various sensational projects can be distinguished. For example, this is Wikileaks, which publishes materials that compromise the activities of special services from different countries. The site is trying to block, close, but it continues to work successfully.

Talking about popular resources that are subject to blocking around the world, TOR and Silk Road should be noted. The first is a whole system of transmitting encrypted data, and the second is a catalog of drugs that can be ordered anywhere in the world. The turnover of the latter is estimated in billions, and US intelligence agencies have long been trying to stop the activity of the resource. In the TOP, besides drugs, they also distribute illegal pornography with children and animals.

For some countries there are also “forbidden fruits”. For example, in China they block Google, and in the DPRK - Wikipedia, Facebook and other major services. All this is done artificially by state governments in order to limit the flow of information that comes to users from abroad.

General picture of bypassing lock

So, to make it clear how to remove the blocking of sites, we will consider the general principle of its operation and options for circumvention. As already noted, the provider blocks either Ip, or DNS, or a domain name (most often the first). The blockage is that the user's computer simply cannot connect to the site’s computer (that is, the server on which the Internet resource is located). However, such a ban on connection is direct, that is, for example, we can not go to At the same time, we can go to any other server from which the lock on visiting the search engine will be removed. This means that we will bypass the limited connection and go to Google "bypass". In fact, any blocking of sites works on the same principle. How to get around it in practice - read on. You are the essence, we think, caught.

We use anonymizers

Now we will begin to analyze those tools that will help in circumventing blocking Internet resources in more detail. This will be the answer to the question of how to bypass the blocking of sites by the provider. Let's start with anonymizing - this is the name of services that allow you to hide your Internet traffic, encrypt it. They will also help us bypass the blocking of other sites, since traffic passed through the anonymizer cannot be monitored by the provider, which means that you can safely go to any resource. The beauty of such services is that you yourself choose how to bypass the blocking of sites: use the Chrome add-on (install a special Add-on for the browser), or simply go to the pages through anonymizing sites. The first option, of course, is more convenient, but working with the second is much faster. Among the most popular anonymizing services are: Hidemyass, Anonymouse, ShadowSurf, ProxyWeb, PageWash and others. They work quite simply: the site’s interface is presented as a string that you need to fill in with the address of the resource that you would like to get to. Later this resource opens in a window and, thus, your provider’s ban on visiting it is bypassed (since in fact you are not going to a prohibited site, but to Hidemyass, Anonymouse, and so on). The scheme is extremely simple, but effective. Moreover, the use of most of these services at a primitive level is free of charge, which is why there is no need to invest in it if you want to know how to bypass the site’s blocking by Roskomnadzor.

Proxy as an efficient workaround

Another way to bypass the ban on visiting the site is through a proxy server. The proxy server is a channel that can redirect the user to any final destination. In fact, these are computers that are located somewhere in another country, through which you can access any service, website, and so on. In this case, you will be assigned an IP and blocking sites will not be afraid. How to get around it with a proxy server? Very simple - just use a special program to change addresses if you have a lot of them; or you need to register the proxy address (server URL and its port) in your browser settings.

Lists of proxy servers available for use can be found on, and others. In addition to free lists, there are those that can be accessed for a certain amount. Moreover, such lists are used, as a rule, by professional programmers and hackers. For home use, free proxies are most likely suitable for you.

VPN - encrypted "in full"

Another technology of how to get around blocking sites (Rostelecom or any other operator - it doesn’t matter) is VPN. This tool is a “tunnel” of encrypted connection between your computer and the destination server. Its charm lies in the fact that all the data that will be transmitted during the session will be encrypted, and technically no one can intercept them. This means not only the complete anonymity of all your computer activities, but also the security of the transmitted data and, of course, the option of how to bypass the Odnoklassniki website blocking (and not only).

To use VPN, you will need to install a client program on your computer. It should also be noted that the servers through which your data will be transmitted do not work for free. For the use of VPN technology you need to pay from $ 5 per month, depending on the degree of protection. And, of course, by solving the question: “How to bypass the blocking of sites by the administrator?” this approach cannot be, since the administrator of your network is likely to notice the installation of the software necessary for data encryption. But on your home computer you can enjoy complete freedom of action.

Among the most popular services that provide VPN data encryption services, it should be highlighted:,,,, and others. The difference between them lies in the geography of the location of the servers, as well as the cost of the end services and the depth of encryption of data transfer. The more servers will be involved in the scheme of work, the greater the likelihood that it will be unrealistic to track where you go in reality. Yes, and most likely no one will do it.

TOR - forget about blocking

Another, more secret and inherently complex software, can be called the TOR program. In fact, if you remember, we already mentioned it briefly at the beginning of the article, so now we will describe the principle of action in detail.

blocking sites how to get around

The application consists of many personal computers connected to a single network. The information between them is transmitted through special encrypted channels that are constantly changing, which is why it is impossible to track them. In addition, the number of participants in the TOR system is changing, which is why it is a real “headache” for special services. Repeatedly they tried to curtail, drown, and somehow liquidate it. However, TOR is alive.

As already noted, the system has a whole market for narcotic drugs that can be ordered and sold using encrypted information transmission channels. In addition, TOR has a gigantic catalog of pornography, mostly prohibited, the placement of which is not allowed on the "normal" Internet on a simple hosting. Due to this, an increasing number of people are joining TOR, and control services are only shrug. This program can be useful to us if we don’t know how to bypass the blocking of the VKontakte website and others prohibited by any administrative authority. In addition to the fact that with the program you will have access to any resource from any country in the world, you can also maintain anonymity by using it. Thus, you should not worry about any prosecution for violating the ban - no one can simply track your computer.

A bit of morality

As you can see, in this article we have painted several ways of blocking sites, how to get around it and making sure that no one suspects you of anything. Perhaps, for some users, the described instructions may seem complicated and inaccessible, but this is not so. Each of the tools specified in this article can be used by someone who owns a PC at a basic level. Some special knowledge so that the program for blocking sites does not allow you to visit a particular resource, as a rule, is not required.

However, it should be understood that we do not urge to violate the established legislation. All materials are provided here for information only. After all, if the website was banned from access and blocked by your provider, this means that it is not recommended to go to it, it contains materials, including those that may harm you. The question arises: "Do you need to bypass the blocking of such a site?"

how to bypass administrator blocking sites

It is one thing when an information resource that is unfavorable to the regime in the state is blocked and interests you purely for familiarization; and another, when users watch pirated movies (even so everyone does), order drugs or distribute them, buy weapons, or watch pornography. If we talk about the latter, then such prohibitions, on the contrary, protect some users (for example, children) from such materials, which is a clear benefit. And of course, in this case, the measures taken by providers around the world can be called positive.

In addition, some services can be used not only to unlock resources, but also to protect your data, including personal information about your location.


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