How to make corn popcorn at home? How to make corn popcorn?

Popcorn is a low-calorie and very nutritious dish, but its main advantage is the ability to cook at home. To do this, you need a container for frying, corn and several ingredients to taste. And in just minutes the dish will be ready.

Popcorn corn

The American Indians showed popcorn to the world , who for hundreds of years before the discovery of the continent heated grain on stones. After such a peculiar frying, delicious crispy flakes formed. In Europe, this dish originated in Ukraine. Locals made popcorn from homemade corn and called it rams.

However, not all grades of grains are ideal for frying. Therefore, before making popcorn from corn, you need to choose the right culture. Culinary experts advise frying only wild-growing varieties, since their grains have a more durable and elastic shell. Ordinary popcorn corn is not good for cooking. Grains of such varieties quickly burst, not having time to fry normally.

how to make corn popcorn
It is recommended to make popcorn from the so-called "wild". Uncultivated corn grains have a strong shell that can withstand high temperatures. Also in them is a large amount of fiber and starch. The advantage of wild varieties is that the water inside the grain has time to heat up optimally and turn into steam before the shell bursts. When the pressure reaches its maximum, the pulp is poured out and instantly fried. It is noteworthy that popcorn from corn at home to cook at times cheaper than buying it ready in the store.

Nutritional value

It is generally accepted that popcorn is a high-calorie dish, which makes it unsuitable for diet. This is actually a misconception, as 100 grams of fried grains contains only 300 calories. As for nutrients, three quarters of them are carbohydrates, the remaining proportion is shared between fats and proteins.

Popcorn from regular corn contains a little more calories than from wild. The energy value of such a dish is up to 520 calories. Popcorn also contains iron, riboflavin and thiamine, but the main component useful for the body is fiber, which makes up about 15 percent of the total weight of the product.

regular corn popcorn
Popcorn in its traditional form does not contain harmful substances and is ideal for dieting. Another thing is when spices or butter are added to the dish, then there is definitely no reason to wait for it, and it can hardly be called low-calorie. Some people make popcorn for dessert, mixing it with sugar or syrup. The energy value of such a dish can reach up to 900 calories per 100 grams.

It is allowed to fry grains in butter or corn oil, as it withstands heat treatment well. It is important that the cooking utensils are always covered. For uniform heating of the grains, slightly shake the pan (pan), if possible. And do not forget: the more oil, the higher the calorie content and lower vitamin value of the dish.

Harm or good

There are various rumors about the effect of popcorn on the human body. For example, Madonna herself has repeatedly claimed that it was he who allowed her to bring herself in perfect shape after childbirth. In addition, nutritionists around the world unanimously reiterate that fried corn grains do not have many calories, but they are very nutritious. They also contain a lot of fiber, which significantly reduces the risk of stomach cancer and various heart diseases.

how to make corn popcorn
On the other hand, before making popcorn from corn, it is important to know the disadvantages of this dish. By itself, it is harmless, but not a single cooking option can do without adding seasonings. For example, diacytil is widely used, which is considered a very strong allergen and negatively affects the lungs. Another disadvantage is the chemicals that are used to fertilize the fields. This technique of increasing productivity is especially in demand in a number of countries in Europe and America.

You should not risk consuming popcorn on an empty stomach or immediately in large portions. An excess of corn in the diet can worsen the condition of people prone to varicose veins. It is recommended to use this dish no more than 2-3 times a week on a full stomach.

What is popcorn prepared for?

You can fry grains in any heat-resistant dishes. Common corn popcorn is usually cooked in a pan. To do this, they heat it up, pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a pinch of salt or sugar, and only then grain. It is important that even before the corn starts to “clatter”, the lid is lowered into the pan. Fry only over low heat. On average, preparing one serving takes up to 10 minutes.

homemade corn popcorn
Some people resort to household appliances. How to cook corn popcorn in a slow cooker? To do this, you need only 2 teaspoons of oil. At one time, pour grains into a slow cooker should be no more than a third of an ordinary glass. It is not recommended to use salt, as it corrodes the coating of the bowl.

You can make popcorn in the microwave even faster . It is important that the container has high sides. This method gives the highest calorie product, since all grains should be coated with oil, and there will be no possibility to shake the container. Two minutes to prepare one serving is enough.

How to make corn popcorn in a pot (cauldron)? This is the most popular method among housewives, as it does not require additional equipment and special skills. The only negative is a lot of cooking time. For frying it is necessary to fill the bottom of the dishes with a thin layer of oil. Here you can safely add salt directly to the pan. You can’t fry many grains at one time, but there will be less unopened.

Making popcorn

You can make a delicious airy delicacy without much work at home. For this, a high pan with a lid is optimal. Before you make popcorn from corn, you need to dry the grains well. Inveterate cooks are also advised to keep them in the freezer for about an hour, so that the pressure during opening on fire is stronger.

make popcorn from regular corn
For 100 grams of corn is 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, preferably creamy. Add seasoning or salt to taste. Grains evenly pour out on the hot bottom of the pan, and then cover themselves with a lid. Fry only over low heat. Shake the container slightly so that all the grains are saturated with oil. After 2-3 minutes, when the corn ceases to “explode”, you can lift the lid and proceed to frying a new portion.

Caramel popcorn

Many people prefer a sweet treat to salty. But how to make popcorn from corn so that it is caramelized and literally melts in your mouth? To do this, you need a small pot, but rather a small cauldron. For a quarter cup of corn is 4 tablespoons of oil, 2 tablespoons of water, 1/2 tablespoon of soda and a glass of sugar. Also, add a little lemon juice.

Such popcorn is fried in the traditional way in oil with the lid closed. To make caramel, you will need another pan in which water and sugar are mixed. You need to cook the mixture until a homogeneous viscous mass, constantly mixing. Once the caramel is ready, you need to quickly add soda to it. Then a foam is formed from the sweet mass, which must be mixed with popcorn. The dish will cool down for about 5-7 minutes.

Spicy popcorn

Its feature is a long list of ingredients. The recipe includes corn grains, syrup, vanilla, salt, sugar, butter and chili. For starters, it is recommended to make a sharp dressing. 1/2 cup of sugar, 25 grams of butter, 50 ml of corn syrup, 2 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of vanilla and a pinch of pepper are mixed in a vessel. All this mass is simmered for about 20 minutes.

corn popcorn at home
Only after preparing the dressing can you start popping corn popcorn. Before serving, pour the opened grains with hot syrup.

Exotic Popcorn Sweets

In the East, fried corn grains are usually consumed with raisins or nuts in a sweet form. Such dishes are very tasty and satisfying. Before making oriental popcorn from corn, you need to prepare the icing and other ingredients.

For 1 cup of grains you need 1/2 cup of nuts and raisins, 300 grams of chocolate and 2 tablespoons of butter. Corn is fried simultaneously with nuts. Then raisins are added, popcorn is poured with melted chocolate. Served on small saucers in the form of cakes.

Useful Tips

To make popcorn from ordinary corn, it is necessary to dry its grains well on a battery, and cool them in the freezer before cooking (about an hour).

The lid of the pan (pan) should fit snugly to the edges of the container.

corn popcorn
In the microwave, popcorn cooks faster, but on a regular stove it turns out airier.

You can season it with any spices and syrups, but all such additives will affect the calorie content of the dish.


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