The population and area of ​​the Saratov region. Neighborhoods and cities

Saratov region ... A lot of beautiful and amazing places are here. Incredibly beautiful nature combined with a large number of cultural monuments can be found in this region. The area of ​​the Saratov region is also truly vast. There are many large cities and other settlements. It is worth getting acquainted with this wonderful land in more detail, since there is something to see here.

Saratov Region - general information

So, for a start it is better to get acquainted with the area itself. As you know, this is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The largest city and, accordingly, the administrative center of the region is the city of Saratov. The region appeared in 1936. This happened as a result of the transformation of the previously existing Saratov Territory.

This region borders on several neighboring regions: Volgograd - in the south, Penza, Samara, Orenburg and Ulyanovsk - in the north, Tambov and Voronezh - in the west. The borders of the Saratov region in total amount to about 3.5 thousand kilometers. Interestingly, the eastern border is also the state border with Kazakhstan.

area of ​​the Saratov region

There are several large cities where various industrial and other industries are concentrated. The area of ​​the Saratov region is also considerable figures. About it will be told a little later.

The population of the Saratov region - general facts

Now it’s worth talking separately about the population of the region. It cannot be said that it is among the first in the number of inhabitants. Here, for many years now, people have been outflowing to other regions. If specific figures are given, then a noticeable decrease in the local population began a very long time ago, since 1997.

For comparison, it is worth giving data for that year - then the number of people living in the region was about 2 million 725 thousand people. If we turn to the data for 2016, then the population of the Saratov region has become noticeably smaller and totals about 2 million 487 thousand people. Most of the people live in cities (almost 75%). Of course, one cannot say that the region ranks first in the list of Russia in terms of demographic indicators. It is only at 70th place.

Thus, the basic data on the population of the region were considered, and now it’s worth a little talk about its national composition and other important points related to it.

A little bit about the national composition of the population

Due to the fact that the region has a rich history and occupies a rather prominent place in it, many different peoples have long lived here. In addition, the area of ​​the Saratov region has significant dimensions, which also contributed to attracting a large number of people here. The geographical location of the region also contributed to the diversity of the local population.

So, it's time to move on to a detailed review of the national composition. Despite the diversity of peoples, Russians live here most (about 91%), followed by Tatars (about 2%), Ukrainians (1.5%), Kazakhs (about 1%), Armenians (0.9%). Such peoples as Chuvashs, Mordovians, Belarusians and others also live in the region.

cities of the Saratov region

Now it’s worth talking separately about some peoples. Kazakhs began to settle in this area at the end of the XVIII century. For a long time, the influx of population into this region continued, and already in 1926, according to the census, more than 4.5 thousand Kazakhs lived in the Saratov province. In the XVIII century, Ukrainian settlements also began to appear here. Many settlements in the Saratov region, which exist to this day, were formed by Ukrainians. In addition to these peoples, Tatars, Bashkirs and Germans also live here for a long time.

Saratov region: area and territory

So, we have examined in detail the population of the region, its national composition and some other facts. Now it’s worth talking about the scale of the region. As already mentioned, this region occupies a rather large territory. If we talk about the size in numbers, then the area of ​​the Saratov region in square. km is 101,240. Thus, among all subjects of the country, the region takes 32 place. This is a pretty high rate.

The territory of the Saratov region boasts wonderful nature and various large settlements. There are also large mineral deposits. In the region, more than 40 deposits of oil and gas, oil shale are known. In addition, deposits of phosphorites, sand, clay, stone and high-quality cement raw materials have been explored.

The region also has other natural resources. For example, water resources help to get a large amount of electricity. Here is a large Saratov hydroelectric station. The territory is also favorable for agriculture, since the soil here mainly consists of black soil. Chestnut soils are also common.

Major cities of the region

Thus, the area of ​​the Saratov region, its territory, resources and other interesting information was examined in detail. Now it’s worth talking separately about the cities and towns of the region. There are 18 cities, about 30 urban-type settlements and about 1752 villages in the territory.

The largest settlement, as well as the administrative center is the famous city of Saratov. It is not considered a millionaire city, but is listed in the list of twenty largest cities of our country. The administration of the Saratov region is also located here. It is really a large city that has the status of the economic and cultural center of the region.

the population of the Saratov region

Saratov and the Saratov region occupy a large share in the industry of the whole country. It was here that it began to emerge in the 30s of the 20th century. Now in Saratov there are more than 40 enterprises producing various products.

Do not deprive other cities of the Saratov region. Another major settlement is the city of Engels. It was founded in 1747 and actively developed. Now, proposals are often made to unite Engels and Saratov into one city, since they are nearby and are constantly expanding. Among the large cities of this region, one can also note Balakovo, Balashov, Volsk and others.

Regions of the region

So, we have examined in detail several major cities in this region. Cities of the Saratov region boast their industry, attractions and many other achievements. Now it’s worth talking about what areas the region is divided into, as well as what they are known for.

The area includes 38 districts. The most developed ones are Saratov, Engels, Balakovsky, Balashovsky, Volsky, Pugachevsky, Rtishchevsky, Marxovsky.

Saratov district

Saratov district is one of the largest and most developed. It consists of 3 urban settlements and 9 rural. Local self-government is carried out in the region. It is produced in 439 different municipalities.

Detailed characteristics of the Saratov region

Thus, the main developed and large areas of the Saratov region were identified. Now it’s worth a closer look at the Saratov region. So, this is one of the municipalities of the region. It is a suburban area of ​​Saratov. It is located right on the banks of the Volga River, on the Volga Upland, where many rivers flow.

There are deposits of gas, oil and other various minerals. The region is also deeply involved in agriculture. Various varieties of crops, vegetables, fruits are grown here. Poultry farming is actively developing in this area, several factories are open.

borders of the Saratov region

Some time ago, livestock breeding was well developed in the region, but recently this industry has gradually ceased to function, at the moment it is in a destroyed state. With regard to industry, there are many different enterprises, such as a brick factory, a cardboard manufacturing company and some others.

Engels district

Another large area of ​​the Saratov region is called Engels. Its administrative center is the city of Engels. This area is located on the left bank of the Volga, opposite from Saratov. This municipality is located in the steppe zone. Nearby there are many rivers that flow into the Volga. Of the vegetation here you can mainly find forests and various gardens. Agriculture is actively developing. Vegetables and fruits are grown here. It is worth noting that the Engels district is a leader in the production of vegetables in the entire region. Poultry farming and milk production are also developed here.

territory of the saratov region

There is also industry in the region, mainly all production is in Engels. In addition, the area boasts large deposits of various minerals, gas, oil. It is interesting that there are also large deposits of drinking water, which are located underground.

Balakovo district

It is worth telling in more detail about another area - Balakovsky. It is located in the north of the Saratov region, next to the Saratov reservoir. A large number of industrial enterprises are located here: Balakovo NPP, Saratov HPP and others. Fertilizers and fiber materials are produced in the area.

Agriculture is well developed: there are about 15 large enterprises. Farms are especially popular in the region, there are more than 180 here. Currently, a metallurgical plant is being built here.

Balashov district

This region also occupies an important place in the economy of the Saratov region. It is located in the west of the region. Located on the Oka-Don plain. Nearby is the famous Khoper River, which is one of the largest tributaries of the Don.

area of ​​the Saratov region in sq km

Thanks to the fertile soil, which is represented by black soil in this area, excellent conditions for farming have developed here. The region produces wheat, sugar beets, sunflowers and various forage crops. In addition, livestock breeding, meat and milk production, as well as pig breeding are widely developed here.

Modern problems of the Saratov region

At the moment, the Saratov region has one main problem, which is related to the environment. Since a huge number of industrial enterprises are concentrated in this region, the ecological situation here is critical. Strong environmental pollution occurs, which negatively affects the entire region. However, a struggle has recently begun with these phenomena. For these purposes, a special program has been created to stabilize and improve the environmental situation in the region.


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