Boomerang curlers: customer reviews and photos

Not everyone has wavy hair by nature, but many girls dream of making a playful image. Get a beautiful and elastic curls allow curlers-boomerangs. As can be seen from the reviews, many women prefer to choose these safe and convenient devices for creating hairstyles. How to wind the boomerang curlers, described in the article.

general information

At all times, women wanted to use a simple and safe method of curling hair. Previously, improvised means were used in the form of small tubes made of wood or paper, and curlers made of rags were in demand. But the fashion industry is developing, and therefore there are new means of turning straight strands into curly ones. Modern devices are comfortable and effective, as evidenced by numerous user reviews.

Boomerang Curlers

Boomerang curlers are also called papillots. These are soft sticks on which the lock is wound. The top of the tubes is created from plastic foam. Often, flexible rubber is used for this. Inside is the wire. With its help, curlers are able to curl and fix in different positions. Both types of boomerangs perfectly fix hair. They do not slip and are firmly fixed on the head. The difference is that the foam is softer. According to reviews, these funds allow you to do a hairstyle at night.

Rubber sticks have a dense structure. Sleeping with them will be uncomfortable, but they allow you to make crisp curls in shape in comparison with foam. Boomerang curlers differ in length, diameter, which affects the result. Reviews note that thin devices allow you to make elegant small curls. And with large, volumetric curls are obtained. Thanks to the rich assortment, every fashionista can choose the right option for herself.


Boomerang curlers became popular with fashionistas immediately after the appearance, as evidenced by positive reviews. To date, they are used to create everyday and holiday hairstyles, which is associated with the following advantages:

  1. Security. When working with these products, there is no exposure to elevated temperatures in comparison with thermal products, curling irons and other devices. Curlers do not damage the structure of the strands. You do not need to apply potent agents to your hair, as with a salon permed chemical wave. The effect of the procedure lasts for 1-2 days.
  2. Ease of use. Placing boomerangs is easy enough, and this does not require special skills. With them, it will turn out to curl the strands of the house the first time, you just need to follow simple rules. Flexible papillots are very easily fixed on curls. For this, clamps, elastic bands and other fixation devices are not needed.
  3. Convenience. Hair boomerang curlers are fixed securely, do not fall off. Due to their light weight, they are almost invisible on the head. With them, you can do any business or even sleep without worrying about the effect.
  4. Great result. After removing the elastic ducts from the hair, an excellent effect is observed. Beautiful waves can transform the hairstyle. Due to safety, the devices can be used often.
  5. Affordable price. If you rarely wind your hair, you can spend a little money on curlers. Moreover, you can select several sets of devices of different sizes to create different effects.
Boomerang Hair Curlers

According to reviews, there is only one minus in papillots. With frequent use in bend areas, the foam coating crumbles. It also happens that the wire comes out. But due to the low price, you can regularly update the kit.


Many companies make curlers. The most popular products include the following:

  1. Pak Star Professional. The German company produces accessories for styling hair. The price of papillots is about 500-600 rubles.
  2. Comair Flex. Brand products have an affordable price and excellent quality. The cost for a set is 200-300 rubles.
  3. DEWAL Beauty. The products of a German company are in demand in Russia. The price of a set for winding hair is 150-200 rubles.
  4. Sibel. The Belgian brand produces accessories for hairdressers. The cost of production is 350-600 rubles.


Judging by the photo, boomerang curlers create a different effect. It depends on the size of the fixtures. The smallest in diameter are 14 mm, and in length - 180 mm. And for large parameters - 22 mm and 240 mm. The size of the papillot should be chosen according to the length of the hairstyle and the desired effect.

Boomerang curlers how to use?

With long and thick hair, it is preferable to purchase devices of large diameter and length. And if the curls are short, then thin and not very long foam tubes are needed. According to reviews, the latter look can be useful with long strands, if you want to make small curls.

Features of use

How to use boomerang curlers? It seems to many that this is a simple task, but in fact, to create luxurious curls and graceful curls without creases, you must follow the procedure according to the rules:

  1. Before creating a hairstyle, you need to wash your hair, and then dry it a little. The winding is preferably performed on wet strands, since completely dry are difficult to curl. And wet can not fully dry in a twisted form. As a result, the curls will be fuzzy and will quickly lose their shape.
  2. A styling agent is applied to wet curls. This will save the hairstyle for a long period, as well as provide a clear outline. It is only important to observe the measure. It is best to apply styling mousse not to all strands, but only to the area from the middle of the hair to the ends. Then the hairstyle will be light and natural.
  3. Then you need to determine the type of styling. In order for the hairstyle to be neat, you need to arrange the boomerangs symmetrically. Chaotic fastening will give a slight negligence.
  4. The curls should be combed and divided into parts, given the chosen hairstyle. It is important to consider the number of papillots available.
  5. It is advisable to start curling from the top of the head, moving to the back of the head. Then they wind up at the temples, and only at the end - a section from the top of the head to the face.
How to wind boomerang curlers?

As the reviews confirm, boomerang curlers allow you to get beautiful curls while observing the basic rules of the procedure. The hairstyle will be neat and elegant.

Procedure execution

How to wind your hair on a boomerang curler? The procedure is performed based on the following rules:

  1. Before wrapping each strand is folded into a bundle. Then the hair is placed in the middle of the foam stick and twisted in one of 2 options. At the first boomerang, they are placed at the root of the curls, after which the hair is wound on curlers. In the second method, the papillot is placed at the end of the strand. Then the tube rotates, spinning its hair.
  2. After winding the strands, the tips of the curlers bend to the center. This allows you to fix them for the desired period of time.
  3. Waving is performed for at least 3 hours.
  4. Hair can be left to dry on its own or a little blow dry without removing curlers.
  5. When curling is done in the evening, you can go to bed. But it is advisable to wear a scarf on your head. This will prevent the rapid decline of the "boomerangs" and tangling of hair.
  6. After drying, the hair takes the necessary shape, and therefore you can remove the curlers. Begin from the bottom of the hairstyle.
  7. If the intensity of the curl suits, it is advisable not to comb the curls. They should only be corrected with your hands and apply a little varnish. For quality fixation, you need to tilt your head down and sprinkle the tips. Then you should return to its original position and re-commit over the styling. If the curls are very โ€œcoolโ€, then you should comb with a comb with large and rare cloves.

Vertical curls

For this hairstyle, 2 packs of boomerangs will be required, and if the curls are thick and long, then 3. Wrap should be done from the top of the head and heading to the back of the head. Each stick should be held upright. Only then when removing the curlers will the hair curl in the same direction. Having put on all the boomerangs, you can apply a little varnish.

Boomerang curlers, photo

After a few hours, you can remove the papillot. Combing curls is undesirable. It is only necessary to straighten the hairstyle with your hands and pull the strands down a little. With thin boomerangs, expressive curls are obtained. But it should be borne in mind that then the hair length will seem shorter.

Big curls

With the help of such curlers you can make large curls that start in the middle. For this, large diameter tubes are needed. 1 package will be enough, because the wrap strands are made wide.

The lower part of the styling must be separated with a comb. The upper ones are fixed with hairpins. Each lock is wound from the end of the hair to the middle. With this perm, you can sleep, because the curlers will not interfere.

Natural styling

Boomerangs allow you to create the effect of natural curly curls. Then you need curlers of different diameters. They should be fixed randomly or symmetry should be used. In this case, you can experiment with the direction of the curl and the location of the curls.

Medium hair boomerang curlers

Volumetric styling

Boomerangs are not only for creating expressive curls. They are used to give volume to thin and weakened strands. Large curlers are needed, and after their removal you just need to comb your hair. To get this effect, you need 2 hours of waiting.

For different hair lengths

Judging by the reviews, the effect may be different depending on the length of the strands:

  1. On long. In this case, you can make any hairstyle. It can be large curls and small curls, as well as soft waves. With such hair any effect is allowed. It all depends on the technique used. It is only necessary to choose long curlers so that they are qualitatively fixed on the head.
  2. On medium hair. In this case, boomerang curlers can also be used for different hairstyles. The finer the hair, the more magnificent the hairstyle.
  3. On short. It is advisable to choose boomerang curlers of small length, otherwise they will subside. Spin the strands to the root. The look of a hairstyle with curls from the middle will not work. But fine curls created with the help of thin โ€œboomerangsโ€ and light waves obtained by medium-sized papillots look great. In order for the effect to be natural, curling should not be done all over the head.
How to wind your hair on a boomerang curler?

Result fixing

To keep the hairstyle longer, you need to use styling products. Before wrapping, a fixing foam or mousse is applied to the strand. After removing the curlers, the hairstyle is fixed with varnish. Keep in mind that very large and small curls develop faster. To ensure a lasting effect, medium-sized papillots are needed. With the help of high-quality fixation, a lasting result in the preservation of curls is expected.


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