How to make an emo hairstyle for guys and girls: a photo

The fashionable subculture of young people, which appeared in the 80s, really gained popularity only in the 2000s. The bright extraordinary and somewhat rebellious style inherent in emo still divides the society into those to whom it is close, and those who consider it excessive and stupid. But the fact remains, and youth continues to experiment and search for themselves. Today's article is about emo hairstyles. About what to choose, how to make and how to style your hair yourself, read on.

Briefly about the subculture and its followers

In the early 2000s, it was increasingly possible to see young men and women in an unusual form on the streets. Those familiar with the emo style could instantly determine which culture a young person or group belongs to. In general, emo is characterized by such features as personal experiences, excessive sensitivity to unfair actions, frequent depression and romanticism.

bright emo hairstyle

All this is somehow expressed in appearance. For emo clothes, skinny jeans, hoodies and Vans or Converse sneakers in black and pink are preferred. On bags and shoes, you can often find a typical for this culture ornament - checkers.

Emo Hairstyles

In addition to clothing, emo emit non-standard hairstyles. By the way, this applies not only to girls, but also to guys. The most iconic element can be considered a long oblique bangs covering one eye, as well as bright hair colors, both close to natural and completely unnatural. Girls often decorate their hair with various accessories.

Classic hairstyle

The most popular emo hairstyle is considered, in fact, an ordinary cascade. But the whole thing lies in its styling and asymmetric bangs.

emo girl

In order to make a hairstyle, like emo, you need to learn some rules:

  • Root volume. From above, the hair should be styled in such a way as to visually create the impression of volume.
  • A lot of varnish. Adherents of this culture do not stop buying hair sprays and other styling products, as emo hairstyles do not tolerate lightness and airiness.
  • Hair straightener. Before doing a hairstyle, most emo use this device in order to create perfectly even hair.

There are no clear boundaries and rules in creating emo hairstyles. Young people quite often experiment with the color and length of their hair, achieving the most suitable image.

How to make such a hairstyle?

As already mentioned, the basis is a cascade. If you go to the salon with a request to repeat the emo hairstyle, then you can easily make a cascade with a volume on top. If the hair is long, then the ends seem to stand out from under the "cap", more and more thinning to the bottom. The ends of the hair should be perfectly straight.

red emo hairstyle

After the base is ready, you can start laying. You can do this yourself, at home, without the help of a specialist. To achieve volume at the roots, wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel. Then, with your head down, dry your hair in that position. This will help the roots give extra volume. After these procedures, straighten your hair if necessary. Particular attention is paid to the ends. Next, you need to do a pile of the upper part of the hair. To do this, comb with a comb, lock by lock, and then comb the hair. Spray varnish with strong fixation from above. Bangs should be stacked with upper hair. Is that not to do on her fleece. It should be straight and smooth.

How to make a hairstyle for a young man?

If we are talking about an emo hairstyle for guys, then the execution technique may vary slightly. For men's hairstyles of this subculture, it is better to use hair gel. After washing your hair and drying with a towel, apply the gel on your hands and spread over the entire length, blow dry. If the hair is thin, then pile and fix the top with varnish.

hairstyle for guy emo

It should be remembered that the hair of a young man who decided to repeat the emo hairstyle should be long enough. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

Hair color

Representatives of the emo subculture are characterized by constant experiments on their appearance. The most common hair color young people choose black and white. But usually this is not limited to, and various colored paints are used. A popular stain is the two-tone option. In this case, the lower part of the hair is painted white, and the upper, closing, in black. For more daring, one layer of hair is painted in pink, blue, burgundy or green.

blue hairstyle

A characteristic point is the uneven staining. Since the style of emo refers mainly to people under 20-22 years old, sloppy-colored strands seem to specifically emphasize their image.

Colored strands

If such experiments are completely alien to you and you don’t want to spoil the hair with an emo-hairstyle, then there is a great alternative - painting individual strands. Natural blondes can choose black or one of the bright colors as the second color, without causing irreparable harm to their hair. Those who decided to paint black can recommend making strands of orange or pink.

You can also often see dyeing only the lower ends of the hair that come from under the "cap". This option looks unusual and quite stylish.

bright hair strands

There are situations when it is not possible to dye even locks of hair. For example, if the image of an emo is needed only for a photo shoot, or if the paint causes an allergy. What to do then? Overhead locks of hair will come to the rescue. With their help, you can create the desired image and change hair color at least every day. Now in stores with hair accessories, you can easily choose the right color of the strands and length. If the locks are too long, they can easily be cut. Also, modern artificial hair is not only identical to natural, but also amenable to temperatures. They can be washed with shampoo, as well as blow dry and straighten.

Another option that came to the taste of young people whose parents do not approve of a radical change in image is crayons for hair. You can choose the brightest and most unusual colors, because the first time you wash your hair, the crayons are washed off with water. Using them is simple. In order to dye the strand, take the crayon, lay the lock on it and hold it firmly with your finger, draw along the entire length. If the color is dull or uneven the first time, repeat again. Note that you should not dye one place more than three times, otherwise the hair will become hard and unnatural.

Hedgehog hairstyle

Many representatives of the emo subculture often have a hedgehog hairstyle. It has such a name because the hair, like the needles of a hedgehog, is bristling in different directions. But emos prefer not completely β€œspiky”, but only from above, on the top of their heads. If we are talking about an emo hairstyle for a girl, then the hedgehog is located at the top of the "hat". To do this, the hair on the crown is cut shorter than the main length and is fixed with hair gel and varnish when styling.

emo hairstyle for guy

For men's emo hairstyles, hair can be styled with gel along the entire length, except for the bangs. Or you can select some specific part of the head. For example, the front of the hair remains flat, and the hair closer to the back of the head with the help of a gel is turned into a hedgehog.

Accessories for hairstyles in the style of emo

That's where fantasy can be shown, so choosing hair accessories in the style of emo culture. As we said earlier, the hair of an emo girl not only dyes in a variety of colors and makes fashionable haircuts, but also intensely decorates them.

So, for example, one of the attributes of the emo style was a hair band with a bow on the side. Emo girls quickly picked up this trend and began to buy hoops with bows. The main distinguishing point in wearing them is that the rims are worn on the head and serve only as decoration. That is, the bangs remain in place. Headbands with bows make hairstyles of emo girls more feminine. Bows can be made of any material: cotton, suede, patent leather or satin.

crown in emo hairstyle

In addition to bows, all kinds of hair clips and crabs are no less popular with emo. Moreover, all of them, as if deliberately, should be somewhat childish, with images of bunnies, flowers or birds, as if removed from a younger sister. You can see an emo hairstyle with children's accessories in the photo above. The most stylish and confident girls choose hair accessories with crowns. A small hair clip with a metal crown perfectly complements the image of an emo princess.


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