Oil for hair "Orofluido": composition, instructions, reviews

In pursuit of luxurious hair, women of any age category try on themselves a myriad of ways, both at home and in store. Attentiveness in such a matter as the ennobling of one's own hair, allows young and experienced ladies to create an aura of beauty and prosperity around themselves, which others immediately begin to celebrate. We are interested in Orofluido hair oil, which in practice has proven its “magical” properties. By the way, the name is translated as liquid gold. It remains only to get to know him better, because "you are worth it!"

Hair beauty

Luxurious Orofluido Oil Care

Orofluido ("Orofluido") is a young Spanish brand, which, however, has already managed to make itself known. Revlon is famous for its natural-based hair care products. Argan, flax and ground almond oils are used as the main components in the manufacturer's line. Each of the listed ingredients has a wide range of useful properties, which allows you to improve the condition of curls in the shortest possible time, produce a “reset” of growth and a real revolution in the appearance and health of your hair. Thus, Orofluido hair oil paved the right path in the field of hair care products of a new generation.

"Revlon Orofluido" series


Orofluido hair oils from a Spanish manufacturer are aimed at providing gentle care for curls and their speedy recovery.

As you know, there are many reasons why our hair is thinning and dimming. The main "pests" are: regular thermal exposure, improper care for hair, dyeing curls, poor ecology and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is these factors that lead once well-groomed and beautiful hair to a sad state: curls resemble lifeless straw. But it is no secret that natural oils are the number one remedy in the salvation of long-suffering hair.

Good hair product

It is possible to cope with the problem efficiently and with pleasure (customers are just delighted with the aroma of vanilla and ambergris) by using Orofluido and Orofluido Asia hair oils. These products were noted in numerous positive reviews, which is why they gained popularity among the fair sex.

Product Composition

The action of the funds is based on three unique products:

  1. Argan oil (origin - Morocco). It contains essential fatty acids, vitamins A, E, F, and useful antioxidants. The listed components in the composition of Orofluido hair oils restore and nourish the hair from the inside due to deep penetration into the structure of each hair. Argan oil provides stimulation of hair growth, makes curls light, obedient and silky.
  2. Earth almond oil is a remedy that was once upon a time a favorite of Empress Cleopatra herself. It consists of fatty acids and tocopherol, which allows you to protect the strands from a number of negative factors. In addition, the almond extract gives the curls an amazing natural radiance (this effect is noted in many reviews of Orofluido oils).
  3. Flaxseed oil - this product, extracted from flax seeds, perfectly copes with gluing and smoothing the hair cuticle. The result is obvious - the curls become obedient, they are much easier to comb and style.

Liquid gold

As practice and numerous reviews of Orofluido oil show, these valuable products are really able to heal strands from the inside. Many users note growth acceleration and a beneficial effect on the scalp (and, as you know, many problems arise precisely due to oversight of the skin condition).

Oil "Orofluido"

As for another popular product from the Orofluido oil series, Orofluido Asia, it can be noted that it is based on the secrets of beauty of ancient Japanese civilizations and includes extravagant components such as bamboo extract, camellia, rice oil extract .

Best Hair Health Product

All oils of this series are produced in bottles (50 or 100 ml). Many buyers regrettably note the lack of a dispenser, which, of course, would make it even more easy to apply.

About the benefits

Revlon oils are well absorbed (according to reviews) and contribute to the restoration of the internal and external structure of the hair. Also, products strengthen the hair roots and give a noble shine.

Customer reviews

Thanks to the use of oils, curls become more elastic and obedient. The rather dense consistency of the elixir does not prevent it from being easily distributed over the entire length of the strands and absorbed wonderfully.

Among its advantages, the following are noted:

  • universality;
  • compatibility with any type of hair;
  • the possibility of applying the product to both dry and wet hair;
  • lack of traces after application of the emulsion;
  • quite pleasant relaxing aroma;
  • adequate cost;
  • economical fluid flow.

The above benefits really deserve a lot of positive feedback. They note a good result of the use of not only customers, but also trichologists. Of course, there are also disadvantages to the means of this series.


Due to the fact that the release of the bottles is carried out without dispensers, some people complain that they are not quite comfortable applying oil. Also, if you carefully read the reviews about Orofluido hair oil, one very important factor can be noted - it categorically does not suit people with increased oily scalp. The use of products in this case is best limited to a minimum. In addition, studies have shown that the drug can cause an allergic reaction and, accordingly, serious skin irritation.


As mentioned earlier, this series of oils has many advantages. In particular, the effect of the products is to protect from direct sunlight, high temperatures, dryness, pigment leaching (an important point for ladies who regularly tint their strands).

The use of oil will not cause much difficulty. It is enough to squeeze a small amount of the product and distribute it along the entire length of the hair before styling or going out. In order to speed up the recovery of hair, you can apply the product every time after washing your hair.

Hair shine

Before applying the product, the hair should be slightly dried with a towel (it is enough to soak them in the material and not rub it, which is a typical mistake). Next, you need to take a small amount of elixir for hair and rub it in the palms of your hands (the thermal effect heats the emulsion and guarantees 100% penetration deep into the hair structure). Then simply apply the product to the strands and evenly distribute from the roots to the ends (if the hair is prone to dryness, it is better not to lubricate the ends - this will help to avoid drying out the ends). If you are a happy owner of a normal hair type, pay special attention to this area - carefully rub the composition into the ends. It is not superfluous here to do a head massage.

Application features

The oils in question can be used on both dry and wet hair. Since the emulsion has a thicker texture (in comparison with other oils), its consumption is minimized.

Perhaps, a pleasant bonus in use will be the fact that the product is instantly absorbed and does not leave greasy stains on hands or clothes.

Yes, and on the hair you can observe a similar effect - they remain light, airy. By the way, they smell amazing after application too!

The manufacturer assures us that the product does not weigh strands and gives them obedience and lightness, and also eliminates any problems with styling and combing. But, as practice shows, not everything is so simple. Some ladies note that the composition makes their hair heavier and makes their appearance unpleasant. But perhaps this side effect is manifested due to the application of a copious amount of the product. One way or another, only our own experience and exact adherence to the instructions for use will allow us to verify this or that action.

Customer reviews

The active effect of the Orofluido series drugs is noted both among women and among trichologists. Buyers note the early healing of hair: the product initially affects the appearance of curls, and then provides a deep restoration of the hair structure. Dry and lifeless strands can get a second chance with Orofluido oils, women say content. The only thing that upsets some is the lack of a dispenser. Well, cases are not ruled out when too oily hair becomes too greasy - in such cases, you should turn to other means. In general, the oils of this series are recommended for use by those who are desperate to restore the natural beauty of their curls.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44143/

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