Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory: structure

At present, the Russian state faces the issue of accelerated import substitution, the solution of which is impossible without agriculture. It is the development of the agricultural sector that helps ensure the proper level of food security of the country. This applies both to the whole of the Russian Federation and its individual regions, including the Krasnodar Territory. This area is ideal for this industry.

Krasnodar region as an agro-industrial region

Industry is quite well developed in Russia. Agriculture in the Krasnodar Territory includes about 7 thousand enterprises with various forms of ownership. Of these, more than six hundred are large or medium-sized organizations. Employment in the agricultural sector is approximately 400 thousand people. The most common in the Kuban were:

  • cereal production;
  • production of industrial crops;
  • viticulture;
  • sugar production;
  • dairy industry.

Such a wide variety of agricultural sectors is due to the unique type of climate that creates favorable natural conditions in this area. It is here that the border of the temperate and subtropical climatic zones passes.

The Krasnodar Territory is rightfully considered one of the leading regions of Russia in the development of the agro-industrial complex. The total area of ​​the Kuban is more than 7.5 million hectares, of which 4.75 million hectares are occupied by agriculture. Normative regulation, as well as control over the development of the industry, is carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory. The most important conditions for ensuring the progressive development of the agro-industrial complex are: the most efficient exploitation of fertile lands, the development of crop and livestock production, the improvement and modernization of the processing industry.

Agricultural structure

The modern agricultural complex of the Kuban is characterized by the predominance of crop production over animal husbandry. They account for 67.33 and 32.67%, respectively. In crop production, the main specialization is the cultivation of crops. Among the technical species, sugar beets and sunflowers predominate. A priority is the cultivation of fodder crops. For example, green fodder, silage, corn, etc. Sowing potatoes and vegetables and melons is negligible.

Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory is gradually developing. Viticulture, horticulture, vegetable growing are being restored. The cultivation areas of some subtropical crops are gradually increasing.

Livestock, in turn, is represented by the following industries: livestock, poultry, pig, sheep. The share of horse breeding, beekeeping, fur farming, fish farming, rabbit farming and ostrich farming is significantly lower.

Grain production in the Krasnodar Territory

In the cultivation of crops, the largest share is given to winter wheat. Agriculture in the Krasnodar Territory is built in such a way that it is grown in all areas. Preference is given to wheat varieties that are resistant to drought and disease and have a high yield. For example, Bezostaya-1 and Krasnodar-46. In the Kuban produce up to 10% of the gross volume of wheat throughout the country. Spring wheat in the structure of crops occupies 1-2%.

In second place is winter barley. It is characterized by heat resistance, but less resistant to low temperatures. About 5-10% of the sown area is reserved for corn. It is demanding on the composition of the soil and needs a lot of fertilizer.

In the Kuban grow their own variety of rice, bred in this territory - Dubovsky-129. To increase productivity, it is necessary to use special agricultural technology and artificial irrigation regime. Rice-growing areas account for 3% of the total land area for growing crops.


This industry has a significant impact on agriculture in the Krasnodar Territory. Different grape varieties are grown throughout the region, since each of them requires a different type of climate. The most suitable conditions have developed in the Black Sea zone. About 50 grape varieties grow in the Kuban

Vegetable growing

For this industry in the Krasnodar Territory, suitable climatic conditions have developed. Among vegetable crops, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, etc. can be distinguished. The south, west, and center of the Krasnodar Territory specialize in their cultivation.

The foothill zone is most favorable for potato, although its productivity in this area is low compared to the central regions of Russia.


The most suitable conditions for laying gardens were on the Black Sea coast, as well as in the west and south of the Azov-Kuban Lowland. It mainly grows apple trees, plums, pears, peaches, cherries, cherries, apricots, etc.

Melon breeding

Mostly, this industry prevails in the western regions. This is due to the fact that watermelons and melons require a lot of heat and sun. The most resistant to cold pumpkin.


The basis for the successful development of animal husbandry is the abundance of natural fodder land. Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory provides for grazing in the northeast of the foothills. High mountain pastures are rarely used here. The main share of feed is grown in the fields.

Breeding of cattle of dairy and meat direction prevails here. Pig production is developed mainly in the central and northern parts of the Kuban. Mostly large white pigs are bred. Chicken prevails in poultry farming.

Program for the effective development of agribusiness in the Krasnodar Territory

The Department of Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory has developed a program for the development of this industry. It provides for the formulation of the following main tasks before the agro-industrial complex:

  • improving the quality of agricultural and food products;
  • human resource development;
  • restoration of abandoned land;
  • improving the industry by maintaining soil fertility;
  • assessment of existing investment needs, search for sources of cash.

Control over the implementation of the program is carried out by the Minister of Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory.

Thus, one of the leading regions that ensures food security of the state is the Krasnodar Territory. Agricultural development plays a leading role in the economy of this region. The most widespread is crop production, especially grain production. The share of other sectors in the structure of the agro-industrial complex is much smaller. Currently, there has been a positive upward trend in agricultural production. First of all, this is due to the improvement of pricing policy and the credit mechanism, as well as the increase in the volume of budget allocations allocated for the development of the complex. In the long term, the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of the Krasnodar Territory will grow, both on the Russian and international markets.


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