OGRN - what is it? Decoding abbreviations

We will analyze today the important concept hidden behind the abbreviation. What is it - BIN? How is the letter combination and the code itself, which it means? How to find it out, how to check using the OGRN of the counterparty? We will talk about all this further.

Letter combination and concept.

The decoding of the abbreviation OGRN is as follows - the main state registration number. What does it mean? PSRN is the registration number of the entry on the establishment of a legal entity, on its inclusion in the lists of Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of All Legal Entities in the Russian Federation).

ogrn decryption

This sequence of numbers is unique. Moreover, through simple arithmetic operations, you can verify the authenticity of the OGRN (we will talk about this later). Under the current accounting procedure, the repetition of this record number in the USRLE will happen at least a century later (since the number contains the last two digits of the year the company was registered).

The process of state registration of legal entities (legal entities), the appropriation of the OGRN is regulated by the relevant Federal Law of the Russian Federation ("On state registration of legal entities").

Decoding number

This number is not a random combination of characters. PSRN is 13 digits, the groups of which contain certain information about the legal entity.

The structure of the number is as follows: 1 22 33 44 55555 6. Now imagine the transcript of the OGRN.

The first sign (1) indicates the classification of this registration number as an adjacent code:

  • The main registration number (OGRN itself) is the numbers 1, 5. It can only be assigned to a legal entity.
  • Another state number (SRN), which can be determined by an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is the numbers 2, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  • The main state number of the IP (individual entrepreneur) is OGRNIP. In this case, the first digit will be 3.
  • Other registration number of the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP). This is the number 4.

The second group (22) is the two digits of the year (2018 - 18), in which the entry on the legal entity was entered in the register.

The third group (33) is the number of the subject of the federation where the legal entity is registered. It is determined by the list established by Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The fourth group (44) is the code of the branch of the Federal Tax Service, which registered the legal entity.

The fifth group (55555) - a combination of numbers from the 8th to the 12th indicates the serial number of making this entry in the registry in the current year.

The last digit (6) of the OGRN is the control number. To check the entire 12-digit combination (with the exception of the last digit), the numbers are divided by the 11th digit. The control number in this case should coincide with the lowest digit of the remainder of the division. Exception: when the remainder is 10, the last digit of the OGRN is 0.

Such a check using a check number helps to make sure that the number in front of you is not fake, not generated from random numbers.

ogrn it


The abbreviation OGRN is already clear to us. Close to her is OGRIP. The letter combination hides the main state registration number of the individual entrepreneur. It is assigned to each entry in the Unified State Register of Enterprises (Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs).

The procedure for assigning such numbers (OGRN, OGRNIP) has been relevant since 2002. It is based on the Decree of the Russian Government No. 438.

Thus, OGRN is the number of the legal entity (LLC, enterprise), and OGRNIP is an individual entrepreneur. What distinguishes them is the number of digits. In OGRN - 13, in OGRNIP - 15.

ogrn it

Decoding OGRIP

The combination of characters in OGRIP is also not meaningless. The structure of the number is as follows: 1 22 33 44 5555555 6.

The decoding is as follows:

  • 1 - assignment of a record to the USRIP. This is always the number 3.
  • 22 - the last two digits of the year when the entry was entered into the registry.
  • 33 - serial number of the region, republic, territory, JSC, etc., in whose territory the entrepreneur is registered (registered).
  • 44 - code of the branch of the tax service.
  • 5555555 (seven digits) - the serial number of the registry entry for the current year.
  • 6 - check digit.

To verify its authenticity, the first 14 digits of the number (excluding the check number) are divided by the 13th character. In a false, real BINIP, the remainder of the division result will be equal to the control number.

How to find out the PSRN?

How is it possible to quickly find out the OGRN organization? The easiest way to do this is through the Internet. Today, two methods are known:

  1. The official website of the Federal Tax Service. On the main page of the portal, select the section you are interested in - "Legal Entities", "Individual Entrepreneurs". In the window that opens, click on the "Check Counterparties". The procedure can be performed by typing in the appropriate fields the name of the organization, its TIN and additional information offered to you by the system. As a result, you get complete information about the company (including PSRN), appropriate for open access.
  2. Refer to third-party portals like "Taxes.ru". However, we warn that their database is based on information from the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. In addition, information may be updated periodically, as a result of which you run the risk of receiving outdated, inaccurate information.
    learn ogrn organizations

Check OGRN

As we have already determined, the PSRN is a unique, non-repeating number that allows you to quickly identify the desired organization. In addition, it is this combination of numbers that helps determine whether a company exists legally, whether it has the right to engage in one or another activity. Therefore, the check OGRN - one of the important initial stages of work with contractors.

So how do you know the authenticity of a given registration number? There are three ways:

  1. Send an official request to the Federal Tax Service. There are two minuses: the action is paid (payment of state duty is required) and long in time. But at the same time, plus: you will receive the most accurate and complete data.
  2. Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service. If the organization is registered, entered in the register, then information about it will be presented in the corresponding open lists.
  3. The authenticity of the number can also be checked using arithmetic operations with a check digit, which we have already talked about.
    ogre abbreviation

PSRN certificate

One of the main constituent documents of the organization is precisely the certificate confirming that the legal entity has a PSRN. It determines the activities of the company, will be the primary basis for any other registration paper.

Certificate OGRN (tax service - the place of its initial issue) - a document with the main sections:

  • Registration number itself.
  • Date of compilation of the document, making an entry on the legal entity in the register.
  • Name of registered organization - full and abbreviated.
  • Information about the tax office that issued the certificate.
    ogre organization

If the certificate is lost ...

Since the organization is determined by the OGRN, then such a number is assigned to it once and for all. Why the loss of evidence is an unpleasant thing, but not a terrible one. If this happens, you just need to order a duplicate of it.

The procedure begins with the payment of state duty - today it is about 800 rubles. It is much more reasonable to transfer funds from the current account of the company - it significantly speeds up the verification. If the organization was registered before 2002 (when the PSRNs were not yet introduced), then the amount of the duty is specified directly with the employees of the local tax office.

Details of the branch of the Federal Tax Service for the transfer of funds can be found in two ways:

  1. Directly at the tax office.
  2. On the official website of the Federal Tax Service in the section "Payment details of your inspection."

For deduction of payment, the standard form is filled out:

  • name of company;
  • region code, locality;
  • r / s;
  • OKATO;
  • BIC;
  • TIN and so on.
ogrn tax

After the fee has been paid, a copy is created in 2 copies to the head of the local registration authority of the Federal Tax Service on the issuance of a duplicate of the certificate of assignment of the OGRN. The paper should indicate:

  • Name of company.
  • INN
  • BIN.
  • Address.
  • Contact number.

Such a statement is submitted only in person. The representative of the organization must also have an identification document with him and a receipt of the paid state duty.

The duplicate will be ready in just five business days. You can pick it up personally by presenting your passport. As you can see, the procedure is very simple, so trusting it with companies offering to restore this certificate for you is a waste of money.

OGRN - a unique number of each legal entity (OGRNIP - entrepreneur) in Russia. It helps to identify the company, to verify the legality of its activities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C43988/

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