Tomato Easter egg: description, features of growing, photo

Until recently, breeders were engaged in the cultivation of only table, salad varieties and tomatoes intended for canning. Today, seeds of other new and interesting varieties of tomatoes appeared on sale. For example, in a summer cottage, you can plant cocktail tomatoes if you wish. There are already quite a few varieties bred. In particular, Easter eggs are very popular among Russian gardeners.

Ripe tomatoes

What are cocktail tomatoes

The fruits of plants of varieties of this group are very similar to cherry tomatoes that are well known to summer residents. Tomatoes are also collected in clusters of different sizes and are characterized by high decorative qualities. Cocktail tomatoes differ from cherry basically only in size: they are slightly larger. From 5 to 20 fruits with bright catchy coloring can be formed on each brush in tomatoes of this variety.

The yields of cocktail varieties are very good. Cherry in this regard, they are in any case superior. The pluses of such tomatoes, among other things, include the simultaneous ripening of fruits on the brush. Therefore, it is convenient to harvest.

In most cases, cocktail tomatoes are large, the predominant number of varieties can be described as β€œtall”. But sometimes domestic summer residents also grow determinant tomatoes of this variety. Breeders bred varieties of cocktail tomatoes, both early and mid-season and late.

General Description Tomato Easter Egg

Tomatoes Easter Egg

Tomatoes of this variety, like all other cocktails, are grown in the Russian climate by the seedling method. Bushes of the Easter egg grow to a height of 1.6-1.7 m (the length of the main stem). Shoots are powerful, strong, saturated green.

As the tomato grows and blooms, Easter eggs form large clusters. Each of them subsequently ripens about five to six fruits. This variety did not get its name. Its fruits really have the shape of an egg and at the same time they differ in an original and festive color. The main color of this tomato variety is red. Against its background, yellow and orange stripes of different widths and saturations are visible.

Why was bred

Tomatoes of the Easter Egg variety are mostly consumed fresh. The pulp is sweet, very fragrant, with a slight acidity. If desired, these tomatoes can also be used for canning. The size of the fruit for this is most suitable, on average - about 50-90 g. Moreover, their skin is very dense, so they do not crack. And thanks to the unusual color, the tomatoes in the banks look very attractive and original.

Tomato Seed Chambers

You can grow an Easter egg variety, including for sale. Due to the dense skin, the fruits of these tomatoes do not crack and withstand long-term transportation. Tomatoes are stored for a long time, which, of course, is also a plus.

An interesting feature of the variety

Tomatoes collected in one brush Easter egg ripen together. But in different bunches, their ripening period, like that of other tomatoes, can be extended in time. A feature of tomatoes of this variety is, among other things, the fact that later ripening fruits are smaller. However, their flesh is sweeter and more fragrant than those that have ripened earlier.

Grade Advantages

How Tomatoes Ripen

The main advantages of tomato Easter egg summer residents include:

  • early ripening;
  • high productivity;
  • the ability to ripen even in not too sunny or very dry seasons;
  • One of the main advantages of this variety gardeners consider, of course, unpretentiousness in leaving.

Tomato has earned good reviews from the gardeners for the fact that even overripe fruits never show off from the bushes.

Growing seedlings

This tomato variety is intended primarily for cultivation in open ground. However, if you wish, of course, you can grow it in closed ground. As some gardeners note, in the greenhouse and greenhouses, the ovaries on the Easter egg appear without any additional action. That is, this variety belongs to the self-pollinated group.

In the description of tomatoes of the Easter egg variety and reviews of summer residents about it, you can find information that this is a very unpretentious and productive plant. To grow this culture in a suburban area is not difficult. The cultivation technology of these tomatoes is practically no different from the method of growing ordinary tomatoes. For seedlings, Easter eggs are often sown by summer residents in March. The ground in the boxes a day before planting is carefully shed for disinfection with boiling water. Seeds are laid out in grooves with a depth of 1 cm in increments of 2 cm.

Next, the box is covered with foil and placed in a dark, warm place. As soon as the sprouts hatch, the seedlings are transferred to the windowsill of the south or east window. After the appearance of the first true leaflet, picking is performed (preferably in separate cups).

Tomatoes Easter egg planted in open ground at the end of May. A large amount of organic matter is pre-mixed into the ground. Bushes are planted in holes according to the scheme 40x60 or 50x60 cm. In order to prevent seedlings from being damaged by the wind, each plant is tied to a support.

Care Features

Easter egg in the garden

Tomato bushes grow. Easter egg, as mentioned above, is tall and branched. Therefore, in the process of growing this variety requires mandatory pinching. In most cases, gardeners leave two shoots at Easter egg bushes. As they grow, these tall tomatoes are tied to trellises.

Fertilize Tomatoes An Easter egg is expected every two weeks. At the same time, the best option for feeding them is considered a mixture of mineral preparations with organic matter.

Watering plants should not be too often, but plentiful. If you plant tomatoes on beds with sides, then you need to water to their edges. Next time, you will need to do this when the top layer of soil under the plants dries.

Since tomato Easter egg is a variety, and not a hybrid of the first generation, summer residents can independently harvest seeds. The plants obtained from them preserve all qualities unchanged. In summer, summer residents will not have a shortage of Easter egg planting material. There are a lot of seed chambers in the fruits of this variety.


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