The State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin. A place to go back to ...

The State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin in the village of Konstantinovo knows and has been visited repeatedly by every poetry lover. And just a traveler who accidentally peeks into these parts returns without fail. This is the place. It is long, unusually picturesque and very comfortable; it is remembered for a lifetime. It is no coincidence that a talented child born here has become a great poet.

Homeland of Sergey Yesenin

According to documents stored in the State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin, the village of Konstantinovo was known to history long before the birth of the poet. It is mentioned in connection with the donation of these lands by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to his stolniks, the Myshetsky brothers. A generous gift was granted in 1619 for successes in the diplomatic field.

In subsequent years, the land was divided, sold, inherited. They were owned by such well-known families in Russia as the Naryshkins, Golitsyns, Dolgorukovs. The manor erected here was being completed and transformed. Its last buyer was a hereditary honorary citizen of Moscow, Ivan Petrovich Kulakov.

In the history of Konstantinov, representatives of these families remained as the creators of the temple, school builders and enlighteners. Being educated people, they tried to improve the lives of ordinary peasants. The village was considered prosperous, and after the revolution a collective farm was formed here.

Poet's family

The State Museum-Reserve of Esenin in Konstantinovo can tell in detail and reliably about the life of the poet’s family, based on the preserved documents, stories of eyewitnesses-countrymen.

Parent house

Father, Alexander Nikitich, and mother, Tatyana Fedorovna, are hereditary peasants. October 3, 1895 their son was born. A local priest christened the child in the local church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, in the one where his parents were married. He chose the newborn name Sergei in honor of Sergius of Radonezh.

The Yesenins, as in any family, had difficult times. At this time, Seryozha lived with his grandmother and grandfather, vocal singers who knew many tales. It was in their house that he made his first attempts to write poetry, and they turned out to be similar to ditties. This is not to say that Sergei was an ordinary child. He went to school well prepared.

A restless boy, he studied easily, without any effort, and showed excellent results. This is evidenced by the marks given by teachers. He was especially proud of his spiritual mentor, Father John. He served in the local church all his life and knew all the villagers well. The father had a great influence on the growing boy and brought up in him such traits as fidelity to his homeland, respect for elders, compassion.

In 1904, the family that split up was reunited. They began to live in the house, which in the State Museum-Reserve of Esenin is called the parent.

Creativity of Sergey Yesenin

The young poet expresses his joy in life, his admiration for the surrounding nature, and the interest in the people with whom fate brought him together, in the only way possible for himself. Composing small poems from an early age, he gradually polishes, hones his talent and begins to systematic creativity from about 1910.

The first person he trusted in listening to his poems was Father John. Later, when he arrived home, he was a regular in the evenings arranged by the heiress of the manor of the estate, L. I. Kashin, in the nee Kulakov. She was often visited by creative people who highly appreciated the works of young Yesenin. The mistress of the estate served as a prototype of the heroine of the work "Anna Snegina". The State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin designed an exposition in the manor house of the same name.

manor house

But most of all the poet’s work was influenced by nature, which from childhood surrounded him. No wonder Yesenin is considered her singer. Such sincere and soulful lines about the season or a flowering tree, a neighbor's forge

no poet could write a church holiday. Easy, joyfully read his poems and remembered, like folk songs.

GAUK "State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin"

The work of the great poet made him famous not only in Russia, but throughout the world. And wherever Sergey Alexandrovich lived, he happily came to his parents' house. Tatyana Fedorovna always brought and put wild flowers in a vase at his arrival. Here, in the hayloft, he worked especially well.

Church in Konstantinovo

In 1925, after the early death of Sergei Yesenin in Leningrad, admirers of his talent, friends and simply indifferent people who discovered Russian nature thanks to his poems, could not reconcile with the passing of the great poet. To be closer to the places dear to his heart, they went to the village of Konstantinovo, stood at the house of the poet’s mother, walked near the estate, which had become public property by that time, or went down the path to the river. Tatyana Fedorovna opened a notebook at the request of visitors, in which they wrote about their gratitude to her, about her son’s love for creativity, left many wishes to open a museum in the poet’s native village.

Sergey Yesenin

This issue was resolved extremely slowly and reluctantly. During the lifetime of the rebel poet, the government did not approve of very much. But in 1965, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Sergei Alexandrovich, a house-museum was opened.

Reserve complex

Currently, the State Museum-Reserve of S. A. Yesenin is a complex of objects in the village of Konstantinovo. An interesting excursion lasts 3-4 hours. A fascinating story is accompanied by a demonstration of buildings, interiors, photographs, household items, among which the great poet lived and wrote. And poems, poems, poems ... They merge into the story of the poet so organically, so naturally, as if it is impossible to speak differently here.


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