What is a shuttle? History of creation and photo

What is a shuttle? This is a flying structure of American manufacturers. The word shuttle itself means shuttle. Such a ship was created for repeated launch, and initially it was assumed that the shuttles would fly back and forth between the Earth and its orbit, delivering goods.

The article will be devoted to shuttles - spacecraft, as well as all other shuttles that exist today.

History of creation

Before answering the question of what a shuttle is, let's look at the history of its creation. It begins in the late 60s of the XX century in the United States, when the question was raised about the design of a reusable space mechanism. This was due to economic benefits. Intensive exploitation of space shuttles was supposed to reduce high space costs.

The concept provided for the formation of an orbital station on the moon, as well as an expedition to Mars. Terrestrial orbit missions were to be carried out by reusable ships called Space Shuttles.

In 1972, documents were signed that determined the appearance of the future shuttle.

The design program has been prepared by North American Rockwell on behalf of NASA since 1971. During the development of the program, the technological ideas of the Apollon system were applied. Five shuttles were designed, two of which did not survive after the crash. Flights were conducted from 1981 to 2011.

According to NASA's plans, 24 launches were to be carried out annually, and each side was supposed to complete up to 100 flights. But in the process, only 135 launches were completed. The largest number of flights was distinguished by the Shuttle Discovery.

What is a shuttle

System design

Consider what a shuttle is in terms of its structure. Its launch occurs through a pair of rocket boosters and three engines supplied with fuel from an external tank of impressive size.

Tacking in orbit is performed using the engines of a special system designed for the implementation of orbital maneuvers. This system includes such steps:

  • Two rocket boosters, working two minutes from the moment of inclusion. They give direction to the ship, then disconnect from it and fly into the ocean using parachutes. After refueling, accelerators start up again.
  • Hydrogen and oxygen powered refueling tank for main engines. The tank is also discarded, but a little later - after 8.5 minutes. Almost all of it undergoes combustion in atmospheric strata, its fragments fall into the ocean space.
  • A manned ship that enters orbit and is a crew room and helps in the implementation of scientific research. Having completed the program, the orbiter flies to Earth and lands like a glider on the area allocated for landing.

Externally, the shuttle looks like an airplane, but, in fact, it is a heavy glider. The shuttle has no fuel reserves for engines. Engines operate while the shuttle is connected to the refueling tank. While in space, as well as during landing, the ship uses not too powerful small engines. It was planned to equip the shuttle with jet engines, but the idea was abandoned because of the high cost.

The lifting power of the ship is low, landing is due to kinetic energy. The ship goes from orbit to the spaceport. That is, he has only one chance to land. Opportunity to turn around and make the second round, unfortunately, no. For this reason, NASA has built several reserve sites for landing aircraft.

Honda Fit Shuttle

Accelerator Principles

Side boosters are large and super-powerful solid fuel devices that produce traction to separate the shuttle from the launch area and fly to an altitude of 46 km. Accelerator Dimensions:

  • 45.5 m in length;
  • 3.7 m - diameter;
  • 580 thousand kg - weight.

It is not possible to stop the accelerators after starting, so they are turned on after serviceable starts of three other engines. 75 seconds after launch, the accelerators are separated from the system, fly by inertia, reach maximum altitude, then land in the ocean by parachute at a distance of about 226 km from the start. Furthermore, the landing speed is 23 m / s. Technical service specialists assemble the accelerators and send them to the manufacturer, where they are restored for reuse. Repair and reconstruction of shuttles are also explained by economic considerations, because creating a new ship is much more expensive.

Functions Performed

According to the requirement of the military, the aircraft was supposed to deliver goods up to 30 tons, deliver cargoes to Earth up to 14.5 tons. For this, the cargo compartment had to have dimensions of 18 meters in length and 4.5 m in diameter.

The space program did not aim at "bombing" actions. Neither NASA, nor the Pentagon, nor the US Congress confirm such information. For bombing purposes, the Dyna-Soar project was developed. However, over time, the project engaged in intelligence activities. Gradually, Dyna-Soar became a research project, and in 1963 it was completely canceled. Many of Dyna-Soar's results went into the shuttle project.

Shuttles delivered cargoes to an altitude of 200-500 km, they carried out many scientific developments, serviced spacecraft at orbital points, were engaged in assembly and restoration work. Shuttles carried out flights to repair telescopic equipment.

In the 90s, the shuttles participated in the Mir-Shuttle program, jointly conducted by Russia and the United States. Nine connections were made to the Mir station.

The design of the shuttles has been constantly improved. For the entire time of using ships, thousands of devices have been developed.

Shuttles assisted in the implementation of the project to form the ISS (International Space Station). Many modules on the ISS were delivered using shuttles. Some of these modules are not equipped with engines, therefore they are not able to independently move and maneuver. To deliver them to the station, you need a cargo ship or shuttle. The role of shuttles in this direction cannot be overestimated.

Lego Shuttle

Some interesting data

The average spacecraft stay in space is two weeks. The shortest flight was carried out by the shuttle Columbia; it lasted a little longer than two days. The longest voyage of the Columbia ship was 17 days.

The crew is from two to eight astronauts, along with them a pilot and commander. Shuttle orbits were in the intervals from 185 643 km.

The Space Shuttle program was phased out in 2011. She existed 30 years. For all the time it was completed, 135 flights were made. The shuttles covered 872 million km and lifted goods with a total mass of 1.6 thousand tons. 355 astronauts visited the orbit. The cost of one flight was approximately $ 450 million. The total cost of the entire program amounted to $ 160 billion.

The last start was the launch of Atlantis. In it, the crew was reduced to four people.

As a result of the project, all the shuttles were canceled and sent to the museum store.


Space shuttles in the entire history of existence have undergone only two disasters.

In 1986, the Challenger exploded 73 seconds after launch. The reason was an accident in a solid fuel accelerator. The entire crew died - seven people. The wreckage of the shuttle burned in the atmosphere. After the crash, the program was suspended for 32 months.

In 2003, the shuttle Columbia burned out. The reason was the destruction of the heat-shielding shell of the ship. The entire crew died - seven people.

The reaction of the Soviet Union

The Soviet leadership closely monitored the process of implementing the program for the creation and implementation of American space shuttles. This project was perceived as a threat from the United States. It has been suggested that:

  • shuttles can be used as platforms for nuclear warheads;
  • American shuttles can steal satellites of the Soviet Union from Earth orbit.

As a result, the Soviet government decided to build its own space mechanism, in terms of parameters not inferior to the American one.

In addition to the Soviet Union, many countries, following the United States, began to design their multiple spacecraft. This is Germany, France, Japan, China.

Space shuttle

Soviet development

Following the American ship in the Soviet Union, the shuttle "Buran" was created. It was intended to carry out military and peaceful tasks.

At first, the ship was conceived as an exact copy of the American invention. But in the development process, some difficulties arose, so Soviet designers had to look for their own solutions. One of the obstacles was the lack of engines like the American ones. More precisely, in the USSR engines had completely different technical parameters.

The flight of the Buran took place in 1988. This happened under the control of an on-board computer. The shuttle landing determined the success of the flight, which many dignitaries did not believe in. The fundamental difference between the Buran and the American shuttles was that the Soviet counterpart was able to land on its own. American ships did not have such an opportunity.

Design features

"Buran" had an impressive size, like its overseas counterparts. The cabin accommodated ten people.

An important design feature was the heat-shielding shell, whose weight was above 7 tons.

In the spacious cargo compartment could accommodate large loads, including space satellites.

The launch of the ship was two-stage. First, four rockets and engines were separated from the ship. The second stage - engines with oxygen and hydrogen.

When creating the “Buran”, one of the main requirements was its reusability. Only the fuel tank was disposable. American accelerators were able to splash down in the ocean. Soviet accelerators sat in the steppes near Baikonur, so their second use was not possible.

The second feature of the Buran was that the engines were located on the fuel tank and therefore burned in the air. The designers had the task of making the engines reusable, which could reduce the cost of the space exploration program.

If you look at the shuttle (the photo shows it) and its Soviet counterpart, one gets the impression of the identity of these ships. But this is only an external similarity with the fundamental internal differences between the two systems.

So, we examined what a shuttle is. But these days, this word is not only called ships for extraterrestrial flights. The idea of ​​the shuttle was embodied in many inventions of science and technology.

Car ship

Honda has released a car called the Shuttle. Initially, it was made for the United States and given the name Odyssey. This free car was a success in the New World due to its excellent technical parameters.

Honda Shuttle released directly for Europe. At first, it was called the Honda Civic wagon , reminiscent of a micro-van. But in 1991 he was removed from a number of modifications. The name "Shuttle" remained unclaimed. And only in 1994, Japanese engineers released a new minivan with that name. Why manufacturers decided to dwell on such a model name, one can only guess. Perhaps the idea of ​​a fast-moving space shuttle struck the creators of cars, and they wanted to create a unique fast car.

The Shuttle is a 5-door station wagon with high traffic. The body has rounded corners, most of the surface is glazed. Salon is characterized by the possibility of transformation. Seats are arranged in three rows, the latter retracts into a niche. The cabin has air conditioning, comfortable chairs with a large supply of space.

The car is extremely comfortable while driving thanks to the energy-intensive front and rear suspension. Shuttle successfully copes with the tasks on the road. However, since 2000 , deliveries of this model to Europe were no longer observed, Honda Stream took its place.

Developing minivans, Honda in 2011 launched the Fit Shuttle line. The line is based on the Honda Fit hatchback.

The machine has an aggregate of 1.5 liters and a hybrid of 1.3 liters. Both front- and rear-wheel drive cars are produced.

The Honda Fit Shuttle is characterized as an economical, spacious, ergonomic and comfortable car on the road. The car drives perfectly through the streets of megacities. It is suitable for family vacations and for business.

The Honda Fit Shuttle is equipped with the highest safety standards. It has airbags, ABS, ESP.

"Fit Shuttle" is still very popular among car owners and has the highest ratings.

Shuttle photo

Together with children

You can fly on a star shuttle with your child by turning on the image and purchasing a Lego toy. The first set of space subjects was released by the company back in 1973. It was a game in the form of a constructor. Since then, several series of “space” sets have been produced, relating to different price levels.

The popular kit with part number 60078 includes:

  • service shuttle;
  • space satellite;
  • figures of astronauts;
  • stickers;
  • information for the assembly.

The packaging shows a spaceship, astronauts, planet Earth and its satellite - the Moon. In the Lego, the shuttle is the main element of the set. It is made of white parts with dark accents and bright red stripes. In his cabin, you can put two figures of astronauts. In the set there are two of them - a man and a woman. In the ship, they sit one after another. To get into the cab, you need to remove its upper part.

The Lego Shuttle set has become a welcome dream come true for everyone who dreams of space wars. Its main component is not a fictional ship, but quite realistic. The space shuttle collects positive reviews about itself, it strongly resembles genuine American ships plowing the expanses of space. Along with this unique set, you can plunge into the world of space wanderings and flights with a child. Moreover, you can play not only with boys, but also with girls, because it’s not for nothing that the female figure of the astronaut is included in the set.

Imperial shuttle

Stolen ship

The Lego company also created the Tydirium shuttle, reminding us of the many episodes of Star Wars. In total, the company has released six of these ships since 2001. They all differ in size.

The imperial shuttle was stolen by the rebels and is now to be returned. Exciting adventures together with heroes of star travel await small players.

The set includes minifigures: Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, rebels - 2 pcs. The shuttle itself is made in white with gray accents. Two figures fit in the cockpit, it opens through the upper part of the nose. There is a cargo compartment behind the cab. Manufacturers say the shuttle assembly process can take 2 to 6 hours. With the help of minifigures, it becomes possible to play many exciting scenes.

Space games for computer

Bethesda, inspired by the idea of ​​exploring space, released the Prey game for consoles and computers with an interesting plot. It is based on a non-existent reality in which US President John F. Kennedy remained alive after the assassination attempt and began to intensively develop space exploration projects.

Aliens from outer space attack planet Earth. They are called typhons. The USA and the USSR are joining forces in the fight against enemy forces. But the USSR is undergoing disintegration, and only the United States has to eliminate typhons. Scientists can control the brain of aliens, as well as gain their abilities.

One of the missions of the game is to get on the shuttle. For many, this is a real problem.

Experienced players have conquered the Prey shuttle and give advice to beginners. In order to get on the ship, you need to go down to one of the lower rooms and find the key card there. The key helps open the door and track down the elevator. On the elevator you need to go up, find the terminal that is activated there, after which a bridge appears. Using the bridge and fall on the shuttle.

Prey shuttle

Bus options

These days, shuttles are called not only spaceships in reality and in games, but also bus transport. As a rule, these are fast buses delivering passengers from the airport to the hotel, to the metro station or vice versa. It can also be corporate transport, carrying passengers to places of various events. Shuttles are scheduled in advance. As a rule, they run quite often, which is extremely convenient.

So, we sorted the ambiguous word "shuttle", examined all the areas in which it is used, and also gave fascinating stories related to space shuttles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44035/

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