How long does it take to cook corn on the cob to make it tasty?

how much do you need to cook corn on the cob

At the end of summer, grandmothers with buckets appear on the streets of our cities. An appetizing park rises from the buckets, and if you look under the lid, you can see cooked corncobs in them. A pinch of salt is offered to the load on each ears - this is such an original and tasty fast food.

But if you look at the bazaar, you can also see fresh ears of corn piled up in a slide. So why not buy them and cook boiled corn yourself?

How to cook corn cobs

Before you start cooking, they must be correctly selected. In fact, the young fruits of maize are valued (as this plant is called in its homeland - in America), which is called - milk ripeness. Distinguishing them is easy. The grains in them are poured and light yellow, almost white. If you bite through one of them, then the tongue will feel sweet, and a little juice will spray in your mouth - milk. How to cook corn on the cob of milk ripeness? Yes, only 10-15 minutes. She cooks extremely fast.

how long does it take to cook an ear of corn

But not everyone loves milk ripeness. In addition, there are also feed varieties of this cereal. It is very easy to distinguish a ripe ear from an immature one - they are usually sold in leaves. Fold the greens on one side and look carefully at the grains. You can even lightly press one of them with your fingernail. The softer it is, the less ripe the ear itself. Focus on the color of the grains is not worth it, as there are varieties of maize that remain white even after complete ripening.

Now we can say about how much corn should be cooked on the cob if it is fully ripe. It will take two to four hours to cook. Before cooking, be sure to clean the maize from leaves and panicles. But do not throw away the cleaning. With greens, you line the bottom of the pan so that the corn does not stick to it, and also lay a few sheets on top. This will preserve the aroma and juiciness of the grains.

how to cook corn cobs
If the whole corn does not fit in your saucepan, then the ears can be easily broken in half. Pour water into a saucepan and put on a small fire. As soon as the water begins to boil, immediately the delicious smell of boiled maize spills into your kitchen. But this does not mean that the product has already been cooked and ready for use. Not for nothing that we talked above about how much corn should be cooked on the cob. Have to arm yourself with patience. Do not salt water in any case, only welded cobs need to be salted. The saltier the solution, the harder the finished product is, and it is difficult to say how long it takes to cook the corncob in this case.

After a couple of hours, you can try the degree of readiness of the product. To do this, it is enough to tear one grain with a fork, slightly cool it and taste it. If you do not feel hard, then you can consider the cooking finished. But do not rush to immediately serve the maize on the table, leave it to lie down a bit in the pan and cool in the water in which it was boiled. And after the water has cooled, do not drain it. You do not know how much you need to cook corn on the cob to the nearest minute. This is not soft-boiled eggs or in a pouch. Undercooked cobs will reach slowly, and digestion in this case is not worth fearing.

But if you bought maize, the grains in which are not just hard, but even slightly wrinkled, then this means that he has oversized. And you need to cook it for a long time, at least 4 hours, and often after that time the grains remain hard and tasteless. It is difficult to say for sure how much corn should be cooked on the cob if it has reached such a degree of maturity. Often the grains are already beginning to burst, that is, digested, but there is no taste or softness. It’s better not to risk it or buy such a product.


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