The best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don: overview

If the variety of places for recreation is confusing and you can’t make the final choice, you should give preference to institutions that many have appreciated. The best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don offer their visitors positive emotions that will be remembered for a long time. Some of them can be found in the article below.


Restaurant "Barcelona" is ideal for simple gatherings in the company of friends or family, and for large celebrations and celebrations. On the menu you can see dishes of European, Russian and Georgian cuisine. Also, visitors can enjoy simple homemade dinners at affordable prices, which will allow you to enjoy stewed cabbage or meat hodgepodge. This place offers services that contribute to a pleasant and relaxed vacation. Guests can take advantage of the extensive facilities that provide them with maximum comfort.

the best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don
For example, in the restaurant "Barcelona" you can take lunch with you or order its delivery to your home or office. Qualified employees can take care of organizing a banquet and, thanks to their skills, make it truly unforgettable. Spacious halls, quality service, attention and care for each guest - this is just a small list of why Barcelona should be included in the best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don.


A place called "Favorite" has already managed to win the hearts of its visitors. It opens a world of coziness, comfort and tranquility, from which I do not want to leave. In the restaurant, guests can stay in two rooms for 100 and 300 people, respectively. Everyone who crosses the threshold of this institution gets the opportunity to enjoy dishes of European and Georgian cuisine. The Favorit restaurant is one of the best restaurants in Rostov-Don.

the best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don
The reviews about this place speak for themselves. Many liked the opportunities provided in this institution. For example, those who arrive in their car can not worry about its safety and leave it in a free parking lot. The restaurant can also save a little in the process of organizing holidays and banquets, because guests are allowed to bring their fruits and soft drinks. “Favorite” is chosen by many for their cosiness, stylish interior design, modern musical equipment, the presence of a stage and a projector, delicious food and a friendly attitude from the staff.


The best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don are known to all residents of the city. Information about them is quickly distributed by a living chain and causes a desire to visit them and evaluate everything with their own eyes. Connoisseurs of good time open the doors of the Tet-a-Tet restaurant, where the rest updates and tunes for new achievements. An interesting interior in the style of retro classicism in calm, not flashy colors allows you to relax and forget about everyday problems. The trained personnel of the Tet-a-Tet restaurant will take care of the comfort of each visitor.

the best restaurants in rostov on don for a wedding
The chef of the establishment delights guests with culinary masterpieces of Russian and Oriental cuisine. Some of the options presented in the menu are his copyright ideas. The cooking speed, taste and appearance of the food instantly cause appetite and give gastronomic pleasure. Regular music and entertainment programs have long become a part of the institution, so such bright events will brighten up any meal. The best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don give visitors a new experience that they want to come back for, and Tet-a-Tet is no exception.

"Don Grove"

In the top of the list, which includes the best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don for a wedding or simple get-togethers, is “Don Grove” - a place that everyone talks about as an incredible and unique place.

the best restaurants in rostov don
It is chosen by visitors who believe that an important event should be celebrated as a luxurious celebration, which everyone will remember with admiration. The royal reception of each guest makes you feel special. Impeccable service, excellent cuisine based on Russian and European traditions, a large garden and park area and impressive landscape design, an atmosphere of noble life - this is all that you can wish for an unforgettable vacation and what the Don Don Grove restaurant gives its visitors.

Bir Hof

Reviews of restaurants in Rostov-on-Don can be very different, because the services they provide to their visitors differ in both content and quality. Many city dwellers talk about the Bir Hof establishment, where you can plunge into the atmosphere of fun and entertainment. It is a great example of how to connect a sports bar, restaurant and brewery at one point. Guests say that it’s hard to find a beer similar to the one brewed in the walls of this establishment. It received the name "Temernitskoe" and stands out for its unusual, rich taste. Next to it in the menu you can find foreign varieties.

reviews about restaurants in Rostov-on-Don
The "trick" of the Bir Hof restaurant is that it is sold with "meters" (3 liters each). Guests can also order advising snacks for a foamy drink or enjoy full-fledged dishes of author's European cuisine. A feature of the institution is also that some options are prepared on coals in a special oven from Spain. On weekends, the walls of the restaurant are saturated with sounds of live music from jazz and rock and roll groups, and on Saturdays a strong half of the population can take part in arm wrestling competitions.


Right on the banks of the Don River there is a place that is deservedly included in the best restaurants in Rostov-on-Don. "The Village" is an institution where you can feel the Cossack spirit and touch the color of these cheerful and cheerful people. The menu offers traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. Dumplings, home-made sausages, borsch, pies - all this not only saturates the body, but also fills with vivid gastronomic impressions. In such a place it is not a shame to spend time with friends, family or celebrate important events. Two halls for 120 people each allow you to enjoy the rest for a large number of people. True, some guests noted that in the restaurant "Stanitsa" there is no parking and the ability to order food at home, but this is not a problem that can interfere with a good rest.


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