Anette Orlova: photo, biography, nationality, books of a psychologist

Anette Orlova today needs no introduction. This is a talented specialist with a large internal resource. She is invited to participate in various programs and popular television shows: “Let them Speak,” “Fashionable Sentence,” etc. Psychologist Anette Orlova works with full dedication. She is ready to invest her energy, spend a large amount of energy on the development of her own activities. Sincere desire to help the client, the desire to understand his fears and anxieties makes her work truly valuable. Let's get to know this amazing woman better.

Anette Orlova: biography, nationality

The future psychologist was born on May 10, 1980 in Moscow. Her parents were successful people and devoted a lot of time to the development of their daughter. The girl was distinguished by curiosity and activity, she was easy to study. Anette grew up in an atmosphere of love and family well-being. Mother and father sought to fill her heart with light and joy, to convey their own useful skills. In general, the learning process was fun: the child participated in various competitions and contests, sought to learn something new.

orlova anette

As a child, she dreamed of becoming an actress. But the father was categorically against, considered the profession not serious and unworthy of the daughter’s high potential. The girl decided to choose another activity for herself, no less fascinating and interesting. She entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in Sociology, and then received an additional education as a psychologist.

The biography of Anette Orlova is quite entertaining. Family life can be called successful: successful marriage, the birth of two children - son Edward and daughter Sofia. Surrounded by close people, she feels confident, self-sufficient and happy.

biography of anette orlova

There is much debate on the web about which nationality Anette belongs to. Many attribute to her Armenian origin, based on appearance. However, the nationality of Anette Orlova today remains a mystery. The main thing, perhaps, is completely different: she knows how to carry the good, work with complete dedication, not sparing time and effort.

The path to psychology

He was quite difficult, full of personal overcoming and aspirations. At the age of 28, something inexplicable happened to her: a woman became seriously ill. For a long time she could not understand what was happening to her. Numerous examinations did not bring the desired result, there was no relief. Then Anette turned to her internal resources.

Anette Orlova psychologist

She constantly looked for a way out: she visited doctors, studied psychology, sought to realize her abilities. At some point, the realization came that it was necessary to take responsibility for what was happening. The path to psychology was not easy. But thanks to her own efforts, the woman was able to overcome fears and doubts.


Any self-improvement is impossible without purposeful work on oneself. Anette Orlova in a relatively short period of time became the author of numerous trainings on personal growth.

"How to be yourself"

Many people live constantly trying to meet the expectations of others. They do not notice their own preferences, do not listen to their desires. This is fundamentally the wrong position, not allowing to achieve success. Only by cultivating individuality in oneself can one come closer to realizing one's own infinite essence. Being yourself is the greatest good. As a rule, it is achieved only by strong personalities who are ready to fight to the end, not to recede before the difficulties that arise. How to achieve this state? What steps should be taken?

Anette Orlova books

The psychologist in the training work leads to the idea that you need to first determine your goals, and then implement them in order of priority. To remain oneself means to have a great advantage over those who are afraid to act and are constantly hiding behind other people's victories. Do not stay in the shade. It is necessary to work in the direction of success, to make every effort to achieve the desired.

“Fighting Fears”

Everyone is afraid of something: to lose their jobs, lose their peace of mind, or lose loved ones. We sometimes do not realize how much we drive ourselves into fears, thereby hindering our further development. According to the psychologist, the struggle should begin with the realization of frightening images. It is necessary to move away from the victim’s position and begin to accumulate new experience. Positive thinking begins from the moment of adoption. To conquer fear means to stop putting oneself in a bounding box and begin to breathe deeply. Here you need to work with self-esteem, since this component directly affects the degree to which a person accepts himself.


How often does it haunt us in life, making it difficult to enjoy its benefits! Sometimes people are ready to sacrifice themselves endlessly, so as not to encounter numerous difficulties. The psychologist advises to definitely work out the feeling of guilt, not to let it grow in the soul. Freed from this painful sensation, a person will be able to achieve any goals that he sets for himself.

"Parent-child relations"

This topic never loses its relevance. The relationship between parents and children only in rare cases can be called simple and understandable. Orlova insists that everyone needs to go through the stage of forgiveness and acceptance before trying to build their own lives. Child-parent experience greatly affects the building of close, trusting relationships with a partner.


The activity of a psychologist is not limited to only training work. The books of Anette Orlova are an additional source of wisdom and accumulated knowledge, which she generously shares with readers. Getting acquainted with these amazing texts, one wonders: how much spiritual purity is contained in them!

"Fears of real men"

An amazing piece that women should read in order to learn to better understand their soul mates. The book tells about what the representatives of the stronger sex are really afraid of.

nationality of anette orlov

Where do these fears come from? What are they manifested in? What are the effective ways to solve problems? The reader will find answers to these and other questions in the book.

"The man of your dreams"

The text is filled with positive thoughts and talks about the obstacles that prevent the beautiful half of humanity from finding a reliable and strong companion. It often happens that women create problems for themselves, repel a potential gentleman.

photo of Annette Orlov

Meanwhile, the man of your dreams may be very close and not even suspect the possibility of an imminent fateful meeting.

“Catch him on the Web”

Today, people are increasingly getting acquainted through the Internet. It is much easier for many to overcome their natural shyness, to establish themselves in the idea that happiness is very close. What needs to be done to attract the attention of a man? What rules do you need to remember when communicating on the web? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this book.

“Woman in a beautiful business”

Is it possible to achieve success in activities that bring pleasure? Why is self-realization so necessary and useful for a girl? What results should you strive for and why do you need enormous patience?

Anette Orlova biography nationality

This book will open up additional perspectives for you, help you look differently at the surrounding reality. Maybe thanks to her you will get invaluable experience in building your own interesting business.

Life position

Anette Orlova claims that one of the strongest feelings is gratitude. It is difficult to disagree with this position. It is gratitude that releases in man a huge amount of energy necessary for self-realization. Each of us has a large life resource, even if we do not suspect about it. That is why a person has the opportunity to cope with difficulties, being in difficult situations. The psychologist’s life motto is the phrase: “If someone wants to bury you, remember that you are seeds and sprout.” The main thing is to move forward, not to stop halfway. Photos of Anette Orlova confirm this idea. A truly successful person always looks good, radiates the light of confidence and beauty.

Thus, the identity of Anette Orlova deserves attention. Her books and trainings are very popular precisely because she found herself in an interesting profession that can benefit other people. The activity of a psychologist makes it possible to improve itself, constantly engage in personal growth and at the same time do something useful for others.


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