Intrapersonal conflict - what is it? Types and causes

Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergroup conflicts are all simultaneously subjects for the study of psychology and sociology. They affect the inner world of a person, inhibiting or, conversely, accelerating the process of self-development and cognition of the surrounding world, strengthening or destroying ties with society. In this article, we consider the intrapersonal conflict, its types, causes and methods of resolution.

What it is?

The phenomenon, which will be discussed in the article, is characteristic of people with conflicting views and desires. In psychology, there is a clear definition of it. Intrapersonal conflict is an aggravated and negative experience. It is caused by a long opposition of the structures of the inner world (emotions, desires, goals) of a person. This affects relationships with others and decision-making. In this state, it is difficult for a person to develop a certain style of behavior, to control his reaction to the events of the outside world.

A common example of intrapersonal conflict is the choice between family and work. Very often, it is difficult for a person to decide on what first of all it is necessary to focus attention and strength: on creating a family or self-realization. In the modern world, this choice is usually peculiar to the female half in developing countries. But far from every person, he can go into an uncontrolled personal conflict situation, which is the subject of the study of specialists.

intrapersonal psychological conflict

Types and Types

There are two main types of intrapersonal conflict: constructive and destructive. The first is optimal, productive for humans. It contributes to the formation and development of useful qualities: determination, independence, psychological stability, tempers character. An example here is the fight against bad habits. She trains willpower, determination, the ability to ignore personal desires for the benefit of others or herself.

Destructive intrapersonal conflict is a negative, destructive phenomenon that exacerbates the duality of the personality. Over time, it can develop into a life crisis, deprive a person of self-confidence, develop neurotic reactions. Continued dissatisfaction with life, self-belief in one's own inferiority are examples of intrapersonal conflicts of a destructive type. They prevent adaptation to new situations, constantly exposing a person to stress.

In real life, examples of intrapersonal conflicts are many-sided. This prevents psychologists from building a common classification, bringing all personality contradictions to a common denominator. However, numerous studies show that the internal conflict of a person is associated with the value-motivational sphere. The latter makes it possible to combine intrapersonal conflicts into groups with a common causal core.

personality and intrapersonal conflict

These include:

  • Adaptation conflicts are an imbalance between a person and society. They appear when a person is not ready or does not want to accept the requirements or conditions of others (psychological, physical, professional). For example, when a rookie is not able to adapt to the army regime or an employee does not cope with the working functional, intrapersonal contradictions between duty and opportunities are possible.
  • Moral conflicts are the classic struggle of duty with feeling, personal affection with moral principles. An example here is the situation when a man, already married, feels sympathy for another woman and wants to build a personal relationship with her. But there are moral limitations that impede the realization of such desires.
  • Motivational conflicts - often encountered contradictions of internal aspirations, clash of motives. A typical situation that demonstrates this view may be a man’s choice between meeting with friends and a date with his beloved woman.
  • Role conflicts arise when a person cannot realize several roles at the same time, ignoring or overstating the demands on himself and others. Such a personal contradiction can occur when a woman is, for example, both the mother and teacher of her child.
  • Conflicts of inadequate self-esteem are the confrontation of personal aspirations and one's own potential. A person wants to become better and higher, to achieve something, but at the same time it is difficult for him to leave the comfort zone.
  • Conflicts of unfulfilled desires - the confrontation of personal “want” and reality. A person wants to be rich and have a high status in society, but in reality things are different.

As you can see, the basis of any type of intrapersonal conflict is subjective experience. It has two levels of transition: from the outside world to the inside and vice versa. The former includes adaptation and moral conflicts of personality, and the latter includes all the others described above.

causes of intrapersonal conflict

Manifestation forms

Internal experiences always find a way out in the form of polar emotions and a change in behavior. It can be:

  • depression and decreased performance, migraines and insomnia;
  • euphoria (unjustified joy, ostentatious gaiety or tears with laughter);
  • evasion of responsibility, manifestation in the behavior of primitivism;
  • excessive criticism of others, negative, evaluative attitude towards them;
  • desire for changes in all spheres of life (professional, family), a quick change of place of residence, etc .;
  • self-justification of actions and words.

The presence of these signs is an alarm. Being in such a situation, a person needs to understand the reasons for its nature, conduct diagnostics, and then choose a resolution method.


Specialists conditionally divide the causes of intrapersonal conflict into two types:

  1. Internal This includes contradictions within the personality. They arise due to the many desires, views and values ​​of a person. Social norms and their own needs vary, but are at the same level for the individual. And intrapersonal conflict is therefore inevitable and continues until a choice is made.
  2. External Associated with the status of a person in a particular group of people or society as a whole. Certain factors (for example, the negative attitude of the team) can limit a person in the implementation of something significant, thereby causing both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict.

In addition, the causes of such contradictions include physiological pathologies, flaws that prevent a person from achieving a certain goal. And also it can be the absence of a partner to satisfy personal needs, or the presence of one, but an obstacle from social norms.

So, intrapersonal conflicts are mechanisms that can be launched everywhere, affecting absolutely all spheres of human life.

personality and intrapersonal conflict


Any phenomenon of reality has consequences. The same can be said about intrapersonal psychological conflict, which affects not only the emotional, but also the social side. It inevitably leads to a loss of balance. A person becomes less organized, his activity in any activity decreases. Suspicion, self-doubt, anxiety and loss of the meaning of life, goals are also consequences of the internal struggle. In the form of protection from external requirements, a person in this state uses aggression, or, on the contrary, humility in everything.

As a result, there is a breakdown of ties with society, manifested in a desire to leave, isolate oneself from others, in silence, immersion in one’s own experiences and inability to adequately respond to healthy criticism. Over time, such destructive indicators lead to personal development, and degradation begins. If during this period you do not seek the help of a specialist, the psychological conflict of the person can develop into neurotic and even cause suicidal behavior.

Are there any pluses?

However, do not forget about the possible constructive nature of such internal contradictions. They can become for a person a kind of engine of self-knowledge and self-affirmation. In the process of psychological struggle, he is able to mobilize personal resources, gain useful experience and gain stability. Everything will depend on external circumstances, but the main thing is on one’s own correct self-esteem and the person’s readiness to change the conflict situation.

types of intrapersonal conflicts


Having considered the forms of manifestation and the consequences of internal contradictions, we should proceed to the study of methods for their diagnosis. They help specialists accurately determine the state of a person, identify the degree of complexity of the problem and, based on the results, draw up an algorithm of actions and measures to resolve the situation.

At the analytical stage, standard tests and an independent patient report are used. All this affects the parameters of a person’s worldview, his sphere of experiences and mental tension.

A similar diagnosis is used in developmental psychology. It is especially important for teenage children. At this time, as you know, the whole body is being rebuilt, which for specialists is a fertile ground for research. It is possible to clearly identify internal feelings and effectively adjust the development of a young personality, to develop psychological immunity to situations of this kind.


It is known that the best solution to any problem is its competent prevention. You can avoid intrapersonal conflict. To this end, psychologists advise to actively engage in self-knowledge, that is, to study their strengths and weaknesses (fears, complexes), while trying to improve the former and correct or eradicate the latter altogether. The list should also include the qualities that a person wants to possess, and then look for ways to develop them in yourself.

In order not to fall into the swamp of internal contradictions, it is necessary to maintain an optimistic attitude, train self-confidence and focus only on success. It is not recommended to tackle several cases at once and accumulate problems. This eliminates the occurrence of stressful situations and loss of mental balance. It is necessary to create an adequate self-esteem, that is, to be as honest and fair as possible in relation to oneself and others, without overstating or lowering the bar of requirements.

intrapersonal conflict example

Resolution Methods

If the problem does not have constructive indicators and develops over a long period of time, then you should become familiar with ways to resolve an intrapersonal conflict. Here will help:

  • Compromise. A person should ask himself a question about a choice (for example, between his own needs and social norms) and try to honestly answer him by giving reasonably good arguments. When a decision is made, you can proceed with the necessary actions.
  • Care. This method involves letting go of the situation for a while, relieving itself of responsibility for its urgent solution. This helps to balance thoughts and feelings and take a different look at the state of affairs. As distracting maneuvers, one can use fantasy, daydreaming.
  • Reorientation is to change the subject's attitude to the situation, which caused internal contradictions. For example, a person just needs to change the angle of his views, perhaps try to conscientiously fulfill external requirements in order to correctly analyze the result.
  • Sublimation is the switching of attention and activity to an area that brings positive emotions (for example, creativity or sports). It is especially effective in solving the crisis in the personal sphere, helps to relieve tension, and change attitudes towards the problem.
  • Correction is the construction of an adequate attitude to one's “I”. It is required, as a rule, in case of a conflict of inadequate self-esteem. However, it is recommended to consider it together with a specialist or a trustee so as not to violate the boundary of objectivity.
  • Repression is perhaps the toughest way to resolve an intrapersonal conflict. It involves a deliberate influence on one’s desires and aspirations, their suppression in order to activate other internal qualities and resources.

Of course, the contradictions of each person are individual. There is no universal method of "treatment" here. And sometimes a new (necessarily professional) look is required to find a safe way out of the situation. That is why with protracted internal conflicts the help of a specialist is needed.

resolution of intrapersonal conflict


Summarizing all the above, it is important to outline the main aspects and concepts.

Intrapersonal conflict is a psychological struggle. The confrontation here enters one’s own needs of a person and social norms, or different among themselves social norms prevailing over a person.

Similar situations have two development paths: positive (constructive) and negative (destructive). In the first case, a person is able to independently overcome the internal crisis, while receiving useful experience and an impetus for self-development, and in the second, external assistance is needed. The resolution of the intrapersonal conflict, protracted and tense, is necessary, since ignoring it can provoke serious mental disorders and even cause tragic events. The methods used must correspond to the nature (that is, the type) of the conflict and its degree of neglect.


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