Insider - what is it? Meaning and examples. How is insider information extracted?

Today we’ll talk about a wonderful word often used by commentators and sports journalists. Insider is our topic of discussion today.

What is inside?

insider is

No wonder the title contains an English word. The object of study refers us to the language of Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway. Inside is a tracing-paper that means inside. That is, we are talking about something intended for internal use. This is usually information and, as a rule, very valuable.

For example, if management changes in a company, then the chief secretary may act as an insider. It so happened that she was delivering coffee during important negotiations and, with an outward hearing, heard that her boss should be removed in the near future.

Sometimes someone intentionally distributes some information, calling it insider information. Now much can be sold, but information from the "womb" of multimillion-dollar corporations is very expensive. Maybe the aforementioned secretary will sell what she learned from some newspaper? No one can predict this. But in the team, she will definitely be like hot cakes.

Inside and outside - means "inside and outside"

what is insider

We understood what an insider is, now we will answer an interesting question: if there are insiders, then there must be outsiders, right? But the latter term in the informational context certainly does not make any sense. Because internal information is valuable only because it is accessible to a narrow circle of people, and the data released outside belongs to everyone.

It must be said that the sphere of personal life of both people and companies is narrowing as much as possible. Given the development of technology, it is very difficult to retain any information within the enterprise. But for some data, this is still relevant.

And yes, the term "outsider" is a synonym for a loser, if we talk about the social reading of the word, therefore, even if it concerns information, they will not call anyone, because it is slightly humiliating.

What is insider is known to many, “outsider” is generally a rather popular word, but it seems that they should not be considered antonyms.

How do you get insider information?

insider football

It is easy to answer the question posed: it is received through communication channels. Without dating in certain circles, you cannot boast of insider trading, as you will not have resources for such approval.

Having an insider is what makes a person exceptional. It seems that the term we are analyzing appeared not so long ago, but suitable examples can be found in old films. Remember, in the movie "Back to the Future" (in the second part of the trilogy) Marty had a brilliant idea - to earn on bets, knowing the winner in advance? She was used by Stephen King in his novel 11/22/63, released not so long ago, in 2011.

So the question is, can Marty and Jake Epping be called insiders? Of course you would! Only such information is no longer available to anyone except them. The reader will say: “This is all science fiction!” Yes, that's why she is good. And even the heroes of the film and the book had connections: Marty knew Emmett Brown, and Jake knew Al. The moral is simple: they just don’t become insiders.

Is information from the inside a guarantee of reliability?

insider information

The question is complex. On the one hand, if a person claims that there was such information, then it means that the conversation took place, but on the other hand, even the insider does not know whether this or that event will happen or not. It's time to talk about football.

Imagine that no one knows about the possible transfer of Niang to Spartak. And now, the most famous Russian football insider, Nobel Arustamyan, as his colleagues call him, reports that Nyang had psychological problems, and he refused to go to the “red-white” camp and did not want to leave Italy at all, he dreams of moving to Torino ".

Or another example. Barcelona sold Neymar for a record amount and will now sign contracts with Julian Draxler and Angel Di Maria - these are just rumors. But if the fans were told that this was an insider, then they would wait for the players in the location of their favorite team from day to day. Although the sources in the club are also mistaken. Something can always go wrong. That is, the availability of information about something else does not mean the fulfillment of a fact.

It is easy to understand that insider football is the same as everywhere else: information available to a narrow circle of people. As a rule, it refers to transitions of players. Less often, various rumors about shifts in club management appear before the general public. Last fans are not too interested, the main thing is transfers! People are worried about the question of whom Real Madrid will sign and for how much. But whether Zidane will finalize this season or leave, few people worry. Of course, if we talk about the fans as a whole, and not about the fans of one team.

The really important remains inside

Do not flatter yourself and think that the masses will be given a pass to the holy of holies. Insider information is still an element of the show, because in this way the interest in sports in general and in football in particular is fueled. Nothing bad will happen if fans of the most popular game on the planet know in advance who will come to their club in the new season. Even if the information is not confirmed, the person will live for some time with hope. It's not bad, is it?

Insiders are leaked only the information that can be told. True, sometimes various financial details of transactions between players and the club get into the press. Details of the commercial side of the matter are more likely to spoil the pleasure of the fans. But fans still wonder how much this or that player gets.

When a contract is put on public display that was supposed to remain in the shadows, a scandal occurs. Perhaps this is also the business of insiders - those who play on the dark side. Thus, there are both "bad" and "good" everywhere.


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