How to learn to skate in reverse: tips for beginner skaters

All newcomers who first started skating are only worried about standing on their feet. But over time, the legs cease to disperse in different directions, and we want to not only hone our skills, but also master new technology. Therefore, sooner or later, each of us has a logical question about how to learn how to skate in reverse.

how to learn to skate in reverse

What do you need to know about equipment?

Before you focus on developing new equipment, you need to take care of acquiring good equipment. Shoes should fit your size exactly, and clothing should be comfortable enough and not restraining. Carefully laced shoes should fit as tight as possible to the foot. This will help ensure the necessary speed and smoothness of movement. Before learning how to skate in reverse, it is advisable to purchase protective equipment. If you do not have the opportunity to buy such equipment, then you can rent it. It is not recommended to save on your own safety, because protective equipment will protect you from possible injuries.

how to learn to skate in reverse

How to prepare for training?

Those who want to know how to learn how to skate in reverse, should understand that before starting the classes, you need to do at least a five-minute warm-up. To do this, you can perform several hand swings, body turns or squats. Before you begin to master the new technology, you need to fix the basic techniques of movement on ice in a straight line. Training should take place on a fairly spacious and fenced area. It is advisable that at this time there were fewer other athletes who could inadvertently interfere with your activities.

how to learn to ride back forward

How to fall and brake?

No budding athlete has yet been able to avoid awkward movements leading to falls. Therefore, before you learn to ride your back forward, you should deal with security issues. For a quick and safe stop, you need to connect your legs together and sharply turn them in the direction perpendicular to the line of movement. In case of correct weight transfer and force distribution, braking will occur almost instantly. During the fall, you do not need to expose your hands. Otherwise, an attempt to mitigate the fall may result in injury to the shoulder joints or wrists.

Having understood that a fall is inevitable, you need to try to make sure that the main blow falls in the area of ​​the arm, thigh and buttock bent at the elbow. At the same time, it is recommended to turn the hull towards the ice cover and help yourself with your free hand. This will help not only to avoid injuries, but also immediately get to your feet. It is this rule that most professional skaters use when performing complex spins and jumps.

When falling back, you need to use a different method. In this case, you should bend your back with an arch, and press your chin tightly to your chest. The arms, straightened and outstretched to the sides, should slightly advance the body. When falling, you cannot relax your back and bend your elbows. It is desirable that the incidence vector be at an acute angle relative to the ice surface.

how to learn how to skate in reverse

How to learn to skate in reverse: tips for beginners

First of all, you should understand that everything is not as simple as it might seem to an ignorant beginner. Therefore, do not rush. For those who want to understand how to learn how to skate in reverse, at first it is recommended that you simply try to push off from the rink's edge and drive a little back. This will allow you to catch the new sensations that accompany this, as yet new, type of ride.

After that, you need to take the correct and most stable position and make sure that no one is behind your back. The legs should be bent at the knees, one of them should be half ankle in front. To master the new technology you need to stand with your back to the direction in which you plan to go. With the pushing leg at a slight angle, push it forward. Body weight must be transferred to the other leg. Repulsive movement must be done in an arc. Carefully push in front of yourself with each foot in turn. When moving the legs, it is necessary to expand and accelerate due to the pushing force. The main gravity should be transferred to the front of the skates.

Do not be distracted and do not forget to follow exactly where you are going. When riding with your back forward, you need to look over your shoulder. Those who already understand how to learn how to skate in reverse, need to be patient, as no one can guarantee that the first attempts will succeed. Having shown due perseverance, you will be able to master a new technique for you.


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