Tact is what? Five meanings of the word

Tact is what? The Latin word tactus translates as “touch”. From him came the French word takt, meaning the norm of behavior. In German, Takt stands for musical interval. In the Russian language, this word came from the nineteenth century and is used in several meanings.

The musician is sure that this is a metric unit in music. You can go astray while dancing. And when the heart goes astray, a doctor is urgently needed. The mechanic is confident that this is a technical term related to the engine. The programmer will say - to the processor. And the linguist will remember the speech tact. And only the teacher and psychologist agree that tact is sensitivity in relations with people.

In music

In music, there is a division into pauses and sounds. When a melody sounds, many beat the beat with clapping or shaking their legs. As you can see, certain intervals of the musical work are clearly expressed. Sounds are louder and quieter. Louder sounds are called strong beats. They are beaten off by a man, listening to the performance. A strong share is followed by a few weak ones, and then the pattern is repeated again. This musical section, starting with a strong beat, is constantly emphasized by accompanists during accompaniment in the ballet class, playing louder than a strong beat.

Accompanist in the ballet class

Music notes are also divided into measures. They are separated by a vertical bar on the stave. A musical measure has a size - the ratio of shares in a measure to their duration. For example, two quarters, three quarters, six eighths. The waltz has a three quarter measure beat. The dance fits in a few steps at the expense of "one - two - three."

Emil and Emilia from the fairy tale “Ordinary Miracle” quarreled over the fact that he was dancing with another girl at the ball and whispering something in her ear. Years later, they met and talked. It turned out that he whispered to her: "One, two, three." She lost her beat all the time.

In a relationship

Ephraim’s dictionary explains the meaning of the word “tact” in relations with people: a sense of proportion in behavior, delicacy, prompting a careful attitude, and an approach to a person. The concept of pedagogical tact is closely related to psychology. What does tact mean, KD Ushinsky well explained. He said that the teacher-practitioner must have a psychological tact. Without this, his knowledge of the theory of pedagogy is useless.

Tact is based on spiritual qualities: patience, trust, responsiveness, sensitivity. They help to correctly understand the situation, resolve the overdue conflict, find the right words and not infringe on the interlocutor’s self-esteem.

You can be tactful and tactless. An example of this is the girl Alice. She tries to conduct small talk and be a model of decency, but she does not succeed.

Tactless conversation

Alice in Wonderland fell into the tearful sea and noticed that someone was floundering nearby. It turned out to be a mouse. Having started a small talk with her, she started talking about her cat as she deftly catches mice. But the mouse was offended. Then Alice began to talk about the neighboring fox terrier and came to the case when he caught all the rats and mice. To this, the mouse reasonably remarked: “You are simply a tactless girl. Sailing away. "

In the mechanisms

Ozhegov’s dictionary explains this word as “part of the working cycle”, referring to mechanisms, engines. This word refers to specialized. Special literature explains that a beat is one stroke of a piston. Apparently, by analogy with repeating measures of music, this movement inside the engine, constantly repeating, is called a measure.

In speech

Human speech, like music, also has its own tact. Just as there is stress in a word, that is, a louder pronounced sound, so in the whole phrase there is a semantic stress. Speech tact is characterized by stress in a group of words. There are always pauses in speech - more genuine and shorter. The pause after the completed phrase is longer, inside the phrase there are shorter pauses.

A phrase may consist of one or more sentences. Each sentence consists of one or several measures. Each measure consists of one or several words. Thus, a beat is a unit of speech flow.

Speech Beat in Verses

The beat forms an incomplete speech design. He, like a brick, is only part of the whole. What will be created from such bricks depends on the speaker. The most expressive division into measures is found in poems. The incorrect division of speech into measures completely changes the meaning of what has been said.

What is tact in computer science

It seems that cyclicality is inherent not only in music, speech, heart rate and nature itself. In computer science, a science created by people, the same cyclical laws are observed. What is tact in computer science? In short, this is a time interval. Tact is the time elapsed between the supply of two consecutive pulses.

CPU cycle, like a heartbeat

This is a signal used to coordinate operations in digital circuits. The most famous for users is the processor clock. Just as a person’s heart constantly beats a beat, so the processor constantly produces electronic pulses. Such a characteristic as clock frequency is considered the most important when choosing a computer model. This indicator of the speed of work, the number of ticks per second, can reach three or more gigahertz.

How many words the word tact has!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44116/

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