Dwarf bentamiki (hens): care and maintenance

Bentamki chickens are a group of dwarf bird species. Despite their small size, these chickens are highly productive. High viability and adaptability to different conditions have made them popular among poultry farmers.

Origin of bentamok

There are several opinions about the origin of this breed of chickens. Some poultry farmers claim that bantam dwarf chickens are bred by gradual selection. If from each offspring you always choose the smallest individuals, then in the end you can get dwarf breeds. According to this system, mini-chickens are bred from the Wyandotte breed, which are similar in color to large birds, but differ in mass.

Other poultry farmers are of the opinion that bentamki are chickens of a separate independent breed, which is similar from ancient times, and not from large breeds. This version is very believable and has confirmation. After all, it is more advisable to feed the bird intensively and cross small species with large ones without risking to get a breed with a weak constitution.

bentamok hens

History of Bentamok

According to some reports, bentamki come from ancient India. There, these chickens were bred for fights, as well as for decorative purposes. From India, the bentamos came to Japan and China. In these countries, they were used as a complement to the courtyards of the nobility. After a while, decorative bentamiki hens came to Europe. The main merit in this belongs to travelers. Gradually, birds began to breed around the world.

There are other historical documents that prove a different way of distribution of the breed. So, during excavations of ancient settlements on the territory of Greece (7th – 5th centuries BC), scientists discovered vases with images of chickens, from which decorative benthos came from. Also, information about this breed can be found in the writings of the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder. In Russia, bentamki were first described in 1774 in the manual "Bird's yard". Given all these facts, it can be argued that bentamki - hens of the old breed.

bentamka breed of hens

Breed characteristics

Bentamki - hens of decorative breeds. These include not only decorative specimens of pure breed, but also dwarf copies of the large breeds known in our time. For example, fighting, Hamburg, Cochin and others. All of them are divided into groups, each of which has its own subgroups.

Bentamka is a breed of chickens with an unpretentious character. These birds easily take root and get along well with other species of birds. Bentamki are characterized by increased resistance to various diseases. Good health and adaptability to life are artificial qualities.

These birds are able to exist with other breeds, but can always fight back, protecting themselves and their offspring. In general, chickens are very friendly and never attack their relatives. Bentamka can even hatch the eggs of other chickens and take care of other people's chickens as their own.

hens bentamki photo

Breed description

In the scientific classification, benthic chickens belong to a dwarf decorative breed. The weight of a mature chicken is 0.5 kg, and a rooster usually weighs up to 1 kg. The legs and skin of the bantamomets are yellow, and the crest is pink. The color of feathers may vary from species to species.

The main features of the breed are small size and colorful plumage.

Bentamki - chickens are very prolific. Puberty in mini-chickens occurs earlier than in large birds. At the same time, they carry an average of 100 eggs per year.


Although bentamiki are a decorative breed, they are great for home breeding. And also suitable for growing on an industrial scale.

Egg-laying in bentamok occurs on the 5-7th month of life. Usually chickens carry more than 100 eggs per year. Under good conditions, a bantam can give up to 130 eggs weighing 45 grams per year. Unique taste and dietary properties are the main qualities of eggs that give bentami hens. Reviews of poultry farmers relate only to the positive qualities of this breed. Therefore, these birds are very popular both in the household and in industrial production.

As for the meat of these chickens, it is much tastier and more tender than that of ordinary chicken.

bentami hens content

Features of cultivation and maintenance

Bentamka is a breed of chickens that is cost-effective to grow both for eggs and meat, and as a decorative breed. The birds are not whimsical in content and do not require a lot of food. Compared to regular laying hens, dwarf chicken eats two-thirds less feed. Bentamki feed even on small larvae found in the garden. Hens of other breeds do not even perceive such food.

Bentham chickens are very tenacious and bring healthy offspring. During the summer, one chicken can breed 25 chickens. This is considered a very high rate. Usually a brood consists of equally females and males. Due to its small size, a bent bent can incubate no more than 7 eggs. If the eggs are large, it is advisable to leave 5 eggs for hatching, since with a large clutch there is a risk of getting weak and painful offspring.

Eggs hatch on the 21st day. The first three days of feeding the chickens with cottage cheese, crushed egg and soft wheat. The next ten days give millet. After two weeks, the mother hen teaches posterity to look for food on their own. Sometimes it happens that a bantamma lays eggs in a secluded place. In this case, it is better not to look for it. Since bentamok has a very developed instinct of self-preservation, she will continue to carefully hide. It is recommended to wait a bit. In a few days, the chicken will want to eat and she herself will go out in search of food. At this point, you can trap her to find a brood. If the clutch is large, you need to leave 7 eggs, since a larger amount of bentamik will not sit.

Cold and low temperatures are the only factors that do not tolerate benthic chickens. The maintenance of these birds in the winter season requires the creation of certain conditions. So, in the cold season, chickens should be kept in insulated rooms.

bantam dwarf hens

Varieties of breed

Bentamki name many types of decorative breeds. In Russia, the most common are bentamiki chintz and walnut. We will consider the most popular varieties of dwarf chickens.


These are Japanese bentamki. Shabo is considered the smallest breed of chickens. Very small stature is their characteristic feature. Other distinctive external qualities are long and wide wings, as well as the absence of plumage on the legs. Japanese bentamiki bred exclusively for decorative purposes.

Bentamki Sebrayta

The plumage of these chickens has a golden or silver color. Other external differences of the breed are a pink-shaped comb and white earlobes. An underdeveloped tail, a small back and a large chest protruding forward - these are the hens of the bentamka, the photos of which are given below.

decorative bantam hens

Unfortunately, Seabright chickens are characterized by low viability and are prone to degeneration. Therefore, this breed is not very popular with poultry farmers.

Beijing bentamki

Poultry farmers often call this breed Cochin benthos. The fact is that externally these hens look like a reduced copy of the kokhinkhins. Therefore, this name was attached to them.

A characteristic external feature is feathered legs.

Fighting Chickens

This breed resembles from England, where they continued its selection. Fighting bentamki are considered the most powerful and tenacious chickens. Multi-colored bright plumage, large wings and a large fan-shaped tail are the main features that externally differ in hens of bentamata. The photo illustrates their perfect design and expressive coloring.

bentami hens reviews

Dutch view

Hens of this breed have plumage of black color, and the crest on their heads is white. Characteristic features are black featherless legs, a large head and a black beak.

Nanjing chickens

Nanjing breed is considered the oldest among all types of Bentham hens. The plumage of these birds may have a different color, but the most common are orange-yellow hens. The crest of these birds is pinkish, but sometimes leafy. Roosters have a large black chest, a colorful mane and a magnificent black tail. Feet of birds are not feathered, silver gray.

Black and White Bent

This breed has a black and white plumage, a bright red scallop and undecorated legs of gray color. Sometimes black and white representatives of this species are called Hamburg.

Walnut breed

Birds are very popular among Russian poultry farmers. The characteristic features of the breed are a small head, a small beak of yellow color. The plumage of birds is brownish-gray. Feathers are not feathered, blue.

Chintz chickens

Calico breed was brought to Russia from Japan. Outwardly, these birds look like walnut bentamok. The main difference between the birds is the bright chintz plumage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44082/

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