Characteristics of steel 65x13: properties, hardness. Reviews about 65x13 steel knives

In modern metallurgy, a huge amount of steel is used. Their characteristics, as well as the variety of nomenclature, are truly immense. However, in different industries there are still the most common and most popular varieties of this material, which are used for rather specific needs.

steel specifications 65x13
For example, the characteristics of 65x13 steel suggest its use as a material for the production of excellent knives. Why are we so categorical? To find out, you can read this article.

Steel. Stainless steel features

If it is very simplified, then steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. A lot of carbon - cast iron, a little - tin. The "middle" state can be called steel. Its various types are determined not only and not so much by the proportions of iron and carbon, but by alloying with various additives and impurities that give different properties to steel.

The properties of alloys depend both on the chemical components that make up their composition, and on the technological conditions of production. Sometimes steel is made composite when it consists of several layers of different grades, or damask, when the material has several hundred layers (of the same grade). The material may contain the following additional components:

  • If the total volume of the additive does not exceed 1.5%, then we are talking about modifiers that contribute to improving the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of this category of materials. More than 1.5% are alloying additives that make steel corrosion resistant.

  • Carbon. This element, as we said, is present in all varieties of alloys, giving them rigidity and strength. Its excess turns steel into cast iron.

Brief characteristics of knife steels

In general, in addition to iron, their composition always includes carbon and chromium. Note that the carbon in steel for knives cannot be less than 0.5%. Experts believe that the optimal content is 1%. Steels that already contain 1.25% carbon become very hard, but extremely brittle. If there is a need to create such a material, then vanadium and molybdenum are included in its composition.

However, there are also damask steels, which generally contain 1.5-2% carbon (up to 4% in some cases). Their strength and flexibility is determined by the special technology of forging and hardening.

Main alloying components

steel 65x13
Chromium. This additive is necessary to give the material resistance to wear, as well as for the possibility of hardening. Of course, chrome makes steel really stainless. But this kind of material refers to this category only, which contains at least 13% of this additive. In fairness, it is worth noting that almost any steel is subjected to corrosion: it all depends only on the operating conditions and the presence / absence of care for the product.

Manganese Gives the material a grain and a special texture, which contributes to a sharp increase in the strength characteristics of the blade, as well as its rigidity. There is the concept of “deoxidized steel”, which applies to those alloys that have been improved by the addition of manganese. Note that the characteristics of steel 65x13 (stiffness, relative hardness) are due to the presence of this particular type of additives.

Molybdenum. An extremely important element, as it prevents brittleness and brittleness of the blade, the material for the manufacture of which contains too much carbon. It is important to note that steels “hardened in air” have at least 1% molybdenum in their composition, due to which this type of hardening generally becomes possible. Some people believe that it is this additive that gives the alloy toughness and hardness.

Nickel Firstly, it serves to impart viscosity to the alloy. Secondly, it is also an alloying additive that protects steel from corrosion. In general, the combination of these qualities is very similar to molybdenum.

Silicon Oddly enough, but it is used to give the blade of the knife elasticity. In some respects, its properties are similar to those of manganese.

Tungsten It is extremely popular with manufacturers of elite knives, as it is used to dramatically increase the product's resistance to wear. It also gives the steel special hardness and resistance to even extreme high temperatures. If tungsten is combined with molybdenum or chromium, the material becomes “quick cut”. A small digression: tungsten, nickel and molybdenum are the key additives not only in the manufacture of knife steel, but also in the production of tank armor. Without these elements it is impossible to get a really high quality.

Vanadium Like many of the above additives, it gives steel hardness and strength. It is extremely important in the manufacture of fine-grained alloys. It is used not only for the manufacture of knife steels, but also for the development of the same tank armor.

Some believe that nitrogen should also be attributed to additives, but this point of view is incorrect: the fact is that it enters the alloy from air, and does not exert any influence on its characteristics in the least.


Nitrogen, like some other elements, is always present in the composition of steel. Such elements are called ballast elements. However, from time to time they are nevertheless purposefully added to the composition of the alloy, since some of them can improve its performance. Some (sulfur and phosphorus, for example) should not be present in the alloy at all: their content is limited by numerous standards.

Why did we all paint this? The fact is that you should clearly understand the general characteristics of knife steels, since many of them are very specific, a little like, for example, the alloys used to make boilers or something like that. So, in some cases, the steel grade 65x13, the properties of which will be described in detail below, because of the high content of phosphorus and sulfur becomes completely unsuitable for the manufacture of knives.

Which steel is best for making knives?

steel 65x13 reviews
So which brand is best for making knives? The question is very provocative, since there are thousands of answers and there is no consensus (and there can be no one). Much depends on the method of hardening and refinement. Even excellent steel can be turned into a piece of slag, hardening it incorrectly. Experts believe that the most suitable for most conditions are knives made according to a composite scheme: with carbide “cheeks” and a mild steel core.

However, this is all the lyrics, since we are interested in the brand of material. Today we will consider steel 65x13, since in 97% of cases it is used by domestic knife manufacturers.

General information

This is the most common and common domestic steel, suitable for the production of knives. The letter “X” in the middle of the name indicates that the material contains chromium, which makes it resistant to corrosion. Most often, this steel is used in the manufacture of medical instruments and equipment for the food industry. Knives from it also turn out to be of quite decent quality, although some argue that they blunt quite quickly.

What is special about steel grade 65x13? It is believed that the knives from it really never rust (if you do not take into account the aggressive chemical environment). It is not surprising that almost the entire range of domestic knives is made from this material. It should be noted that the characteristics of steel 65x13 are very close to the American brand 425mod. With good hardening, both materials show excellent results.


Oddly enough, but even domestic knife lovers sometimes diametrically disagree on the hardness of this steel. Someone considers it to be “soft”, while others claim its “high hardness” or “medium” characteristics. So how are things in reality? First, let's talk about general concepts.

All over the world, Rockwell units are used to interpret hardness, for the designation of which there is the generally accepted designation HRc. It should be noted that the most optimal for knives is an indicator of 40 to 60 units, and steel with a hardness of 52 to 58 units is best suited for a working tool. If the manufacturer claims 60 or more Hrc, you should be on your guard: this is either an extra-class product, or a banal divorce of a potential buyer.

So what are the characteristics of steel 65h13? Experts say that with competent hardening, its hardness is 56-59 HRC. Softness here and does not smell. So where did the tales that this steel is mild and quickly wear out come from? Everything is simple.

65x13 reviews
The point here is the banal culture of production. It often happens that unscrupulous manufacturers generally do not pay much attention to hardening and annealing. In addition, it also happens that 65x13 steel is not used at all, and 20x13 grade acts instead. Its quenching hardness is only 45-48 units. And this is how legends about the "softness" of steel appear, the real characteristic of which is 56-59 HRC Rockwell units!

In short, close the topic. Once and for all - steel 65x13 (reviews of knives from which we will consider below) is quite cheap and widespread, but at the same time solid (albeit not too high quality). Important! It is worth considering that it is not worthwhile to pour this material to a hardness of more than 57 Roxwell units at home, since such a blade can still begin to crumble under stress.

Other benefits

The working edge of such blades is not prone to chipping even with intensive use, and the knife will hold both strong bends and impacts well. Due to the absence of high-quality alloying additives in the steel, the blade will blunt quite quickly, but it can also be sharpened quickly. Of course, due to the same lack of additives, the tribological properties of this brand have become not too good, but they are much better than similar indicators of really soft varieties.

But experienced tourists and just lovers of knives talk about another advantage of this alloy and knives from it. Since in the composition of this material there are practically no alloying additives that would provide increased strength (more on this below), the geometric configuration of the knife can be absolutely any. This 65x13 (reviews say the same) compares favorably with “professional” steel grades with which this approach will not work.

The chemical composition of steel

Remember what we talked about at the very beginning of the article? We discussed various additives that may be present in knife material. What does steel 65x13 have? The reviews indicate that this material does not belong to the elite category, and there is a simple explanation for this. To make it easier to understand, just check out the table below.


















That is the difference between steel 65h13. Characteristics (reviews depend on them directly) indicate that of all alloying additives in this case, only chromium is in sufficient quantity. This provides excellent corrosion resistance. The relatively strong abrasion and the need for frequent sharpening is explained by the lack of specialized additives.

Important! The table shows that in the brand 65x13 (reviews of which we are considering) there is little sulfur and phosphorus. But! The store shelves are full of Chinese crafts, which are made (as it were) from this steel, which already includes more than 0.06% sulfur and phosphorus. This is very bad, since the hardness of 65x13 further enhances the negative effects of these garbage impurities.

Firstly, the Chinese already often overheat a knife. Accordingly, this leads to chipping of the blade. Secondly, such a high content of these harmful impurities leads to a sharp increase in the risk of cold fracture of the knife, even under moderate loads. By the way, the occurrence of the overwhelming majority of negative reviews depends on this nuance.

steel 65x13 characteristics knife
In a word, we once again explain some of the attacks to which steel 65x13 is subjected (characteristics). A knife made of Chinese alloy, even if the name of this brand is etched on it, should not be taken seriously! Unfortunately, many inexperienced tourists, fishermen and hunters completely forget about the manufacturer, preferring to blame the steel blade on the brand itself , although it has nothing to do with it.

Knife reviews

As you may have noticed, there are enough opinions about knives from this alloy. Moreover, a lot of both positive and purely negative reviews. The reasons for those and others, we pretty much considered in detail above, and therefore we will not dwell on general points. Let's talk about individual knives made of this steel, which are especially common among domestic fishermen, mushroom pickers and hunters.


General characteristics are as follows:

  • The total length is 23.5 centimeters.

  • The length of the blade itself is 11.5 centimeters.

  • The blade width is 28 mm.

  • The thickness of the blade is 2.8 mm.

The knife is equipped with a relatively thick handle (3.3 cm), which lies comfortably in the hand and does not slip, even if a person sweats. Other specifications vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. So, in some cases, the blade is etched in the form of a bear, while other manufacturers do not practice this.

As a rule, there is no guard on the blade, but many manufacturers additionally stipulate the possibility of its installation (even from precious metals). In all cases, the handle is made of walnut, but the method of attachment is different (common riveting is common).

However, this is not what interests us. What is interesting for a knife 6513 “Bear” for buyers, how do people who have already made a purchase respond to it? First of all, they like the price: from 1350 rubles in the “basic configuration”, without frills and precious metals in decoration. For this amount, judging by the reviews, you get a wonderful knife for outdoor activities, which in the field can be sharpened almost "about pebbles."

Since the length of the blade fits into police standards, the Bear is not a melee weapon. Many people like the simple, without sharp and winding lines, geometry of the cutting part. The knife is easy to care for. It is important when buying to pay attention to whether a particular manufacturer has stinted on a normal varnish for the handle. Judging by the reviews, this is often saved. In addition, we strongly recommend choosing a model with a guard: for some manufacturers, the handle is not in very good shape, and therefore, a hand smeared with blood or fat can slip on the cutting edge.

For the same reason, we recommend buying a “Bear” with a birch bark handle, since the hand practically does not slip on it.


Another member of the knife zoo. Unlike the previous variety, it is officially chopping. As in the previous case, a drawing can be applied to the blade. The possible names of the tree for the handle are much wider: from the same nut to wenge and other exquisite species. The Tiger knife 65x13 itself has the following characteristics:

  • The total length is 27 centimeters.

  • The blade is 14.5 centimeters.

  • The width of the blade, which is 42 mm, is noteworthy.

  • Includes leather scabbard.

As you can see, the dimensions of this knife are much larger than those of the Bear. That is why it is especially popular with fishermen and hunters who prefer long trips into the forest: judging by the reviews, people are impressed by the long blade, which is convenient for carving the prey. Like all other 65x13 steel knives, it dies relatively quickly during heavy use, but it is sharpened just as quickly. At the same time, as in the previous quality, it is often possible to do with the simplest devices.

knife 65x13 bear
In some cases, manufacturers for the sake of attracting “aesthetes” make absolutely exotic things with this knife. For example, you can meet the "Tiger" with a coating of titanium and tungsten spraying, and gold-plated blades are offered by almost all manufacturers. That's just the practical value of such knives is close to zero.

Experienced users say that the spraying (under the condition of real operation) will in any case be worn and chipped. As a result, the knife will look like a panda: the alternation of whole and stripped sections of the blade does not look very aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the price of such knives is appropriate: if the usual "Tiger" costs around 1800 rubles, then the "sophisticated" options, it happens, are already sold for 10 thousand, or even more expensive.

Speaking of manufacturers. Who especially succeeded in 65x13 steel? Kizlyar is a particularly well-established manufacturer. So to say, "number of times" according to buyers. Experienced knife lovers argue that it is the Kizlyar Tigers and Bears that are distinguished by the most optimal price-quality ratio.

What other knives are made of steel 65x13? What model reviews are most impressive?


This model, as the name implies, is aimed at hunting lovers. The knife is characterized by straight, somewhat rough forms. Great for skinning and butchering medium-sized game. Key features are as follows:

  • The total length is 25.8 centimeters.

  • The length of the blade is 13.6 centimeters.

  • The width of the knife varies, depending on the manufacturer, from 4.2 to 4.6 centimeters.

  • The thickness of the blade is 3.0 mm.

Like other varieties, it can be produced in decorated versions, when precious metals and precious woods are used for decoration. However, the usual Hunter knife 65x13 is no different from the "elite" variety (except for the price, of course). And the usual variety costs about one and a half thousand rubles.

What attracts potential buyers to this knife? Firstly, reviews indicate an attractive appearance. Secondly, customers are impressed by the geometry of the blade, ideal for hunting purposes. Is there any other 65x13 knife worthy of the attention of a professional? There are, of course.

The Knight

The most representative of all the knives examined. Here are its main features:

  • Total length - 31.5 centimeters.

  • The length of the blade is 19.5 centimeters.

  • The width of the blade is 32 mm.

  • The thickness of the knife is 4.5 mm.

The material, as in all other cases, is steel 65x13. Characteristics: the Knight Knight, as we have already noticed, is distinguished by its elegant, sophisticated appearance. On a long blade, tapering to the base, the logo of a particular manufacturer is etched with gold. In general, the knife looks very much like a dagger or even a Roman gladius.

Buyers note that it should not be used in the field, as a beautiful appearance may well suffer from harsh environmental conditions. In addition, the cost of about 10 thousand rubles somehow does not contribute to the use of Vityaz for cutting fish or meat, not to mention the “quiet hunt” for mushrooms. But this is a great gift for connoisseurs.

hardness 65x13
That is the difference between knife steel 65h13. As you can see, at a relatively low price it has very worthy characteristics, which makes it possible to make excellent working blades from this material that do not rust, do not crumble, and can be sharpened with almost any bar. This ensures their wide distribution among domestic fishermen and hunters.


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