The benefits of walking for women: norm, effect on the body, reviews

Those who want to put their body in order will always find a way to do this. Some are looking for excuses: the fitness center is closed, today is a day off, I got sick, etc. Nevertheless, the most affordable way to put your health and body in order is to start intensive walks. What is the use of walking for women, what you need to know about this sport and how not to harm your health?

benefit walking for women reviews

Running or walking?

Experts agree that these two disciplines on the principle of action are almost the same. The same muscles and joints work. Only people with greater stamina and preparedness can take up running.

If the benefits of walking for women (reviews will be given later) are achieved, there may be a need to switch to faster discipline. No matter how intense the walk, the body can develop a habit and not get the load that is required. Go on a run should be in the absence of excess weight. Otherwise, the cardiovascular system and joints are harmed.

According to doctors, an hour-long intensive walk will bring more benefits than running for 30 minutes.

The benefits of walking

According to the British Department of Health, 10 thousand steps need to be taken per day. The Japanese do not wait for such statements and move all the time on foot. That is why they live up to 82 years (on average). The Russians are better off driving a car, and sports equipment will be hidden in the far corner. Therefore, they live up to 67 years.

The advantage of walking is to maintain the normal functioning of the body. The use of walking for the heart has been proven: the risk of getting sick is reduced for those who walk at least 3 km a day. The level of bad cholesterol decreases, and for women aged walks become the salvation and prevention of osteoporosis.

Thanks to intensive walking training, you can not only maintain muscle mass, but also increase it with some variations.

The use of walking for the spine has been proven. The fact is that thanks to such training, the joints become stronger. Walking prevents salt deposits and arthrosis.

Walking for weight loss

There can be many reasons to start hiking. Everyone has her own. It is important for someone to maintain their health through a walk of 10 thousand steps. Someone wants to lose weight.

The benefit of walking for women for weight loss is that there is no need to go to the gym and exercise there until exhaustion, under the strict guidance of the trainer. Hard diets also disappear, although nutrition needs to be balanced.

the benefits of walking for women to lose weight

Doctors recommend starting with a speed that is comfortable for the body. However, "turtle" walks will not help to achieve a slim figure for those who are obese. Yes, the soul will be comfortable, overall well-being will improve, but no more. Fitness instructors are of the opinion that the pace of movement should be at the limit of possibilities. Only in this case can we achieve results. The arguments of the latest version are as follows:

  • Slow walking will lead to fatigue, a person will not see the results and quit the thankless task.
  • Professional walkers lose about 5 kg for every 50 km (at high speed).

To get rid of extra pounds, you must adhere to a speed of 6 km / h. The duration of the training at this pace is 45-60 minutes. If you do not change food, and take walks in this mode for a month, then 3-4 kg will leave without a twinge of conscience. If you combine a similar workout with a proper and balanced diet, the effect will be more pronounced.

Tips for losing weight

To the benefits of walking for women for weight loss was obvious, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • Walk at least 10 thousand steps or 6 km per day.
  • Walking should be done in comfortable shoes, for a long time and often.
  • The pace of walking should be intense. Trainers advise to overcome the first kilometer in 10 minutes. After building up the pace.
  • A step is made from heel to toe.
  • Hands and feet are synchronized. What does it mean? The right leg goes forward, the left hand - in the same direction.
  • The minimum walking time for losing weight is 45 minutes.
  • Fitness trainers are advised to take walks in the morning. It is at this time of day that fat is burned most actively. However, there is nothing to worry about if the walk takes place in the evening.
  • Do not use the elevator and go up the stairs. If possible, overcome the hilly sections of the path.
  • Develop the habit of walking. For 2 weeks, this is quite feasible.
  • In order to maximize the benefits of walking for weight loss, you need to do light gymnastics and stretch your joints before training.
  • During the walk, it is advisable not to stop.

Walking for those who are for ....

Older people also need to monitor their health. The benefits of walking for older women are accompanied by an improvement in overall well-being. During the walk, you must monitor the rhythm of the heart and breathing. If shortness of breath appears, you need to slow down. Speed ​​gradually increases as breathing resumes.

Elderly people need to walk for an hour with good health. The initial speed should not exceed 70 steps per minute. After 2 weeks, the pace increases. Its indicator reaches 110 steps. The benefits of such walks for people in old age is to relieve fatigue and eliminate stress.

the benefits of walking for the heart

Some may like Nordic walking. Such a sport is not just charging. Doctors call it a full-fledged physical therapy. It is even used in rehabilitation centers.

Healthy Walking Rules

These tips are not only for those who consider themselves a beginner, but also for those who are experienced in this kind of sport:

  • Engage in walking (like any kind of fitness) with a gradual increase in load. Experienced trainers recommend that you follow the implementation technique at the initial stage, and not at high speed. Otherwise, a burnout effect appears. First you need to strive for longer walks. In this mode, endurance appears.
  • In the future, it is necessary to increase the pace by reducing the time spent on training.
  • After 2-3 months, your pace can be brought to 110-120 steps per minute. The ideal speed coaches call progress to 130-140 units.
  • The benefits of walking for women are manifested when the sport is devoted an hour daily. The minimum below which you can not fall is three times a week for 45 minutes. If the break is more than 3 days, it is necessary to reduce the speed, and increase the duration of the walk.
what is the use of walking for women
  • Going for a walk immediately after a hearty breakfast or dinner is highly discouraged. After eating, 1.5 hours should pass (as in any sport).

Varieties of walking

If the benefits of walking for women have been proven by personal experience, then it is worth diversifying your workouts. To shape the buttocks and muscles of the abdomen and burn the most calories, you can take a closer look at a new kind of fitness. It is a walking race.

The technique of this style consists in frequent and short steps, speed and swiftness. Trainers note that the principle of this type of fitness is to step on an imaginary line, and hands should move back and forth like a pendulum.

An interesting option to diversify your workout is walking up. It doesn’t matter whether you go uphill or go up the stairs. Such training will strengthen the ankle and thigh muscles.

Another variation of walking: to go and strain the buttocks at the moment when the toe comes off the ground. It must be remembered that at this moment the lower back should be relaxed.

And finally, walking backwards. It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks. The position of the body is as follows: you cannot lean forward and stoop, hands are on the belt, and the stomach is pulled in. You need to be careful and attentive, since there may be pits or bumps on the track.

A few nuances

So that the result does not keep itself waiting and serious damage is not caused to health, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • Correct posture. What is meant? Straight back, shoulders laid back, inverted stomach and flat head position.
  • The leg “rolls” from heel to toe when walking. Why do you need to follow this rule? Firstly, the number of calories burned is doubled. Secondly, the load on the spine is reduced.
  • You need to look directly. Stepping forward and looking under your feet is wrong.
  • If walking is expected to be intense, then talking in the process is strictly prohibited. The breath should match the rhythm of the stride. Note: you need to breathe through your nose. Especially in winter, when the low temperature and gas contamination of city streets contribute to the development of diseases.
  • What is the use of walking if you do not control heart rate (heart rate). It is especially worth paying attention to those who have health problems. The intensity of the load decreases if there are tingling in the side or a person suffocates. In this case, the pace needs to be reduced, but do not stop going.
  • Light dyspnea is acceptable. This suggests that the body receives maximum load.
the benefits of walking for women

Feedback and Results

The question often arises, is there really any benefit from walking for women? Reviews clearly say yes. This is especially true for those who have lost weight through such training. Not everyone is allowed to run, but anyone can take intense walks (if there are no contraindications).

the benefits of walking for the spine

It turns out that the body is so drawn into this process that it then requires physical activity. For most, walking has become a pleasant habit, not a painful exercise.

What are the athletes who have traveled this way talking about?

  • Systematic walking contributes to the fact that the harmony of the figure is maintained.
  • Immunity becomes strong, and the body is less exposed to attacks of infections and viruses.
  • Sleep becomes full, and stress disappears.
  • The skeleton remains strong.
  • The cardiovascular system works correctly.
  • Blood pressure goes down. Systematic training allows you to get rid of the disease.
  • The mood always remains good.
  • The work of the lungs and respiratory muscles improves.
  • Systematic walking avoids a hereditary disease called diabetes.

Harm from walking

If a person wants to go in for sports, then walking is a great option. The benefits and harms must be correlated. To avoid accidental injuries, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • The speed of movement and activity of a novice athlete should be adequate according to his age, state of health and the presence of diseases.
  • The load should increase gradually.
  • The walk should continue until the first signs of fatigue.
  • Gradually increasing the pace, duration and intensity of the workout.
  • You should choose comfortable shoes with flexible thick soles.
  • The gaze is fixed at horizon level.
what are the benefits of walking

It is contraindicated to engage in walking for those who:

  • Cardiovascular pathology detected.
  • There is diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Heart rhythm disturbed.
  • There are chronic diseases of the excretory system, glaucoma, or retinal detachment.
  • There was a heart attack or stroke.
  • There are symptoms of SARS.

Interesting Facts

  • It was the Russian athletes who won gold medals at all Olympic distances.
  • When walkers swing their hips, they increase their speed. Although from the outside it looks unusual.
  • Professional athletes can go 30 km per day. In a week, they need to overcome at least 200 km.
  • The standard speed of an athlete of the highest category is 15 km / h. It exceeds the rate of ordinary walking by 3 times. The sprinter moves 2 times faster. A brassist can boast a speed 2 times less than that of a professional walker.

Walking is a universal remedy for maintaining the body. Thanks to walks, a person has a great opportunity to maintain his tone and improve health, reduce weight and increase self-esteem, meet new people or cheer up.


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