Shaved nails in girls: haircut features, pros and cons

The fashion for various extravagant haircuts and hair coloring styles is changing very rapidly. Now, at the peak of popularity, haircuts with a shaved nape and temples for girls. She is rapidly gaining fame, although few young ladies decide on such a hairstyle. If you still decide to try this type of haircut for yourself , consider it in more detail: how to care for it, what are the pros and cons of it.

Important facts about a shaved nape haircut

Before you decide to radically change your appearance, you need to consider all the pros and cons.

shaved nape in girls

The hairstyle, which involves the shaved nape of the girls, has some limitations. You need to familiarize yourself with them before you commit a similar act:

  1. If you can not be called the owner of thick and magnificent hair, then you better refrain from such a haircut. Why? Because, if your hair itself is liquid and not voluminous enough, then after shaving a considerable part of it on the back of your head, your hairstyle will look very sparse. But if you really want just such a haircut, discuss the details with a hairdresser who will advise on how to style her best so that the hairstyle seems more voluminous.
  2. You should carefully monitor the condition of your scalp and hair. The skin should be perfect and healthy. In any case, such a haircut will attract the attention of others, and it will be very unpleasant to look at a dirty, groomed head. In addition, with healthy and clean hair, you yourself will feel confident.
  3. The shaved nails of the girls certainly pull a change of all things in the wardrobe. Since you decided on such a daring haircut, then the clothes should match her. Pick something bright, creative and unusual.

Advantages of haircuts

The shaved naps of girls are becoming more popular every day, and this is not surprising, because such a haircut has a lot of advantages:

  1. She attracts the attention of others and sets girls apart from the crowd.
  2. With such a haircut, you can wear large jewelry.
  3. Hairstyle is suitable for any type of face.
  4. The shaved nape of girls with long hair is easy to hide with the remaining curls, if necessary.

shaved nape in girls with long hair

Disadvantages of hairstyles

Despite the fact that a haircut has a lot of advantages, it does not do without disadvantages:

  1. This hairstyle is very fashionable now, but fashion is changing very quickly. It may turn out that yesterday a stylish and modern haircut with a shaved nape was relevant, and today it has become a sign of bad taste.
  2. With such a haircut, it will be very difficult to grow hair. It may happen that you get tired of a popular haircut with a shaved nape, and again you want to return to its former length and classic hairstyle. It will be very difficult. There are only two options here: to shave off all the hair and equalize the length, or hide the trimmed nape for months and even years.
  3. With such a haircut, you need to be prepared for criticism in your favor, because not all people will understand such a daring and extravagant image. Quite the contrary, many will even blame you for such a choice.
  4. This haircut has a style limit. If you are a creative person, shaved whiskey will emphasize your status. And if you work in a reputable company or bank, then there is a strict dress code that does not allow such hairstyles.

As we see, the shaved nape of the girls have both positive and negative sides.

shaved haircuts


So, we examined the hairstyle with the shaved nape of the girls, its features, pros and cons. It is worth considering everything before deciding on such a haircut. But if you are still going to take a chance, then be prepared for judgmental looks on the one hand, and for sincere compliments on the other.


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