Delicious sockeye salmon fish: how to cook it in different ways

One of the most expensive species of red fish is sockeye salmon. How to cook it and not spoil the precious product? This question worries those housewives who do not so often enjoy such delicacies. Immediately we hasten to reassure them: sockeye salmon - the fish is not "capricious". And you can cook it in any way that is only invented by mankind for fish. And worry about how to cook sockeye salmon tasty, too, is not worth it: any culinary decision will certainly be successful. This fish does not taste bad.

sockeye salmon how to cook

Fish under the lemon

Most recipes tell you how to cook sockeye salmon in the oven. This is not surprising: baking is one of the most successful ways of processing fish. And lemon is a very traditional ingredient in fish dishes. As for sockeye salmon, the recipe will look like this. The carcass is cut into fillets or steaks. The oven sheet is slightly smeared, pieces of sockeye salmon are laid out on it. A melted piece of butter with lemon juice is mixed in a cup. This composition is doused with fish, sprinkled with salt, pepper and dill (in the summer - fresh, in winter and dry is suitable). If you are not against garlic, you can add it (it is preferable to take dried). Thin slices of lemon are laid out over the carcass, and the pan is put into the oven for about 25 minutes.

sockeye fish how to cook

Roast tomato sauce

The most interesting thing about this recipe is the method of making gravy, in which sockeye salmon fish will be stewed. How to make such a sauce? To do this, two red large onions and a couple of cloves of garlic are chopped, put into a bowl, sprinkled with olive oil and put in a heated oven for about ten minutes. During this time, it will be necessary to mix a couple of times. In parallel with tomatoes (0.5 kg), the skin is peeled, they are chopped and poured into a mold with their juice, a teaspoon of fresh lemon peel and half a spoon of fennel. The resulting sauce is enough for a kilogram of fish. It is cut, rubbed with pepper and salt and dipped in gravy. After 10 minutes, if the carcass was not too well-fed, you can carry the fish to the table.

Bake with cheese

Another recipe for the tender and juicy sockeye salmon fish. How to cook meat with cheese crust? After washing, the carcass is dried, traditionally rubbed with pepper and salt and laid out in a mold. For about 20 minutes, it is baked right in this form until it is slightly browned, and then it is covered with cheese chips and returned to the oven for another 10 minutes. The method is simple, almost primitive, and the result is impressive.

how to cook sockeye in foil

Sockeye in foil

Foil is a unique invention of mankind. Thanks to her, cooking was enriched by a mass of absolutely wonderful recipes. There is, among them, a way to cook sockeye in foil. Not too big carcass, peeled, gutted and washed, cut into two halves along the ridge, salted, seasoned with at least pepper, but other spices can be added, sprinkled with lemon. Each part is placed on different pieces of foil and coated with light mayonnaise. You can stop there, but it will be tastier if you put onion rings on half the carcasses. The foil folds tightly, and the sockeye salmon goes to the oven for half an hour. Delicate and fragrant results guaranteed!

Spicy sockeye salmon in a sleeve with vegetables

The culinary sleeve is no less useful in baking. The sockeye salmon will be good in it. How to cook it using a sleeve? There are many recipes. One of the most successful is the one by which it is cooked with a side dish, that is, baked with vegetables. The cut carcass is cut into portioned pieces and salted. Potatoes are cut into large cubes, carrots - in circles, onions - in half rings. The ratio of vegetables is to your taste and in accordance with the size of the fish. All slices are sprinkled with herbs. Provens are quite suitable, but you can make your own mixture. Vegetables and fish are mixed in a sleeve, it is tied, pierced for steam to escape, and cleaned in a hot oven for half an hour.

how to cook sockeye salmon in the oven

Salted sockeye salmon

Do not forget about how delicious salted red fish, including sockeye salmon. How to cook it yourself? Easy and pretty fast. To begin with, decide if you will be pickling it whole or with steaks. The second option is much faster. A brine is made of 350 g of salt (per 1 liter of water) and two tablespoons full of sugar. It would be nice to add bay leaf and different types of pepper to it. In order for the aroma to go into water, brine boils. But they need to be filled with fish when it cools down. Sockeye salmon is placed in a container, covered with brine, crushed by cargo and cleaned in the cold. The time she spends there depends on how salty fish you like. For salted enough days, for a strong ambassador - two.

how to cook sockeye salmon tasty

The best side dish for fried sockeye salmon

Let us first dwell on how sockeye salmon is fried. How to prepare a side dish, we will describe a little later. There are no special subtleties here. You can simply fry the steaks in vegetable oil, pre-salt and pepper them. You can make a batter. In this case, only whites are whipped with flour - it tastes better. In principle, sockeye salmon are fried in the same way as other fish. And the garnish will add an extra touch to this dish. For it, ordinary white cabbage is taken, finely chopped and scalded with boiling water. Two small pickles are cut into circles, and a small onion into rings. The kernels of six walnuts are chopped and fried a little in a dry skillet. All components are combined, supplemented with a jar of canned corn, flavored with salt and pepper, seasoned with low-fat mayonnaise. The best side dish for fried sockeye salmon does not come up!


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