Mongolian vodka: its varieties and features

People invented alcohol in ancient times. And there is no limit to its diversity. From a light sweet wine to a burning seventy-degree absinthe, brightly giving off with bitterness wormwood. Each country in the world has its own original drink, which is made from what is abundant in this particular area.

In those countries that nature endowed with stormy vegetation, alcohol is made from various fruits and berries, where cold prevails on the earth, honey, starch products and cereals are used to make mash.

Vodka with ice

Visionary nomads

Only the population of the steppe plains was left without forest rich in berries and fertile meadows. But these people have found a way to solve this problem. Indeed, for nomads, the main activity has always been cattle breeding, so they always had plenty of milk. Alcoholic products in koumiss have become very popular. The country of Mongolia is famous for strong strong drinks.

Country mongolia

This nation is truly unique. A people who love to drink are left without the main raw materials for alcohol production. After all, agriculture and horticulture are completely uncharacteristic of them. The usual alcoholic drinks, such as wine, beer and even standard vodka, are closed to them. But even in this situation, they found a way out and began to produce alcohol from milk.

What is Arak

This drink is hard to call Mongolian vodka, since its strength usually does not exceed thirty degrees. It is based on koumiss, that is, fermented mare's milk. The technology is almost the same as any strong alcohol.

Production technology

Braga, that is, in this case, koumiss, whose fortress is five to six degrees, is distilled through a distillation apparatus. As a rule, this procedure is not repeated, because during the secondary distillation the fortress rises to forty degrees, and the traditional arak is weaker.

Milk in a decanter

By the way, this drink is produced not only in the country of Mongolia. Its production is carried out in the Middle East, Southeast Europe and Central Asia. But in other countries, milk is not used to make the drink. Arak can be rice, grape, date and even palm.

Who invented arak

It is believed that Iraq is the birthplace of Araq. This is what the Iraqis themselves say, and all over the world they are already accustomed to think so. In fact, this fact is not confirmed by historical data.

Interesting: everyone who was lucky enough to drink this drink will say that it is impossible to drink it, without sweating. Why this happens is unknown. But the translation of a word from arak from Arabic is sweat or sweat.

What is archie

This Mongolian vodka is 38-40 degrees strong. At the heart of the production of the drink is also milk, but only now goat.

The technology is the same. Fermented milk is converted into alcohol using a distillation apparatus.

Although this drink is quite strong, it practically does not feel alcohol. It looks more like a milkshake. It is not customary to have a bite, but archives are served in bowls or cups. This Mongolian vodka is very easy to drink, but we must not forget about the amount of alcohol in it. That is why the archie has a second name - "cunning vodka."

This drink in Mongolia is produced in full swing, one might say, at the state level. In excess, you can find this vodka in the stores of this country. There are even certain elite species. Genghis Khan himself became their symbol. It was he who, according to legend, gave his subjects a distillation apparatus. Such an archi fully complies with generally accepted standards both in the quality of the drink and in the design of the bottle.

Vodka "Soyembo"

This drink has been produced since 2007 and is considered super premium. The first batch of such Mongolian vodka was made exclusively for the domestic market, and immediately made a splash. International experts attributed it to international alcohol. Now Soyembo is produced in small batches and mainly for export.

Glasses with vodka

Its strength is almost the same as that of classic vodka - 39.5 degrees. The color is crystal clear, and the taste is velvety, sweet with spicy notes. In the aftertaste, citrus tones are pronounced. This Mongolian vodka has a unique complex aroma, which contains anise, fresh bread, dark chocolate, and even pepper.

Before use, the drink should be cooled to six to seven degrees. It is recommended to drink in pure form with the addition of ice, and it is also part of various cocktails.

This noble drink is perfect for hot meat dishes, mushrooms in white sauce, as well as sautéed vegetables.

Soyembo is being released by APU. This manufacturer makes not only alcohol, but also soft drinks. Thanks to its high quality, Mongolian vodka now creates a worthy competition to Western brands. Not for nothing that the drink is exported to the United States, South Korea, China, EU countries and Russia.

Soimbo is produced from environmentally friendly wheat, which is grown in the Selenginsky district of Mongolia. Alcohol undergoes a six-fold distillation. After this, the drink is allowed to rest for five days, then the most complicated cleaning procedure takes place. Further, alcohol from a mountain source is added to alcohol.


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