Self-massage of the head: technique, indications and contraindications

Self-massage of the head and neck improves blood circulation well. This is relevant for those patients who suffer from osteochondrosis, migraine, as well as high or low blood pressure. However, visiting a massage parlor regularly is very expensive, and not everyone has free time for these procedures. Therefore, you can carry out self-massage of the head at home, alleviating your condition.

self-massage of the head and neck to improve blood circulation

Indications for massage

There are many indications for this procedure. Most often, self-massage of the head is carried out in the following cases:

  1. Frequent headaches and migraines. Often, pain is provoked by too high or low blood pressure. Self-massage of the head in this case accelerates the movement of blood through the vessels, and also eliminates its stagnation, due to which the rate decreases with hypertension and increases with hypotension.
  2. Quite often, this procedure is used to avoid alopecia. The fact is that massage movements affect the condition of the scalp, as well as the hair follicles. As mentioned earlier, self-massage of the head to improve blood circulation is an ideal option. Venous blood moves to the roots of the hair, which helps to strengthen them.
  3. The course of such therapy establishes vascular tone in the brain. If you regularly do massage, this will contribute to the active flow of blood flow to the brain tissues, and as a result, it will become familiar to the human body, the process will then occur on its own.
  4. Self-massage of the head and face promotes the regeneration of skin cells, as well as improving the condition in general. In addition, such manipulation smoothes wrinkles.
  5. Wellness procedures can be performed after sleep to enhance brain activity. Such a morning session helps you to be in a good mood throughout the day, significantly increasing efficiency.
  6. With osteochondrosis, self-massage of the head and neck is done. This disease progresses over the years, and in most cases it appears in those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. That is why self-massage of the head and neck will be very useful for improving blood circulation. Thanks to this, you can prevent the occurrence, as well as the subsequent development of the disease.
self-massage of the head with a headache

Massage techniques

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should pay special attention to your own hands. They must be thoroughly washed with soap, treated with an antiseptic. Self-massage can only be done with warm limbs, because the cold will have a tonic effect on the muscles of the head. In addition, the nails must be cut short, otherwise you can injure the skin.

If your hands are sweating, then they must be treated with a solution of formaldehyde 1%. It is necessary to perform self-massage according to all the rules so that it brings the desired result. Incorrect manipulation can provoke stretching of the skin, and it will look very flabby. The fingers should slide on the surface of the skin during the massage without displacing it.

self-massage of the head and neck

For headaches

Self-massage of the head with a headache perfectly eliminates this problem. Each manipulation should be carried out 6-9 times. Technique of execution:

  1. The right hand should be put behind the left shoulder, find the muscle connecting the neck to the back. Press the fingertips on the middle of the muscle, and then sort through it, gradually making its way to the collarbone. The duration of this movement should be no more than 5 seconds. Then the same manipulation is done with the left brush.
  2. Find the hollows under the ears, insert the bent thumbs into them, perform light movements-vibrations.
  3. Without changing the previous position, put the middle and index fingers on the eyebrows so that they touch the nose. Eyes must be closed during this. Massage the superciliary arches with light movements along the growth of hairs to the temple, and then back so that the index fingers move along the lower region of the forehead, and the middle moves through the eyelids, while massaging the eyeballs.
  4. Put palms on cheekbones, spread middle and index fingers apart to fit ears between them. Now move your hands down, do massage movements. While moving palms up, the fingers should touch the face a little.
  5. Find the hollows under the back of the head, insert the big bent fingers into them. Twist the brushes together and place the nape parallel to it, touching it. Without changing the position of the hands, act on the back of the head with the joint method, as well as pushing the hands apart.
  6. Place your hands with your fingers down, and then slide them from the back of the head to the forehead with sliding movements. At the very end, press down the eyebrows with your palms, and massage the dots on the head with your pads.
  7. Extend your elbows to the sides so that your forearm is at shoulder level. The left hand is placed on the right, placed with the back side up so that the bent fingers touch the corners of the clavicle. After that, press the chin on the hands, gradually lower it until the head completely rests on the chest.
self-massage of the head

After such a self-massage session, you need to shake with brushes to relieve tension. Such manipulations not only relieve pain, but also cheer up.

Japanese self-massage

Japanese head massage is very effective. You can find a detailed description of these exercises in the video below.

To improve blood circulation

To improve blood circulation, you can use self-massage. The fingers should be positioned so that they lie on the cranium, but the movements must be performed with pads. All self-massage will consist of the following manipulations:

  1. Trituration. These actions are carried out with the fingers in a downward direction from the crown of the head and back. The entire head area is covered by small translational, and then circular motions.
  2. Bobbing This action is performed alternately with the help of four fingers, while it is not worth provoking painful sensations.
  3. Stroking. This manipulation is performed to the back of the head from the frontal zone.
  4. Vibration. Vibration is performed by oscillatory light movements, starting from the top of the head to the forehead, affecting the entire surface of the head.
  5. Pulling up. Pull-ups and β€œairing” are performed as follows: the strands must be taken with two fingers, pulled up with gentle movements, making vibrations so that the air gets between the individual curls.
self-massage of the head and face

For hair growth

Such self-massage will not require a lot of time and effort. This procedure not only stimulates hair growth, but also helps those people who are mentally stressed. The procedure begins with combing light movements with your fingers, while moving to the border of the hairline from the crown. Next, you need to do spiral manipulations with your fingers, starting from the temples and ending with the occipital zone. The duration of this exercise should be about 10 minutes.

You can use a wooden comb for self-massage, but this is only allowed if you have non-greasy hair.


To perform the self-massage procedure, you can use different improvised means.

head massage device

Ideal for stimulating hair follicles is the goosebump antistress. This device is convenient to use, inexpensive.

The Darsonval apparatus is able to affect the scalp using high-frequency current. The complete set of the device also has a special nozzle in the form of a comb.

Applicators, for example, Kuznetsova or Lyapko, well massage the neck area.


As for contraindications to the implementation of self-massage of the head and neck, then they are few. You can not do these procedures if there are wounds, burns, tumors or dermatological diseases on the skin. Fungal infection is also a contraindication to self-massage, because spores can infect the hands, as well as healthy areas on the head. Self-massage specialists do not recommend it is carried out with the following chronic ailments:

  1. Thrombosis.
  2. Hemophilia.
  3. Bone tissue inflammation.
  4. Vascular inflammation.
  5. Pacemaker or metal plate.
girl does a head massage


There are also other equally effective methods of performing self-massage: Indian, Thai, spot, Burmese. All of them are able to influence individual systems of the body and solve a specific problem. But if you suffer from headaches, then you can use the self-massage technique, which was described in our article.


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