How to distinguish a gander from a goose: external, behavioral and anatomical signs

Breeding geese today is one of the most profitable types of business. Not every novice poultry farmer knows how to distinguish a gander from a goose. Meanwhile, this is very important in order to achieve the optimal ratio of females and males in the herd.

How to distinguish a gander from a goose by external signs

Photos of individual heterosexual individuals of these waterfowl are almost identical. But when comparing nearby males and females, you can catch the difference. Some species of geese have a pronounced cone at the base of the beak; it is larger in size than geese . And most females of this species have none at all. But, for example, geese of the Lindovskaya breed do not have this distinctive sign.

Since it is quite difficult for an inexperienced poultry to distinguish a gander from a goose of this species, it is important to remember that males are usually much larger than females. And their weight is much more. But since a gander can be distinguished from a goose in size and weight, it is possible only in the herd where the goslings were raised from childhood, and provided that everyone is healthy, this trait cannot guarantee a completely correct answer. After all, the appearance of some rocks of these waterfowl is almost the same. Well, how to distinguish a gander from a goose by external signs, the photo of which is almost a mirror image of each other?

how to distinguish a gander from a goose

“Come on, my goose, voice!”

Almost all males and females of birds differ in their “singing” or, more simply, reproducible sounds. But here, the gusevodov will be disappointed. If the crowing of a rooster cannot be confused with the clucking of a chicken, the gagging of gander and geese is also very similar. But experienced goose breeders know how to distinguish a gander from a goose by ear. They claim that the male’s voice is coarser than that of the female, hoarse. The geese gossip longer, it is more pleasant to listen to them.

how to distinguish a gander from a goose by external signs of a photo

You can guess the gender of the bird by gait

Since it is quite difficult to distinguish a gander from a goose by external signs, many poultry farmers suggest doing this based on their habits. For example, a clue may be hiding in the walk of waterfowl. Gusaks act proudly, usually occupy a dominant place in the herd. Geese prefer to follow the leader without running ahead and overtaking him.

how to distinguish a gander from a goose by external signs

If you carefully monitor your pets, you can note the fact that females often sit down even at a young age, as if demonstrating fatigue. Gusaks prefer to stand longer, peering into the distance, as if carefully guarding their wards.

Gusak fighting spirit distinguishes from geese

Another thing is if there are several gander in the herd. So then the task arises for the gusevodu so the task! But even here experienced poultry farmers point out some important sexual behavioral traits.

Male geese, as in the entire animal world, are aggressive, pugnacious creatures. This is especially pronounced in the community where two or more males live side by side. Although sometimes the geese are not averse to show their militant character.

how to distinguish a gander from a goose photo

Especially fighting become females during hatching eggs and when it comes to protecting offspring. And sometimes it happens that suddenly either a gander or a goose starts to poke around and does not want to accept the goslings brought by another pair into the common family. It may come to a fight in which the female may well become the instigator.

Anxiety and excitement will reveal the secrets of gender

And yet, sometimes even knowing all of the above signs does not help poultry farmers to distinguish gander from geese. It is especially difficult to do this at a very young age, when the weight and height of individuals varies little, and the voice has not yet taken shape.

In this case, careful observation of the young during a stressful situation can serve as a hint. Of course, you shouldn’t specially frighten the birds, make them worry for no reason. It is enough just to let goose in the water to swim. Joy is also quite strong emotions that birds will not fail to demonstrate.

So the moment the geese see the reservoir, they will immediately begin to vigorously express their excitement. Moreover, the females will actively “bow” and gag, and the males will stretch their necks horizontally and hiss. Geese behave in a similar way at any age at the time of fear, excitement, delight. Try to walk past the goose herd - birds will immediately pay attention to you! And to distinguish bowing geese from those who ran forward and bravely militant gander, who stretched their necks almost parallel to the ground, would not be difficult. Only it is unlikely that someone will remain calm in such a situation and will reasonably talk about the sex of a particular individual. Surely in the head of the one to whom the goose aggression is directed, only such questions will struggle: how to be saved, how to get out of the most difficult situation with the least losses.

how to distinguish a gander from a goose of Lindovsky breed

The main sexual trait in geese

There is one more, the most reliable and reliable way of distinguishing females from males. It is extremely important for some species of geese, in which the above characteristics are less pronounced. For example, when asked about how to distinguish a gander from a goose of Lindovskaya breed, one can answer that only by the presence of a penis in a gander.

You should know that this organ in geese is located in the cesspool - the excretory hole under the tail. It is almost impossible to see him, since he is coiled and hidden inside. Therefore, for inspection, you need to be able to open the cloaca of a goose individual. It is very important at this time not to injure the delicate skin of the hole and the genital organ itself, therefore it is necessary to act with utmost care.

It will help to understand how to distinguish a gander from a goose, a photo of a goose’s cloaca inspection. During the procedure, the bird should be turned on its back, holding its head so that it could not resist and pinch a person. Then, very carefully, with the thumb and forefinger, the hands move the cloaca apart. If a curl curled into a spiral is visible inside, it means that the individual being examined belongs to males. Similarly, it should be assumed that the absence thereof indicates that this individual is more likely a goose than a gander.


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