Editing the abdomen: description of the procedure and reviews

The abdomen is the most important place in the human body. In this area are the internal organs, blood vessels and nerve endings. Most diseases are somehow related to the abdomen, which our wise ancestors knew about. Any violation in the work of internal organs sooner or later leads to the development of a serious ailment. However, at the initial stage it is not easy to suspect something was amiss. Often a person notices a disease only when it begins to manifest itself in full in the form of painful and unpleasant symptoms.

But ailments do not arise suddenly, immediately turning into an acute form. This is preceded by a long process of the origin and development of the disease. Most malfunctioning internal organs show signs of vasospasm or paresis of the nerve fiber. That is, if you simply establish good blood flow in the abdominal region, then you can ensure good health for many years.

belly dressing

All this was known and actively used by our ancestors, and in some villages their methods are still used. Moreover, we can assume that ancient knowledge is not inferior to modern medicine, and even surpass it. For example, during the time of Tsarist Russia, representatives of the nobility, using the services of expensive qualified doctors, rarely survived even up to 80 years. At the same time, in villages over 100 years old were not uncommon. Their long and fruitful life was promoted by editing of the abdomen - a type of manual therapy, in which special manipulations with internal organs were carried out. They were carried out with hands or improvised objects - pots, sticks and other tools found in everyday life.

Old Slavic revision of the abdomen

Belly dressing was performed by both experienced doctors and ordinary people to maintain health. This simple operation is simple: the abdominal surface is pressed, moved and massaged by internal organs. Due to this, metabolic processes are normalized, blood flow and lymph flow are restored. Restoring normal blood flow is often enough to reverse the disease. After all, stagnation of lymph and blood in the organ leads to the fact that metabolic products are worse derived from it. This contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. Also, less nutrients and oxygen enter the affected organ.

Usually, the doctor methodically probes the surface of the abdomen, focusing his attention on the locations of the internal organs. He presses them until painful sensations appear. If the discomfort did not appear, then the organ is healthy. But if pain occurs in the place of pressure, the specialist gently presses into this place, gently massaging it until the pain passes. Gradually, changing the angle of pressure and the place in which it is made, the healer passes the entire surface of the abdomen. Thus, a complete analysis of the organs with their simultaneous recovery is performed. Naturally, in one session the problem cannot be solved, for complete recovery you need about 7-10 courses of massage.

Editing the abdomen would have been safely forgotten had it not been for Alexander Ogulov, a doctor of traditional medicine who restored ancient knowledge. In 1994, his unique technique passed clinical trials, as a result of which it was recognized as an effective way to restore the correct functioning of internal organs. The Ogulov system is called "visceral chiropractic." Today, it is actively studied and practiced not only by adherents of traditional medicine, but also by some doctors. Belly dressing after childbirth is very popular.


Traditional medicine differs from generally accepted dogmas not only in treatment methods, but also in diagnosis. Visceral dressing of the abdomen does not divide organs into sick and healthy. It involves suppressing an ailment in the early stages of development, when classical medicine cannot yet identify them. Physicians who practice abdominal dressing use the term “functional weakening”. It applies not only to organs, but also to the general condition of a person. Violations are determined by the eyes, ears, pulse, tongue, skin condition and digestive system.

editing the abdomen in Moscow

The first signs of a violation are not striking. However, if decisive measures are not taken in time, the disease will certainly make itself felt later, in a harsh and uncompromising form. The first alarming calls are chapped lips, herpes or acne on the face, periodic headaches, digestive disorders, constipation. Also, a dry mouth, age spots and papillomas, and regular back pain indicate the malfunctioning of organs. The appearance of a person can tell a lot about his health.

Traditional medicine offers to get rid of trouble by simply relieving symptoms. Because of this approach, the disease continues to develop in the "background" until it reaches a critical point. In fact, many people who look healthy in appearance suffer from serious disorders in the work of internal organs, they just don’t know about it yet. For the prevention of diseases, Slavic editing of the abdomen is perfect. With the help of this simple procedure, a person can independently take care of his health.

Displacement of the internal organs

Sometimes, due to weight lifting, bumps or surgical intervention, organs leave their usual place. In this case, our ancestors said that the navel is not in place. Doctors will most likely say that everything is in order, so only Old Slavonic editing of the abdomen will help you here. In villages, as a rule, people have to work hard physically. Sooner or later, someone will definitely tear your stomach. This is where traditional medicine comes to the rescue, but first you need to determine in which direction the shift occurred.

If the navel is higher than necessary, digestive problems begin . They begin to disturb pain in the stomach, gastritis, blood circulation in this organ is disturbed, as a result of which it gradually drops. Displacement of the navel down causes disruption in the genitourinary system. Women can become infertile, and men can experience impotence. Even the slightest displacement causes a malfunction in the intestines.

Old slavic abdomen

The best way to determine if your navel is biased is by palpation. It is carried out with two fingers, which are located at a distance of about 1 cm from the navel. First, the upper part is palpated, and then places on the side and bottom. In each of these places an even ripple should be noticeable. If it is felt unevenly or absent in some directions, then the navel is not in place. To return it, you need to edit the abdomen and the navel.

The simplest tricks

If there has been a displacement of the internal organs or they have lowered, then it is best to consult a specialist in editing the abdomen. However, such people are rare, so sometimes you have to independently bring your body back to normal. To do this, there are a number of simple techniques that everyone can perform. The easiest option is to move your arms around your belly button. It should be performed only clockwise, gradually increasing the load. It is best to start with light strokes, smoothly moving to rubbing. After the skin around the navel turns red, you can begin to slowly squeeze the surface of the abdomen. In this case, the hand sways as if, plunging inward. Over time, the movements become deeper and more intense, but without fanaticism. This procedure takes about 15 minutes. It will take approximately 7-10 sessions to resolve the problem.

visceral abdominal dressing

Hands are best lubricated with cream or soap. Extra virgin olive oil or grape seed oil. Such a correction of the abdomen will not only raise lowered organs, but also improve the flow of lymph in the body. The technique described above is not the only true one, you can vary the movement by producing spiral or circular pressure. Also, the stomach can be squeezed linearly. It is important to feel a person, to be constantly interested in his well-being, to work in tandem with him, and not to mechanically massage his stomach.


Not only hands can heal organs, often improvised tools are used to correct the abdomen. One of them is an ordinary clay pot with a volume of one to one and a half liters. It is an excellent tool for normalizing the intestines. To do this, put the pot on the person’s stomach upside down. The patient should breathe with his stomach so that the pot rises and falls in time with his breath. Then the healer presses on the tool, while rotating it clockwise. This causes a displacement of the skin and intestines, eliminates blood stasis and relieves spasms from a long-suffering organ.

Editing the abdomen with a pot is done with such force that the pressure is palpable, but not excessive. The patient should not experience severe pain. In addition, it is important from time to time to probe the intestinal region, being interested in the sensations of a person. So you can understand if you did not harm him. If during the next palpation the pain syndrome disappears, then the procedure has brought results, and it can be stopped.


This unpleasant phenomenon can overtake everyone, regardless of gender and age. The cause of a hernia can be weight lifting, sneezing, childbirth, violent laughter or an unsuccessful jump. In the lower abdomen, a destructive process begins, as a result of which the insides push the peritoneum into one of the openings of the abdominal wall. The resulting sac drops lower, most often through the inguinal canal or femoral arch. In this case, urgent need to take action, as it is possible pinching.

Another type of hernia is umbilical. Most often, young children suffer from it, but sometimes quite adult individuals become victims of this ailment. If in children this problem is solved by a simple bandage, then older people need more effective methods to eliminate it. The best option is editing the abdomen. Reviews about it are usually positive, but before conducting it, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the specific case of a hernia, find out contraindications.

abdomen correction personal experience

The treatment is carried out using a pot with a volume of about 1.5 liters or a glass jar of the appropriate size. It is better to take a pot, as the jar leaves behind deep traces that heal for a long time. The place of production should be kneaded and relaxed as much as possible, then smeared with petroleum jelly. After that, half of the potato or apple is taken, into the round part of which several matches are inserted. On average, about 10 pieces are used, but depending on the density of the skin, their number varies. One of the matches is set on fire, after which the structure must be covered with a pot. As a result, the oxygen inside burns out, and the pot is safely attached to the skin.

After 15-20 minutes, remove the pot. A small bruise should remain in its place - this is a normal phenomenon, there is no need to be scared, it will pass in a day or two. After the bruise disappears, you need to repeat the session. The procedure is performed up to 5 times, usually this is enough to eliminate the umbilical hernia. If after three sessions no changes are observed, then there is no point in continuing - there will be no effect. It is also important to ensure that after setting the pot there is a bruise. Its absence suggests that more matches should be put.


Editing the abdomen according to Ogulov is only one of many methods of this multifaceted art. An indispensable assistant in this matter will be the usual ball of woolen threads. It is better not to use synthetic materials, as the effect of them will be less. The size of the ball corresponds to the size of your fist. First, it is advisable to relax and massage the navel. Then you need to lie on the floor so that the ball is under the navel. If pain occurs, then something is wrong. In this case, you need to relax your stomach as much as possible and lie on the ball until the pain passes. This procedure must be repeated until the negative sensations have completely stopped.

You can also use 3 woolen balls of different diameters. Usually their diameter is 5, 10 and 15 centimeters. Here everything is done in the same way as in the previous version, but the balls are stacked in turn - from smaller to larger. On each ball you need to lie until the pain subsides, and only after that change it to a tangle of larger size. If you do not have woolen threads, then a tennis ball will go to the worst. The best time for this exercise is evening.

Old Slavonic revision of the abdomen in Moscow

Residents of the capital have many opportunities to join the healing technique of the Slavs. Seminars are constantly held to educate everyone on their treasured skills. There are no specialists in this field, but it is best to contact large massage parlors or serious clinics. Old Slavonic editing of the abdomen in Moscow at home is a dangerous event, as it is easy to get on a charlatan, which can significantly harm your health. Therefore, it is better to come to a large medical center, which monitors its image and carefully selects specialists.

Slavic editing of the abdomen

One of the places where abdomen is being edited in Moscow is the Eureka Health Center. It employs a whole team of specialists who have mastered the unique Ogulov system. For those who do not trust other people's hands, it will be useful to attend one of the many seminars that will teach you how to maintain your body on your own, without the help of outsiders. Naturally, such events are quite expensive, but it is much safer than learning this subtle art on the Internet. The basics of editing the abdomen can be easily mastered on your own, but you can become a real doctor only under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

In general, the Old Slavonic abdomen editing in Moscow is gaining momentum. Every year, people are showing an increasing interest in their native culture. The amazing effectiveness of visceral chiropractic has long been beyond doubt. Gone are the days when only rural healers and Old Believers did similar things. Editing the abdomen perfectly complements modern medicine. After all, doctors, unfortunately, rarely take to treat the omission of internal organs. It is easier for them to file or remove a problem area than to spend a lot of efforts to eliminate the ailment.

Massage and visceral chiropractic

Classical massage techniques perfectly complement the abdomen. It is an intensive and deep procedure, so it should be preceded by massage. The principles of classical massage say that techniques should follow each other so that the load gradually increases. You need to start with stroking. It is performed with a relaxed hand, which glides over the body so as not to move the skin. This technique will cleanse the skin of old epidermal scales, soothe the nervous system and prepare the patient for further manipulations.

After this, you can proceed to more intense actions, such as grinding. It looks like stroking with the only difference being more intense and sharp. The result of grinding is hyperemia - redness of the skin, indicating that blood flow has increased in it. This useful technique helps to remove waste products from the skin layer, and also improves cellular nutrition. Rubbing should be done very carefully if there is a plentiful hairline on a person’s stomach. If this technique causes severe discomfort, then it is better to refuse it.

The next action is kneading. In fact, this is not only a preparatory action, but also a real editing of the abdomen. Personal experience gained over years of hard practice will help to begin the diagnosis of the patient at this stage. Pain during kneading indicates that one or more internal organs do not work as they should. It is on problem areas that you should focus your attention in the future. Kneading begins with a gentle squeezing of the abdomen in a clockwise direction. It is also advisable to stretch the lines going from the navel to the protruding pelvic bone, and the lines going sideways from it, as if encircling the body. The kidney area cannot be massaged! When kneading, the hands should make pushing circular movements, slowly moving through the body. Over time, the intensity of exposure should increase. After kneading, you can apply a gentle tapping with your fingers. In this case, the brush should be as relaxed as possible.

After a preliminary massage, you will achieve maximum effect. They will prepare the body for the load that gives him editing the abdomen. There are a lot of excellent masseurs in Moscow who have visceral chiropractic, so it’s not necessary to do it yourself.

Editing the abdomen. Ancient knowledge in the service of modern man

Many have become disillusioned with modern medicine. Often, it is simply unprofitable for her to save people from the disease, because then they will no longer go to hospitals, buy medicine, invest in this huge industry. Pharmacists seek to plant as many people as possible on their products. Pills relieve symptoms, but do not affect the root cause of the disease. Thus, patients in friendly ranks go to the pharmacy to get temporary relief, like addicts suffering without the next dose of the drug.

editing the abdomen and the navel

Visceral chiropractic will help prevent the occurrence of many ailments. Of course, it is not a panacea for all diseases, but it seriously reduces the risk of any ailment. The first sessions are best done by an experienced specialist, if possible. Editing the abdomen at home is not always justified. There are good specialists in Moscow, but there are also enough charlatans. Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from large wellness centers. There you will receive professional help, and you will also be able to make your impression about the correct editing of the abdomen, so that you can independently do this useful thing. Human hands are an amazing tool with which you can successfully diagnose and treat diseases. Touch the wisdom of our ancestors, and it will give you indestructible health!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44118/

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