Anastasia Yankova is the champion of Russia in Thai boxing. Biography of the athlete and her plans for life

Anastasia Yankova is one of the best athletes in Russia. This fragile at first glance, the girl more than once became the champion in Thai boxing and won the Cups. Many reputable publishers compare her with the American fighter Gina Joy Carano. In addition to Thai boxing, she is interested in horse riding, dancing, journalism and cinema. At 20, she became a candidate for sports and teaches this skill to everyone. For her, sport is the meaning of life.

Anastasia Yankova

A sense of superiority, courage and willpower gives her kickboxing. Anastasia Yankova believes that Thai boxing is a stunningly beautiful sport that not only allows you to maintain physical fitness, but also gives confidence. During the battle, she gives all her best, she has her own crown strikes, allowing her to win and stay on top. The athlete likes to spar with men, during training she gains experience. β€œSuch classes prepare me well for the competition,” says Anastasia.

What is Thai boxing?

To make you understand what Thai boxing is, we will briefly write about this sport. This is an aggressive and quite tough shock martial arts, in which almost everything is allowed: hands, elbows, legs and knees are involved. The enemy can be twisted, knee kicked in the head. The main thing here is to dodge on time and not get hit in the jaw.

To win, you need to have good physical fitness and know the technique of techniques. It is important to know that animal instincts are not the basis of this martial art - sport is aimed at self-esteem and the formation of discipline. Anastasia Yankova believes that Thai boxing perfectly develops power, internal strength and removes weaknesses. This helps in real life to cope with a number of problems and look at troubles with optimism.

How did the inspiration come

kickboxing Anastasia Yankova

Any mother who has a beautiful daughter wants her child to engage in feminine sports, such as dancing or gymnastics. But little Nastya herself chose her path and at the age of 8 she signed up for karate. Of course, her parents dissuaded her, but the girl’s solid and inaccessible temper was difficult to change. It only remained to reconcile and support the daughter in her endeavors.

And what is most surprising, the little child really liked to master the technique of punches. At 16, Nastya changed karate to Thai boxing and for good reason. A sweet, gentle and feminine girl dedicated her youth to this tough martial arts. After a short period of time, she won the Russian Cup thanks to many hours of study and became an idol for many young beauties.

The biography of Anastasia Yankova was successful, and loving parents, always supporting her daughter, and an experienced coach, who always believed in her student, helped her. Now no one will say that Thai boxing is a purely male sport, and Nastya is a living example. At the age of twenty, the girl took two important steps in her life: she deservedly won the karate tournament in Moscow and entered the university. Her talent is inexhaustible and multifaceted.

How to overcome difficulties

photo by Anastasia Yankova

Yankova is not timid and easily overcomes injuries and psychological difficulties. Nastya sincerely believes that high results can be achieved only through systematic training and strict adherence to the schedule. The main thing is not to relax, to constantly improve the technique of shock and self-defense.

Equally important is psychological preparedness and emotional harmony before the competition. And for those who are afraid of bruises and bruises, Anastasia advises avoiding any kind of martial arts.


Anastasia Yankova found herself in the modeling business. Her spectacular photographs can be seen in the best magazines. More than once starred in underwear. Also, the athlete is often invited to television in various programs. The girl is passionate about psychology, cinema, music. Actively engaged in charity work. Helps parents and friends. Close and dear people are proud of Nastya and speak of her as a kind, sympathetic and very sensitive person. Thai boxing did not make the girl cruel and aggressive, on the contrary, gave her strength and inner confidence. No one doubts the athlete’s talent, there are still many unconquered peaks ahead.

Optimism is always with me!

biography of Anastasia Yankova

Anastasia Yankova well understands that the sports age is short-lived, and you need to look for another professional niche in the future. Speaking about plans and prospects for the future, the girl noted that she was very interested in creative activities: music, acting and journalism. The world is so multifaceted that it is difficult to dwell on one niche. β€œI want to try all directions,” says the champion.

Life is long, time will put everything in its place and tell the right way. The main thing is that there is a desire and opportunities, and everything else will follow. Such a young girl with such correct reasoning cannot but succeed, and we sincerely wish her! A photo of Anastasia Yankova is presented in our article.


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