How to get rid of aggression: causes, methods of struggle, recommendations of a psychologist

You can not control your emotions? Anger and aggression are an integral part of your being? It's time to change that. Your environment suffers due to your imbalance. How to get rid of aggression, read below.


get rid of aggression

What should a person who is looking for a recipe for how to get rid of aggression do? Understand the causes of their uncontrolled outbursts of rage. A person who can give an account of her own behavior has already taken the path of correction. What are the causes of aggression?

  • Physical. Ailments, pains and a sudden drop or increase in pressure make a person irritable. When something hurts, judiciously fails. The person consoles himself, trying to somehow normalize the internal state, but this does not work out well. A lump of confused emotions begins to form in the soul. Resentment, injustice of being, untimely illness - all this lowers a personā€™s mood. Not everyone succeeds in keeping emotions in themselves, and there is no way to get rid of them, constantly lying on the couch. Therefore, a sick person can attack the person who heals and takes care of him.
  • Psychological. A person with a grief is depressed. He feels bad, everyone around him becomes disfavor. A depressed state and constant internal cheating make a person hot-tempered and irritable. A person cannot find time for emotional discharge, so she breaks down on those people who are nearby.

Do sports

how to get rid of aggression and irritability

How to get rid of aggression? It is common for every person to accumulate negative emotions. But some people know how to get rid of them, while others do not. The best emotional discharge is physical work. Most modern people work in the office, sitting out all day at the computer or communicating with people. Monotonous work, things that do not argue, people who annoy, all this causes anger and aggression. Psychologists advise people whose work is not associated with physical activity to play sports. You need to go to the gym immediately after a hard day. Do not worry that sports will take away your time that you could spend with your family. Physical unloading will help you relieve mental fatigue and stress. You will come home calm and happy. In this state, the family will be glad to see you more and therefore will forgive the delays. Not enough motivation to join a fitness club? Examine yourself carefully in the mirror. Do you like your reflection? Exercising will help you not only get rid of aggression, but also quickly put your body in order.


how to get rid of temper and aggression

Trying to get rid of aggression? How to do it? Start practicing meditation. Unlike playing sports, you can meditate not only after work, but also in the morning or in the evening. Begin your practice in complete silence. The ideal time for meditation is early morning or late evening. What is the strength of this practice? A person who knows the art of meditation becomes calm and peaceful. He can quickly switch his mind from thoughts about everyday problems to the absence of thoughts in his head. When a person does not think about anything, she is at rest. Namely, this condition is so lacking for people who are prone to sudden outbursts of rage. There is a widespread misconception among the people that suppressed aggression can help from anger. How to get rid of a false representation? Understand that suppressing emotions will not help you live happily. A person who is used to hiding his feelings will explode after accumulating enough negative energy. Therefore, do not accumulate negative emotions. With the help of meditation, you will be able to let go of angry thoughts and not give them a chance to take root in the mind.

Find a hobby

Everyone wants to live happily. But not everyone knows how to get rid of aggression and irritability. You need to start by finding your place in this world. A man must find a hobby. Each person needs an outlet that will make his life brighter and more interesting. A hobby will help a person not only pass the time, but also throw out all the accumulated emotions. How to get rid of aggression and anger? Get creative. Inspiration is a spiritual impulse that is born when a person is captured by some feelings. It doesnā€™t matter if the feelings are positive or negative. Strong energy will ask for a way out. Manual labor, active brain work or physical activity - choose what you like best. It is advisable that your hobby be radically different from your main job. For example, if you work as an accountant and sit at a table all day, then go to dances in the evening or do rock climbing. Changing activities will positively affect not only your emotional state, but also your health.

Learn to control emotions

get rid of temper and aggression

To become a more balanced personality, you need to learn to take control of your emotions. How to get rid of aggression and irritability? You need to learn to give an account of your feelings at every moment of time. You need to do this not only during scandals and disputes, when you start to boil. Practice better in calm situations. For example, in a conversation with a soul mate, think about how you feel? Tenderness, warmth, care? Try to control your feelings when talking with friends. Do this exercise as often as possible, preferably several times a day. When you understand yourself and your emotional foundation well, you can definitely determine the moment at which feelings begin to rage. You do not need to wait until the situation gets out of hand. At the moment when you feel negative emotions in yourself, interrupt the conversation and exit

those from the room. It is advisable to walk along the street and relax. Do not be afraid that such behavior will seem strange to someone. Returning to the opponent, continue the conversation. After the break, you will be able to reason soberly and impartially.

Practice mindfulness

Itā€™s difficult to give an account of your feelings, but itā€™s even more difficult to control your thoughts. How to get rid of temper and aggression? You need to learn to monitor your thoughts and understand the nature of their generation. People rarely offend others. The nature of aggression is this - a person cannot understand the opponentā€™s point of view, and a personā€™s lack of understanding begins to annoy. If the person with whom you are talking has opposing views on many things, then you will feel dislike for the person. And if you understand that a person in disputes touches you for a living, you will feel aggression. This will not happen if you can control your own thoughts. You need to learn to understand what you are saying and to whom. To prevent boiling feelings, do not consciously run into trouble. Do not amuse your ego with stupid conversations that will lead to nothing. Do not raise scandalous topics in a society that does not understand you. No need to try to show your witty people who do not appreciate it.

Do not let passions run high

how to get rid of constant aggression

Anyone should know the limits of their capabilities. Realizing that you can and cannot, it will be easier for you to control your feelings. How to get rid of constant aggression? Having understood the limit of your patience, never cross it. For example, when talking with a stupid person who does not understand you, does not hear and does not want to delve into the topic of conversation, stop talking. Why do you waste your energy? Close the topic and do not raise it again. No need to build a hero out of yourself and try to impose your opinion on everyone. Let every person stay with their thoughts. But do not intentionally avoid people who have a point of view that is opposite to yours. Such persons will be able to teach you a lot, and perhaps it will be they who will change your worldview.

How to behave with a person who causes irritation? If you canā€™t put up with a personā€™s way of thinking, leave the conversation and change the subject. Surrender is not a shame. You will feel embarrassed if you break into a cry and with the help of it you prove your case.

Spend more time outdoors

anger and aggression psychology

A person needs rest, not only physical, but also moral. How to get rid of attacks of aggression? You need to get out more often to the nature. Modern people are so used to spending time in the city that going to the forest for them becomes almost a holiday. But walking in the forest, a person relaxes well. Eyes rest from flickering screens and bright banners. A person rests with his soul, relaxes and feels peace. On such sorties should ride alone. Are you afraid to go to the forest? Then go to the park or to any reserve. It is advisable to go to such places on weekdays so as not to meet crowds of tourists there.

There is no way to escape from the city? Walk from work. But do not think about your problems, but relax. Look at people, observe changes in nature, mark interesting cars and non-trivial houses. Choose different routes. Let one of them be 20 minutes longer, but along the way you can make many small discoveries. Switching consciousness from problems to contemplation helps a person to relieve stress and normalize the emotional foundation.

No perfect people

Any person should get used to the idea that he is imperfect. You need to fix your flaws, but it's not so easy to do. Having understood and accepted your shortcomings, you need to come to terms with the fact that you are surrounded by the same imperfect people. How to get rid of internal aggression? The actions of others or their speech irritate the human soul. Accepting the idea that everyone has their own flaws will help you to be more tolerant. Do not judge a person for what he does. Normal, sane people always have the motivation to do what they do. Therefore, not knowing the motives of a person, one should not judge him. And never think of a person biased. Believe rumors last thing. Make up about the person you need your opinion. And what others say about him may be profanity. You can get to know a person only after several long conversations. Remember that first impressions can be misleading. For example, you could find a person in a bad mood or the person simply was not up to you. Do not judge people biased and always try to get into their situation, and not judge from your point of view.

Develop a sense of humor

how to get rid of aggression and anger

Smart people know how to restrain their emotions. But even their aggression can break out. She will not appear in a scream, but in a sarcastic tone. How to get rid of hidden aggression in women? You can approach the problem in terms of humor. A person who knows how to laugh not only at others, but also at herself, becomes invulnerable. A man who openly admits his shortcomings, but struggles with them, is worthy of respect. To get rid of aggression, you need to train a sense of humor. Responding to attacks of opponents with jokes, you defuse the situation. Even if a person reproaches you for not taking the matter seriously, he will still appreciate your creativity and understand that you will not go into your pocket for a word. Remember that jokes should be harmless. Today sarcasm is in fashion, which can seriously injure a person. Do not use it. Words can hurt very badly and inflict irreparable insult on a person. Therefore, control your vocabulary and always be aware of your jokes. If panic and boiling emotions do not allow you to think, then pre-prepare several universal witticisms that will be appropriate to voice in any situation.

Switch attention

A person cannot always control his emotions. But he can at his discretion distribute attention. For example, when a student is bored, he does not listen to a lecture given by a teacher at the university. At this time, the young man can very actively study the ceiling and read the tiles on it. This ability can be used when your feelings are at the limit. How to get rid of aggression towards a child? Even the most loving mother sometimes breaks down and screams at her child. Itā€™s easy to get rid of unnecessary emotions. Switch attention from the words of the baby or distract from thoughts about the childā€™s infringement. Think about the appearance of a son or daughter. They turned out to be very beautiful: your eyes, and your fatherā€™s nose. Such thoughts calm and pacify. A person does not feel aggression and can again engage in a conversation with a child.

Attention switching can be used not only in conversation with children. You can use an effective method when communicating with your boss. For example, when you are being accounted for misconduct, you can look at a personā€™s tie and think about how good the boss tastes and how he always dresses well.


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