Watering potatoes and its effect on productivity

Potato has a poorly developed root system, therefore, it is in great need of oxygen. The best air and moisture exchange is carried out in a sufficiently moist and loose soil. However, prolonged watering of potatoes leads to waterlogging and the death of the root system. Therefore, looking for a site for planting, it is better to choose light soils that retain friability for a long time, which will not float after precipitation, will have a neutral or slightly acid reaction and contain at least 2% humus. If the soil is heavy, organic fertilizers must be added to it. And in heavily waterlogged soils, the plant is cultivated with ridges or ridges to avoid rhizoctonia and bacterial diseases.

watering potatoes


An equally important part of plant care is watering it. How often to water the potatoes to prevent its overmoistening? After potatoes are planted and before emergence, the plant is not watered, since during this period the root system is formed , which, with comfortable humidity, can branch out well and penetrate deep into the soil. If the soil is waterlogged, the roots will be located at insufficient depth, which will subsequently affect the ability of the plant to produce moisture and adversely affect development.

how to water potatoes
As soon as the first seedlings appeared and bushes formed, the plant begins to consume more water, but you should not overdo it with watering. The main signal for irrigation is the dried topsoil up to 6 centimeters deep. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening to prevent evaporation of moisture. As soon as the lower leaves become noticeable, it is immediately necessary to water the potatoes. The plant will need the largest amount of water during budding and flowering. It is important to provide him with a sufficient amount of moisture to prevent the germination of young tubers and not to dig out subsequently a pea-sized vegetable. The tops also dry in the month of August, during the period of drought and lack of rainfall. To reduce the temperature of the soil, you need to water the potatoes, thereby extending the growing season, which means to help increase the yield.

Watering Rules

A very important question: how to water potatoes? In the first watering, each hundred square meters of land must be provided with a water norm of about 300 liters, and in the next - about 500 liters. To moisten the soil, it is better to use not cold, but the so-called "summer" water, which is preheated in barrels.

how often to water potatoes

Watering potatoes is possible only in the morning or in the evening. Irrigation of light lands should be done much more often than heavy ones, while not allowing the formation of a dense crust on the ground and from time to time loosening the earth. During irrigation, under no circumstances can you direct a stream of water directly onto the potato bush, but it is better to use a sprayer for the hose. No need to water the plant before harvesting - it can do much harm. If desired, you can make drip irrigation of potatoes, which significantly reduces water consumption, can be combined with top dressing and for a long time maintains the necessary moisture content of the soil. The use of this equipment very well affects the yield, but the price of such plants is quite high.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44002/

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