How to dye long hair: step by step instructions with photos

There are few girls who would not dye their hair at least once in their lives. Almost any female person wants to change her style. Hair coloring is available to everyone, the main thing is to understand what result is desired and, based on this, make a choice in favor of one or another type of coloring.

What is coloring for?

It is worth dwelling on the question of the necessity or unnecessary staining. If you want to change your image, for a start, weigh the pros and cons, because improper coloring can harm your hair.


  • gray hair masking;
  • hair treatment (if special professional paint is used);
  • color change;
  • flushing or painting over previous failed work.


  • damage to the hair structure (improper dyeing procedure or the use of low-quality products);
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • getting an unnecessary result;
  • it is not necessary to carry out independently until eighteen years.

Based on the pros and cons, we can conclude that coloring is necessary if you want:

  • paint over gray hair;
  • change color.

Tips before staining

Before understanding the question of how to dye long hair, you should familiarize yourself with some tips of girls who have already changed their hair color:

  1. Choose coloring only if you are unhappy with your color. Any such procedure, even using the best means, can harm your hair or lead to an undesirable result.
  2. Introduce yourself with the desired color. Before the procedure, it is best to look at yourself from the side. Change the color of the hair in the photo using Photoshop or try on a wig. This method will allow you to make a choice in favor of the most suitable option.
  3. Take an allergy test. The composition of paints and tonics includes various substances that can cause an unforeseen reaction, so you should not neglect the allergy test that paint manufacturers offer to do. To do this, follow the instructions that came with the paint. Usually you need to apply a small amount of the contents of the tube from the package to the area near the elbow.
  4. Choose colors that minimize hair damage. In order to correctly make such a choice, it is necessary to read information from manufacturers. Compare several options and choose the most suitable.
  5. Do not dye your hair if you feel unwell (e.g., headache, menstruation). It’s better to transfer everything to another, more suitable day, because even the smell of dyes can enhance poor health.
  6. It is impossible to carry out procedures too often to change the color of the hair, this can greatly harm them, the optimal interval is 3 months. Some paint manufacturers additionally provide recommendations on the timing of staining.
Dyeing long hair

Do not neglect these tips, as they really help many girls.

How to dye long hair

This is a very common question. In fact, dyeing long hair is not much different from dyeing medium or short hair. The main thing in this matter is a correctly selected technique that will allow you to comfortably carry out the procedure. The difficulty lies in the fact that the longer the hair, the faster you need to evenly coat them with paint, because the resulting color depends on it. It is best to provide this work to professionals, but you can try to deal with it at home.

The photo shows an example of how to dye long hair at home in stages.

Hair coloring

Before staining

Before dyeing long hair at home, you need:

  1. Calculate the required amount of paint (most likely you will need two or more packages).
  2. It is good to comb the hair, because it is long hair that tends to get tangled up frequently.
  3. Dress so that you can put colored hair on clothes, it is best to use a special wrap.
  4. Prepare clips or elastic bands to separate the hair into strands.
  5. Choose a well-lit and ventilated place.
  6. Carry out the procedure in front of the mirror, use gloves and brushes for staining.
  7. Read the instructions that came with the paint.

You should also decide on the type of staining - ombre, colored strands, gray hair coloring, color alignment, root staining or full.

You need to proceed to the procedure only when all means are ready.

Fashion in coloring

Any girl who wants to change her hair color thinks about how to dye long hair fashionably. In order to be in trend, you should consider some popular types of staining:

  • Highlighting and coloring. Coloring locks of hair.
  • Bronding is a combination of light and dark color (usually the top of the hair is darker and the bottom is lighter).
  • Ombre is a technique of soft transition from one's color to a painted one.
  • Balayazh. It resembles highlighting, which begins not from the roots of the hair, but closer to the middle.
Various hair coloring

Any painting technique will look elegant with the right execution, the main thing is to decide which image will suit the appearance.

Colored strands

For those who want to change the image, but do not want to completely change the color, there is a great option - multi-colored strands for hair. You can choose one color or several. This staining looks quite fresh and bold. Suitable for bright and active girls.

Dyeing colored strands

Of course, at home, such a procedure can only be done with tinting agents or colored crayons (before the first shampoo), since the girl’s arsenal hardly contains professional multi-colored paints that are difficult to get. Spray paints that are valid until the first rinse are now relevant, it is from them that you can make a luxurious option.

How to dye colored strands

To get the desired result, you should follow the sequence of steps.

Procedure progress:

  1. Determine the required number of strands.
  2. Separate them using rubber bands or clips.
  3. If possible, remove the remaining hair.
  4. We paint colored strands on long hair.
  5. Wash off according to the instructions.

Coloring the strands is a rather complicated process, since it is necessary to prevent their contact, so as not to mix colors. It is also worth noting the relatively high cost. You need to purchase several colors or shades, choose the most compatible ratio in order to look spectacular. Such a procedure is difficult to implement, but the result is worth the money. This solution is best suited for young girls with the right facial features.

Henna staining

Most often, this method of dyeing is used to "heal" the hair, because henna is a natural dye.

Types of henna:

  • Colorless. It does not have a coloring effect, it is used to treat hair, restore after perming. Gives volume, accelerates hair growth.
  • Colored. It has many different color options.
  • Basma (or black henna).

Even staining with such a natural dye should be carried out in compliance with certain rules. The optimal amount of henna should be applied, which is enough for staining, it is not necessary that it roll off the hair or lay on it with lumps. Before dyeing, it is best to lubricate the skin near the hairline with a greasy cream, so that when staining this skin area is not painted over.

Prepare the mixture in a bowl. The mixture must be filled with hot, but not boiling water, about 70-80 degrees. Apply the mass after cooling to 40-45 degrees. Just like with any other dyeing, a cloak on clothes will be required to protect it. It is best to apply gruel quickly before it cools and hardens. Uniform application will help to get a beautiful and rich color. After the waiting time for the action of henna (written on the package, on average 45 minutes) has elapsed, it must be washed off until the water becomes clear.

Long hair dyed with henna will regain its strength, become strong and healthy.

Orange Henna Staining

Pros and Cons of Henna Staining

Despite the fact that this type of dyeing is considered the most optimal and strengthening the hair structure, it still has both a positive and a negative side. Before use, you should familiarize yourself with the following information.

Pros of henna staining:

  • natural ingredients;
  • regulation of sebaceous gland activity, elimination of problems with oily scalp;
  • suitable for use at any age;
  • saturated color;
  • shine and shine.


  • unexpected result after application to previously dyed chemical paint hair;
  • after using henna, chemical paints can give an unexpected color;
  • does not paint over gray hair;
  • straightens curls.

Whether or not to choose such a coloring is up to the girl herself. It is worth evaluating all the pros and cons, given the fact of staining with chemical paints both earlier and in the future.

Ombre or delicate look

Girls who thought about how to dye their long hair must have heard of a dye method such as ombre. In essence, this method involves the presence of two or three colors (shades) that smoothly merge with each other. Mainly used dark and light color.

The question is how to dye ombre on long hair. The main thing is to do everything in stages.

How to dye long hair

Procedure progress:

  1. Separate the hair into strands for convenience, as shown in the picture.
  2. Start dyeing from the ends of the hair to the place where, in your opinion, the ombre should end.
  3. Dyed hair is wrapped in foil for about twenty minutes.
  4. Open the foil and apply the mixture a little higher than previously dyed hair (about three to five cm).
  5. Wrap with foil and leave for five to seven minutes.
  6. After the time has elapsed, wash off the coloring mixture with shampoo.

This method of coloring not only visually narrows the face and highlights the cheekbones, but also gives the image freshness. An undoubted plus is that with such coloring you can not do hairstyles, because the hair already looks well-groomed.

Interior or home staining

Many people have a question: how to dye long hair - in the salon or at home? Of course, professional staining is better and faster, but this is not always possible.

Before you start dyeing, it is best to see how professionals in hairdressing salons do it, read the instructions. The article provides step-by-step photos on how to dye long hair. The desired result can be achieved independently, if you clearly follow the instructions. The main thing is to choose the right paint, apply it as soon as possible and wash it off at the specified time.

Ombre on long hair

If you are ready to work independently on your appearance, then we dye long hair at home. The difficulty will lie mainly in the volume of work, so it is better to ask someone to help or optimize the procedure using a clear plan and organization of the work progress.

Coloring Reviews

Surely you heard advice from your girlfriends on how to dye long hair. Listen to their recommendations. They will help you avoid the most common mistakes.

How to dye long hair? In the reviews, the girls say that the first two times are the most difficult. Then experience comes, and the coloring process is faster and better. It is best to dye your hair with a girlfriend who will help to evenly apply the composition to the back of the head.

Is it worth it to dye your hair?

This is a moot point. Someone believes that dyeing only harms the hair, someone, on the contrary, believes that it gives them shine and radiance. In any case, it is up to the individual to decide. You need to sensibly evaluate the pros and cons, analyze the condition of your hair and consider the possible risks.


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