Hairstyle “Snail”: step-by-step instructions and options for execution on medium hair

Unfortunately, not all girls were rewarded with thick and long hair, flowing down the very lower back. If you are one of them and every day are in search of an interesting, fashionable and simple styling, then consider that the problem is solved. Hairstyle "Snail" - this is exactly what you need. Another name, more elegant, sounds like a "French bundle."

We will understand in detail the intricacies and types of styling.

Who suits the “Shell” hairstyle

The indisputable advantage of the “Shell” hairstyle is that it is not difficult to do it yourself on medium hair. There is one small nuance: if you have curly hair by nature , then for the first experiment it is better to straighten the curls with an iron, otherwise it will be problematic to assemble the “Snail”.

Naturally, styling is necessary on freshly washed and dried hair. For protection, you can use heat-resistant mousse. It will protect the hair structure.

hairstyle snail

For long-haired beauties, this styling option is also suitable. Plus, they have more options for the experiment: curls can be made fluffy, combed at the roots or curled into separate strands that will frame the face. The hairstyle perfectly emphasizes the elegant line of the neck, and the image makes it elegant and feminine. By the way, you can choose any outfit: city or pleasure, evening or romantic. The exception is sports style only.

There are several options for how to create a snail hairstyle. How to make a classic and modernized version, consider the example of detailed instructions.

Classic performance

This is the basis, the technique that you need to master perfectly, then it will be easier for you to do the rest of its variations.

hairstyle snail how to do

How is a snail hairstyle done? Step-by-step instructions will help you figure this out.

First of all, the hair should be thoroughly washed and blow dry.

Cope with naughty curls will help styling gel or mousse, which must be applied to them in a small amount.

After applying the styling agent, it is better to dry the thick hair slightly with a hairdryer.

On the occipital part we collect a normal tail of medium height.

Now you need to turn the free edge into a tourniquet.

Further from the tourniquet you need to make a loop.

The remaining free edge of the hair, even if they are of medium length, must be laid inside the formed “shell”.

If there are free curls that are knocked out of the hairstyle, they can be fixed with invisibility or fixed with styling mousse, you can also slightly twist them.

The Shell itself is fixed with studs.

The result must be fixed with a strong styling tool.

Hairstyle “Shell” on medium hair is ready.

Romantic option for curly hair

Presented wavy hairstyle "Snail" will perfectly complement the light and airy image of a young girl and pacify curly and naughty curls a little. Unlike the first option, in this case there is no need to straighten hair with an iron. The highlight of the styling is that it looks slightly sloppy and disheveled.

hairstyle shell on medium hair

The action algorithm is identical to the classical method, but for complete immersion in lightness, you should abandon the use of mousses and gels for styling. The more magnificent the hairstyle, the more interesting it looks.

The elegance of an evening look

Undoubtedly, the “Snail” hairstyle is able to give a special charm to the image of a stylish and successful woman at a solemn event. The way to implement the plan is no different from previous variations. However, here the main role is given to accessories and imagination.

hairstyle snail step by step instructions

If you decide to make the "Snail" in the classic version, then special attention needs to be paid to individual curls and bangs. At the temples you can leave beautifully dropping spirals. They emphasize the oval of the face and the length of the neck, and the tail, which usually hides inward, can be corrugated with an iron and laid out around a spiral.

You can make a truly luxurious hairstyle with jewelry. It can be either ordinary jewelry or unique diamonds.

The “Shell” hairstyle is the choice of real ladies who know how to present themselves in society. Feminine and light, it is appropriate for any event, if you use new accessories every time, styling will have a completely different look.


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