How to march correctly? Simple lessons

Ultimately, almost everyone has to learn to march - one must be able to step in formation in the army, in military educational institutions, and even just in schools at ceremonial or sporting events. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in how to raise a leg and where to put it. However, this type of walking implies its own rules, which must be adhered to.

How to march correctly

We must start with the fact that the rules of the special technique of marching are different for different types of troops - land, navy, marines, air forces, students, marching bands and flagmen. However, the basic rules laid down in the step technique are still the same for everyone. Marching begins with a stand "at attention" - a person’s feet touch only with their heels, while the socks are spread apart at an angle of about 45 degrees.

how to march correctly

The body position is even, without stoop, the head is slightly raised, the gaze is directed forward. Hands should be extended at the sides, and the fingers of the hands are slightly clenched - but not into a fist. When the position is "quietly" accepted, you should expect the command "step march." These two words also have their own meaning: “step” is a preliminary command, “march” is an executive. The next stage is marching in the ranks.

Marching together

How to march with a marching step? The forward movement begins with the left foot. By the way, there is a secret in what shoes you should march. Knocking the heel on the ground helps to count out a certain rhythm, which is easier to follow in the ranks. During the movement, the hands should also "walk" in a certain way - back and forth freely, without tension. The fingers are slightly bent, not tightly pressed.

how to march correctly

And now the main thing is how far you need to raise your hand. Here there will already be some differences. Soldiers belonging to the infantry troops raise their hand forward by 20 centimeters. After that, the arm is retracted 15 centimeters to the side (not back) at each step. The naval infantry, air force, navy, while walking, raise their hand by 15 centimeters, then moving it away to the side by only 7.5 centimeters.

Army march

Now we learn how to march in the army. Drill line is trained in a special, well-developed technique. It is worth knowing that after exercise the legs will hurt very badly. So, the leg rises right 90 degrees and is held in this position for 5 minutes. When lowering the leg, you need to keep the foot parallel to the ground, in contact with which a small clap will be heard - this is also one of the important points of the drill step. After the left leg has lowered, the right one immediately rises. The technique is the same - right at 90 degrees, hold for 5 minutes, lower with a foot parallel to the ground, with the resulting characteristic sound after touching. When the right leg rises, the right hand is pulled back to failure.

how to march in school

The left arm at this time is bent at the elbow, and the fist is at chest level. When the left leg rises, the left hand goes back all the way, and the right, bent at the elbow, rises to the level of the chest.

Stride speed

The line step has a certain speed. With normal marching per minute, 110-120 steps are taken, with a relative step length of 70-80 centimeters. A significant difference is one of the varieties of combat walking - the "Prussian" step (ceremonial). With it, the leg is not moved forward by 15-20 centimeters, as in the usual drill step, but rises almost to the formation of a right angle relative to the body. The speed of the "Prussian" step will be much less - no more than 75 steps per minute. The main difference of the “Prussian” step is that it requires great physical effort and it takes him much longer to study than usual marching. This type of walking has great disciplinary and educational value for soldiers, being a symbol of ideal discipline and order.

how to march in the army

How to march correctly, they are taught in ordinary schools.

Drill step in school

Teachers of physical education teach the right way to march at school (if we are talking about secondary schools, and not about military departments). Pupils usually go to ceremonial or sporting events. Of course, children are far from a soldier’s bearing, but the basics of the right combat step are still laid in memory. When marching, it is imperative to keep your posture, trying to imitate military bearing. The movements should be fast and accurate, the chin should be raised, it is strictly forbidden to turn your head around - you should only look forward all the time. There are still points to be aware of how to learn how to march correctly. One of them is the use of peripheral vision, which helps to step in line with those who march on the right and left sides.

What you need to know more

There are also subtleties in how to march correctly. In order not to collide with the one in front, and also not become an obstacle for the marching from behind, it is necessary to clearly maintain the distance. Its value is the distance of the outstretched arm.

how to learn how to march correctly

It is necessary to move synchronously, as a whole, clearly repeating each other's movements. Also, do not forget about the teams. With the executive phrase “stop”, you need to take another, last step with your left foot and put the right foot to it in such a way as to return to the “attention” position again. So, what is the most important thing about how to march correctly? This is endurance, attentiveness, synchronism, clarity and utmost concentration.


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