Curiosity is fun

Few people know the meaning of the term "curiosity." This word can often be heard in television broadcasts. In life, ridiculous situations also happen to us , from which no one is safe. Let’s try to understand the meaning of the term in more detail using examples and with the help of a dictionary.

Curiosity is

Meaning of the word

If you look into Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, then the curiosity is what becomes immediately clear. Outlandish, weird, funny or fun life event.

The encyclopedic dictionary gives the following explanation to the curious: funny, curious, funny incident or circumstance, curious thing, curiosity.

A curiosity is a funny situation that could happen unexpectedly or suddenly.

Book examples

Curiosity is that

Have you ever seen a curiosity in a bookstore? Sometimes it becomes a lot of fun from possible situations. For example, a glossy magazine with a photo of Ksenia Sobchak on the background cover was once displayed at the Pets stand.

A curiosity is when you see the garden guide “How to Plant Beautifully” with the image of lush vegetation on the “Forensics” shelf. It’s funny when a book with the extraordinary title “I want to kill” is on the stand “Poetry for Inspiration”. And the seller of a bookstore with a sense of humor can often put books with similar names on one shelf. For instance:

  • "Blame love";
  • "Blame the stars";
  • "Blame the lie";
  • "Guilty sea."

Curiosities from life

In life, funny situations happen very often. For example, a person made purchases at a grocery supermarket and barely brought three more than enough packages to his porch. Somehow, he opened the door to the entrance with a magnetic key, but he couldn’t enter there either the first or the second time.

A funny thing is when you are driving at rush hour in a cramped clogged trolley and involuntarily stick your hand in your “next door” bag instead of your bag. It may seem ridiculous to you, but to the lady, the mistress of the reticule, no.

We send hilarious SMS messages hastily, without checking that T9 mode was written in our place.


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