How to improve concentration - practical tips. Brain training

Do you suffer from the fact that you can’t keep your attention for a long time on some object or object? The essence of the conversation has ceased to reach your consciousness? An urgent need to take control of the situation. How to improve concentration and make it quick and easy? Look for tips and ideas below.

Sleep more

concentration of attention

A person who does not get enough sleep subsequently has problems not only with health and memory, but also with concentration. A person can’t keep a long interest in even the most fascinating occupation. How to improve attention span? You must sleep fully every night. Your problems may not concern mental abilities and their degradation. Just the brain does not have time to process in a short period all your impressions and knowledge gained in a day. Therefore, it is difficult for him to remember something else. Do not scoff at yourself and never save on a dream. The time you spend on vacation will pay off with interest in productive work.

Relax more often

improve concentration

A person who wants to do everything in life usually does not achieve anything. A person who runs away from work and immediately tries to get home, cook dinner, play with the children, put them to bed, and then take up a hobby, will be unproductive in all her actions. No matter how sad it may sound, a person is not a clockwork toy. He needs a good rest, not only at night, but also in the evening. Working 8 hours a day, a person gives all his energy and all his concentration to his career. At night, almost no strength. Do not try to embrace the immensity. How to improve attention span? Have a rest more. If you don’t have time to relax during the week, do nothing at the weekend. Ideal conditions for the restoration of the body - a trip to nature. Get out into the forest with your family and relax from the bustle of the city, gadgets and eternal haste.

Take out multitasking from life

brain exercise

Why can a person do poorly the work that he is doing? The problem of modern people is that they do several things at once. A person can write a letter, talk on the phone and try to delve into the conversation of colleagues. None of these things can be done well. When attention is sprayed, there can be no talk of any concentration. How to improve attention span? Take multitasking out of your life. If you learn to do one thing and not interrupt it with another, you can achieve a lot. To make such a practice your second nature, you need to practice it not only at work, but also at home. Make yourself the habit of having breakfast and dinner without a TV show. Eat in silence and you can focus on the taste of food. The same thing with work. Want to start your day productively? Turn off all alerts on the computer and turn off the phone. In the mode of similar inaccessibility, you can work for four hours. And it will be the most productive hours of your activity.

Listen to music

how to focus

Someone may say that focusing on music is impossible. Everything will depend on the songs you include. What music is ideal for concentration? Baroque classic is what a person who cannot concentrate needs. The melodious sound of soft music calms and creates a feeling of peace. And when a person is relaxed and comfortable, he can concentrate on something several times better than when he is in tension. Of the composers, one can advise Tchaikovsky, Mozart and Dubussi.

And what kind of music is absolutely not suitable for concentration. All songs that have words should be excluded from the playlist, which you put on the time of concentration. If a person hears speech, even some distant and in an unfamiliar language, he automatically begins to listen. And this effect is definitely not needed for a person who wants to relax and understand the essence of their business.


attention development exercises

One good way to develop attention is to ask questions. Such puzzles can be found, or you can come up with. Ask one of your friends to ask you questions, and you will try to answer them. Examples of similar questions:

  • Which hand is best to stir sugar in tea? Answer: sugar should be stirred with a spoon.
  • A crow sits on the guard's head. What does a man do? Answer: asleep.
  • The train travels west at a speed of 60 km / h. Which way will the smoke fly? Answer: the train is not a steam locomotive, it does not emit smoke.


questions for attention

What vitamins are needed for the brain? All that a person needs for normal life, he can get from products. Vitamins A, groups B and C help a person to feel normal and quickly switch attention. But unfortunately, the quality of food deteriorates every year. There is more and more synthetics, which has a rich taste due to strong flavors. Therefore, you need to worry about your health yourself and buy some drugs for concentration. What are they like?

  • "Glycine". This is the most popular drug that increases concentration, gives vigor and improves brain activity.
  • "Nootropil" - this drug helps to improve concentration several times.
  • "Aminalon" - improves memory and attention. It has a temporary effect on the body, without any cumulative effects.

Simple exercise for memorizing items

vitamins are needed for the brain

Want to do exercises for the brain? Then a very simple exercise that you can do every day, on the way to work, will help you in this endeavor. Remember the children's game, where three toys were arranged in front of the child, he remembered them, closed his eyes and changed one of the original toys. It was necessary to guess which one. You can play a similar game with you every day. Walking along the street, note all the changes that have occurred. Somewhere the banner changed, somewhere the grass or trees were cut, and somewhere a new store opened. If you go the same way every day, then such entertainment will not only help you improve your attention, but also cheer along the way.

Spin the dialogs back

How else can you charge the brain? Do you live with your parents or soulmate? Then this option of morning pastime will help you not only increase concentration, but also better know your loved ones. After any, even trifling dialogue, untwist all phrases back. Have you talked to your mom about what you need to buy today? Replay the conversation in the opposite direction. Do the same thing whenever you have a free minute. Then you can definitely remember what you were asked not to forget, and you can better understand the motives of people by observing how they conduct their dialogue.

Attention to the point

Need to know how to focus quickly and efficiently? Then try this exercise. On a white sheet, in the center, draw a black dot. Hang the sheet on the door and sit opposite. Take a stopwatch in your hand and note the time. Look at the black dot, fully concentrating on it. Do not let thoughts slip away. As soon as you understand that the head cannot think about anything else, stop and look at the time. This exercise should be done at least once a day. You do not have a sheet and pen at hand? You can draw a point on glass with a felt-tip pen. You can concentrate on her. Also, such an exercise can be combined with another, useful for the eyes. Focus on the point, and when you can no longer do this, look into the distance and relax your eyes.

Try to be aware

How often do you have memory lapses? When leaving home, you are thinking about whether you turned off the iron and left the door open? Brain training can help you avoid such awkward situations. Try to be aware every minute of your life. The brain does not like to work. It is very energy-intensive for the body, so the brain turns on when it is simply necessary. How to use it in everyday situations? Do familiar things in an unusual way. For example, close the door not with your right hand, but with your left hand. Yes, you’ll spend a minute more on this action, but remember that the door is closed. Similarly, you can transform any routine. For example, if you have lost concentration, get up and take a walk around the office. But do not follow the usual route, but choose a new path. For example, go to the smoking room if you do not smoke, or drink coffee instead of tea.

Watch for gestures

How to focus during a boring conversation? Are you tired, want to eat or sleep, but instead you have to stand on a boring presentation and pretend that you are interested? And in addition to this tomorrow you have to talk about what you heard today? You can cheer up and concentrate directly in the process of dialogue. Switch your attention from the opponent’s speech to his gestures. Watch how he waves his hands, hides them in his pockets or tugs at the chain. Such gestures can tell a lot to a person who can read body language. But even if you have never been interested in this skill, it will be interesting for you to observe a person. By cheering up, you can return to the topic of conversation and continue the conversation further.

Speed ​​reading

Brain training may not be easy. Do you have free time and do not mind learning an interesting skill? Then try to learn speed reading. This ability to read diagonally will help you better and faster concentrate on anything, and most importantly, quickly get acquainted with the content of scientific literature. You can learn speed reading very simply. Pick up a pencil and start them to tap a rhythm. When you manage to restrain the rhythm, start reading. Try to adjust your inner pronunciation of words to the sound of a pencil. Do not ignore the noise, focus on it and on the book. When you can calmly read in the selected rhythm, gradually increase the tempo. Over time, you do not have to resort to the services of a pencil. Everything will work out fine with you anyway.

In-depth reading

Speed ​​reading is a good exercise for developing attention. But in-depth reading also helps a lot in developing concentration. Do you suffer from the fact that when you pick up a book, you can focus only on the first five pages, and then thoughts like cockroaches start running in different directions? Then you need to consciously read each page and retell it to yourself. If you do not understand something, you cannot return. Read the page only once, but very carefully. Over time, you won’t need to do a brief retelling of each page. You will record the contents of the five pages read, then 10, and then the entire chapter. Thus, you will be able to learn to concentrate for several hours.


Focusing on something is quite difficult. Want to see how you manage it? Take the sheet and pen. Throw all thoughts out of your head and with pure consciousness begin work. Draw a line. Having reached the end of the leaf, return in the opposite direction. When you notice that a thought has appeared in your head, chase it, and draw a triangle on the line, as on a cardiogram. Your task is to fill the whole sheet with lines. Do not throw away the result of such a test. After all, this exercise can be practiced every day. Write the date on the sheet and put it in a folder. Repeat the exercise for a month, and then compare the results of the last day and the first. You can not stop there. Continue the exercise until the line that crosses the sheet becomes completely straight. Then you will achieve impressive success and be rightfully proud of yourself.


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