Acoustic anti-theft systems: installation, principle of operation

It's no secret that today almost everyone wants to have their own business, which will bring good profit. As a rule, now many open retail outlets. But in order for them to successfully develop, they must be filled with high-quality and original goods. In addition, you need to consider the protection of products sold.

Most modern outlets today will not be able to function normally without the use of security systems. Many anti-theft protection systems today work automatically and do not require constant monitoring. There are several types of anti-theft systems.

The following species are most widely used:

  • radio frequency;
  • electromagnetic;
  • acoustomagnetic.

The most technologically advanced anti-theft system with confidence can be called an acoustomagnetic device. However, the widespread distribution of such systems is hindered by their too high price.

History of occurrence

acoustic magnetic theft protection systems
Usually, 1988 is mentioned as the date of occurrence of acoustomagnetic technology. The development is owned by Sensormatic. The patent was filed in a limited time. To date, it is believed that its validity has expired. Now, on the basis of acoustomagnetic technology, anyone can easily produce their own anti-theft device. Sensormatic is currently the world leader in the development of anti-theft systems. Samples related to the acousto-magnetic type are conveniently used at retail outlets specializing in the sale of small-sized goods.


Acoustic anti-theft systems, as a rule, have three main components.

  1. Gates - racks, the height of which can reach about 1.5 meters. These installations simultaneously play the role of antennas that generate and receive EM waves in the range of 58 KHz.
  2. Transponders (labels) are small products, which are a plastic case with a special metal part - a magnetic-acoustic resonator. Labels are usually small in size, which makes it possible to install them on a product without obscuring brand images and information labels. To prevent attackers from trying to remove the label, it is disguised as a barcode. Labels themselves are disposable devices. After the sale of goods, they are stored on the packaging. Another variety of transponders are tags. They perform the same tasks as labels, but can only be used several times. At the checkout, such sensors are deactivated and removed from the package. The tag includes a block with a magnetic acoustic resonator and a shell in various designs. Another type of protective device is boxing. Small product just fits inside. A girth is used to fasten the tags on the neck of the bottles.
  3. Sensor deactivators - equipment used for contactless demagnetization of a tag or label. The principle of operation of this product is that it affects the transponder with an active alternating magnetic field. Devices of this type can be integrated into barcode scanning equipment. Thus, the seller can simultaneously enter the purchase information in the database and deactivate the label.

Such devices as pullers are used to remove tags from the goods being sold. They are usually installed near the employee’s workplace at the checkout. To prevent unauthorized use, some models are equipped with a special lock, which blocks the operation of the device in the absence of a cashier. For the same purposes, mobile manual deactivators are used.

Operating principle

installation of anti-theft systems
Acoustic-magnetic technology uses the phenomenon of magnetostriction in its principle of action. By it is meant the ability of some ferroalloys to change their size under the influence of a magnetic field. If the oscillation frequency of the ferroalloy resonates with the oscillation frequency of the magnetic field, then their amplitude will become larger. The composition of the ferromagnetic alloy in modern transponders is selected in such a way that it has a large magnetization value. The ferroalloy strip, when pulsed, begins to vibrate, thereby generating its own electromagnetic field. It is it that is captured by the sensitive component of the anti-theft system. To deactivate the transponder label, you need to act on the strips for a long time using an alternating magnetic field, gradually reducing power. This will lead to a mismatch in the resonance frequency of the ferroalloy strips. The transponder will not respond to the field created by the anti-theft gate.

Disadvantages and advantages of acoustic systems

acoustic magnetic theft protection systems for shops
The advantages of acousto-magnetic systems include:

  • high reliability of operation (> 95%);
  • lack of so-called dead zones during scanning;
  • the ability to use next to metal structures;
  • small size of the anti-theft tag;
  • anti-theft systems for stores will work even if the acousto-magnetic tag is on metallized material, which allows protecting a sufficiently large assortment of goods.
  • The reader is capable of controlling passageways up to 2.4 m wide.

Acoustic-theft theft sometimes has additional options to provide protection against theft. For example, if you bring an already demagnetized mark to the deactivation device, the alarm will still work. In addition, the scanning frames can additionally perform the function of a metal detector. The setting can be made so that the device will respond to the so-called foil bags.

theft protection systems
Acoustic anti-theft systems for stores have a number of negative aspects. Firstly, the cost of a large anti-theft gate can be quite high. Secondly, the consumables needed to service such an installation are quite expensive compared to systems operating on electromagnetic and radio frequency technologies. In addition, there are no cheap models of contactless tag deactivators on sale. Plus, the label is quite large in size.

Thus, the installation of anti-theft systems justifies itself only in case of significant risks of financial loss, theft and theft of goods and material assets.

Equipment operation

anti-theft systems for clothing stores
How do anti-theft systems work? The principle of operation of such a device is that an alarm is built into the racks. When you try to take out the goods, the light and sound signals will work. The system is usually installed in the control zone. At the same time, special labels or tags are glued to the product, which are removed using the deactivator after payment. One of the racks of the system is a transmitter. It is she who checks the goods for the presence of anti-theft labels and tags. Scanning is carried out through the transmission of pulses of a certain frequency. When labels and tags appear in the action field, the sensor is activated. There are signals that are transmitted to the second rack, performing the function of the receiver.

Types of equipment

Acoustic anti-theft systems differ in the frequency range. There are four types of such systems:

  1. Acoustic magnetic.
  2. Radio frequency.
  3. Electromagnetic
  4. Radiomagnetic.

Any component of the security system is designed to detect and prevent theft and theft. When choosing components of the anti-theft system, attention should be paid to ensure that they are compatible with each other.

Anti-theft mirrors

anti-theft systems for shops
What other anti-theft systems for clothing stores exist today? In areas with limited visibility, special anti-theft mirrors can be installed. For the production of such models, acrylic plastic is used. The shape of mirrors can be different, from a simple square to a polygon. The larger the size of such a mirror, the larger the viewing area it can cover.

Additional materials

Acoustic anti-theft systems today come with a whole list of consumables that you can easily list. Carriers for anti-theft systems are represented by labels, sensors, tags. The main material used to make such products is plastic. Tags have solid stiffeners, so breaking them is almost impossible. Choose the size of this item in accordance with the size of the goods.


anti-theft systems working principle
Anti-theft devices today are often installed in large retail pavilions. Acoustic-magnetic equipment is highly reliable and easy to operate. A properly selected anti-theft protection system, interconnected with other elements of the security system, such as a video surveillance system or ACS, can become an effective tool in combating the threats of theft.


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