"Stars from the sky to miss": the meaning of phraseology and its universal meaning

There is a wonderful and versatile speech circulation of "stars from the sky to miss." We will analyze the meaning of phraseologism using accessible examples.

The stars are so close, but not reachable

stars from the sky miss the meaning of phraseology

The phraseologism under consideration , despite some grace, is rather offensive to the addressee. He says that a person, in general, does not represent anything outstanding by himself, so he is a very mediocre specimen of his kind.

Despite the fact that films and books line up around, as a rule, charismatic protagonists, they are full of people completely ordinary and unremarkable. A relatively recent example is the Harry Potter series of books. On the one hand, they have Harry, in the fact of whose existence there is already something legendary, on the other hand, Ron Weasley. The latter is definitely missing the stars from the sky (the meaning of phraseology is clarified by the example of popular characters). By the way, in the final of the story, it cannot be said that Harry and Ron have achieved something outstanding. Although the whole wizarding world believes that Harry, of course, will take the chair of the Minister of Magic in due time.

People far from the stars

Let's start from afar. Now stars like celestial bodies do not seem so secret. Science is rapidly bewitching the world, that is, there is less and less mystery in it. But the stars still attract people. They act as a symbol of the beyond.

Of course, this is reflected in the language. Remember who they call stars? Those who have achieved something special have lived their lives richer than the rest. Although it is written in the Tao de jing that the lower are the support of the higher, people still crave to be among the latter, not the first.

star value from the sky grab

We give an example. Now, in a sense, the era of offices. People come to work and work indoors for 8 hours, using a computer. The attitude to office employees is twofold: on the one hand, everyone who is not lazy is mocking them, and on the other hand, many of those who mocked this kind of work themselves land in the office after long trials and bitter days of unemployment.

So, the one who manages to escape from the yoke of senseless and merciless labor into some large holding as a microorganism is already considered a hero. The same people who remain in the office often believe that they do not miss the stars from the sky (the meaning of phraseology is gradually becoming clearer).

Things that are not destined to become stars

The universality of the considered speech revolution is that one can ascertain the remoteness from the stars not only in relation to people, but also in relation to things. For example, this brand of a machine (the reader can substitute it by itself) will not miss a star from the sky, i.e. won't be too popular.

Another thing is if any thing is done with an eye on "non-star" people. In this case, it goes without saying that she does not miss the stars from the sky (the meaning of phraseology was determined a little earlier).

How to reconcile with mediocrity?

phraseologism grab stars from the sky

Life, unfortunately, is not a fairy tale. Each of the people in his youth dreams of a lot, approaching the middle-aged threshold, an ordinary person usually examines what remains of his grandiose plans, if at least something else remains of them, and states a sad fact - he achieved little in life. In dance business, others are dancing, it’s not he who drives history either. The question arises of how to take the meaning implied by phraseologism - "stars from the sky are not destined to grab."

Perhaps this is called a midlife crisis. What can I say, even the most talented people once said: β€œI'm sorry, old man, but you are ordinary, you do not suit us,” but they continued to walk and came somewhere. The main thing here is not to stop developing. Life is a road with a mass of various surprises. You just need to give her a chance to show her unpredictable essence.

It is necessary to strive for the stars, even if you are told in different words what the main character of our article expresses - phraseological unit. You still need to try to grab stars from the sky, and suddenly it comes out. Nobody knows about the world and the life of everything, especially the people around them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44084/

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