How do your hair feel after hair extensions?

The beauty industry has gone very far. Now you should not worry about the fact that nature has stinted on lush hair. Hair, nails, eyelashes - all this can be increased, lengthened, improved. But the consequences are not always successful. Poor mastery of the artist or cheap, low-quality materials can lead to hair loss. Having flaunted a few months with chic curls, you will have to restore your hair after hair extensions for years!

hair after hair extensions

Materials and equipment

There are several ways to give volume and length to your hair. Each of them requires special materials for building. Equipment is not cheap, so there is no point in making hair extensions at home. Nippers come in several forms:

  • Ultrasonic - they produce a wave that turns into thermal energy in contact with a special keratin capsule. After hair extension with this method, your hair remains practically healthy and strong.
  • A mechanical clamp is a relative of pliers. The extension is carried out using metal clamps and beads, which are fixed with mechanical forceps.
  • Hot tongs - suitable for the Italian way. A protein microcapsule with artificial hair is heated with forceps, and then a strand of live hair is attached to it.
  • Caps removal tongs - their use is mandatory for removing strands, otherwise you can damage your hair.
  • Extension gun - This dangerous tool is used to heat special resin. With her help and fasten native hair with strands.

All of these building materials are only part of what you need. The most important thing is to choose the right hair.

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Curls and strands

The amount of hair that you need to spend on building, the masters call the volume. Select strands and their number individually. It all depends on the native density and length of hair. For medium density and a standard length of 40-50 cm, approximately 100 g of hair will be required. This is usually about 130 strands.

Girls with hair lengths up to 10 cm very often do extensions. Growing your curls is a very long process. And the build-up lasts only a few hours. Of course, such short hair requires a lot more strands.

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Where does the hair come from?

Demand for building is huge. Now in every beauty salon, hair extensions. Where did so many strands come from? In any city in the country you saw an advertisement for the purchase of hair over 30 cm. But, of course, there are more people wishing to grow strands than to sell their own. There are several other ways to get hair, some of which are nothing more than myths:

  • Hair is supplied from South African countries and Asian countries, where people are ready for anything to get money. Beauties specifically look after their curls in order to sell as expensive as possible. Selling hair extensions is a profitable and legitimate business.
  • Not quite a pleasant moment - hair from the morgue. This is hardly true, because beauties with magnificent hairs in whole groups do not fall into the morgue. And no one will allow such an act to be committed over the deceased.
  • Psychiatric hospitals also trade in vegetation. This is also a vague assumption, because the hair of sick people looks completely unattractive.
  • Prisons and pre-trial detention centers are also a source of hair supply. Prisoners are shaved bald when hit there. Do not throw away such wealth. This is quite real, because the cut raw materials go to the garbage chute.
  • Where hair for building the best quality, everyone knows - from the countries of the former USSR! They are mostly light, similar in structure to the hair of Russian women. Good for coloring and styling!

building materials

Hair undergoes special chemical treatment, they are completely safe and harmless. So the choice is yours - to wear other people's curls, your own or artificial! In most cases, your hair after hair extensions will have to be treated, restored, and possibly shortened.


Regarding the condition of the strands for building, you can not worry. They go through a huge number of different treatments. First, the hair is disinfected. Then they are washed well, painted and placed in a chamber with forty-degree heat for drying. The last step is coating the strands with silicone for elasticity and silkiness. Then the strands are hooked on tresses and sent for sale. Russia leads in quality and quantity of strands produced compared to other countries.

The most important thing is to choose the right salon and master, otherwise your hair after hair extensions will turn into a washcloth or completely fall out.

Recovery and rehabilitation

There are times when when removing strands after building their hair leaves much to be desired. But the problem is completely solvable. If the hair began to fall out, split, break, you need to urgently begin their treatment:

  • Make a haircut with an experienced master. The haircut should be such that the use of a hairdryer, ironing and fixation means is minimized.
  • Oil therapy is the best medicine for damaged hair. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of funds, burdock oil is perfect. Apply warm oil to your entire hair once every five days.
  • Masks for intensive hair growth are a must. It is advisable to stimulate blood circulation, then hair growth will go by leaps and bounds. To do this, use homemade masks from yolk, mustard, decoction of herbs.
  • Salt compresses have a very beneficial effect on damaged hair. Dilute a glass of salt with warm water to a condition of sour cream and rub it into the hair roots, massaging well with both hands.

hair after extensions reviews

Such simple methods will not hit your pocket and will help your hair to get in proper shape.

Opinions, reviews, recommendations

You can not ignore the hair after building. Reviews of girls who have tried on themselves and building, and recovery, will help to understand the problem.

hair extensions for sale

The opinions of girls are radically different from each other. Hot building, according to them, puts the hair in an unfavorable state, but the rest of the methods are more gentle and harmless. Remove the grown strands at least once a year and let your own hair rest for several months!

Hair extensions of good quality and a trusted master! Then they will bring pleasure and beauty!


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