Terpsichore is the muse of dance

Terpsichore is one of the nine ancient Greek muses who patronize the arts and sciences, which, according to legend, were born from the powerful Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. The beautiful maiden with a lyre in an ivy wreath gave inspiration to those who respected the art of dance and choral singing.

Beautiful muses

Muses, otherwise they were called muses, were portrayed as beautiful girls. They could not only patronize people of art - artists, poets, artists, musicians, but also punished those who aroused their anger, depriving talent and inspiration. In order to appease them, they built temples, museums, where you could ask for patronage and please with gifts.

As depicted Terpsichore

Terpsichore is a muse who favored those who were engaged in dancing and choral singing. She was also called Tsetz.

They depict Terpsichore with attributes that indicate her connection with the arts. An ivy wreath flaunts on her head, indicating an attitude towards Dionysus, in her hands she holds a lyre and a mediator (plectrum), which she plays with a smile on her face. Muses accompanied Dionysus at festivals and weddings, were connected with him by mystical forces and inner fire.

In the picture of Boucher Francois, she is depicted as a blond girl with a tambourine, reclining on clouds with angels. It was assumed that with the help of the muse it is possible to achieve extraordinary heights in art, to touch the divine.

A source of inspiration for poets and artists

Geosid in his text about the Museums of "Theogony" describes them as noble maidens who, having washed themselves in the waters of holy springs, extol Zeus with beautiful voices and graceful dances. Plato erected a temple in honor of them in Athens, south-west of the Acropolis, as well as their sanctuaries could be found throughout the country.

Portraits in the image of Terpsichore

Seeing off on the road, the ancient Greeks gave parting words: “May the muses be with you!” A visit to a muse is joy, pride, a sign of good luck.

Eternal philosophers and seekers of truth, the Greeks devoted their creations to the muses, asked them to open the path to perfection, and the artists depicted themselves next to the muses and painted portraits of great people with them. In the ancient Greek works of Proclus, they were asked to lead the soul to the sacred light. More than once Terpsichore is mentioned by A. S. Pushkin in Eugene Onegin.

Terpsichore gave birth to charming sirens from the river god Aheloy, who sang so that no one could resist them and disobey them. The famous Odysseus, the protagonist of Homer's poem, struggled to resist their charm.

Many tried to portray Terpsichore, this goddess of dance, trying to convey her grace, spirituality, musicality.

The dance of the muse itself was considered a harmony of the impeccable movements of the soul and body. Therefore, it is not difficult to unravel the meaning of phraseology “as light as Terpsichore”.

Cosmic breath dance

Translated from the Greek language Terpsichore means "admiration", "comfort", "enjoyment of the dance", "choral singing." Dance was not only a way to express your emotions and passions. Harmony in movements, lightness, grace, according to philosophers, could be a reflection of the soul, its bright impulses, and beautiful and faithful movements connected by rhythms, merging with music, introduced the dancers into a trance, and the dance turned into a mystical action. The dance inspired by the muse helped the soul rise, connect with the Cosmos, receive revelation and healing.

Roman Sculpture of the 1st century BC.

According to legend, the cult of muses appeared among Thracian singers who lived in Pieria near Mount Olympus. In addition to Dionysus, the muses accompanied Apollo, who played the lyre at the Olympic feasts, surrounded by his companions, who led souls to light, the sun, truth, wisdom, to comprehend the highest meaning of the word, music, and dance. Terpsichore is the main inspirer of choral singing and dancing, so beloved by the Greek people, therefore, she rightfully occupied a place among the muses, who were the third generation of the inhabitants of Olympus.

Terpsichore is the muse of dance

They dwelt on Parnassus, and a source of water hit nearby. They gave their gift to some from childhood, visited and patronized their chosen one throughout his life.

The catch phrase about Terpsichore

Not only admiration for talented dancers, but also graceful women, who, regardless of age and weight, can move beautifully, nobly, evoke delightful eyes, mean “light as Terpsichore”. The movements, like the eyes, reflect the state, mood, gait you can find out the character of a person.

Terpsichore sculpture

Those who are gifted with dancing abilities can consider themselves happy people, speak the language of dance with heaven.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44080/

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