What are peptides: reviews on the use and nature of the effect

Nowadays, the achievements of the latest inventions of scientists in various fields of science are widely used. One of these areas is nanotechnology. There is a direction in this industry that deals with the study and use of substances such as peptides. Reviews of people who have tested this know-how on themselves have already appeared. In my article I will tell you what it is, why it was invented, in what areas it is applied.

What are peptides?

peptides reviews

Women who regularly monitor their appearance and try to prolong their youth have probably already seen new drugs called peptide bioregulators. These medications are aimed at stopping the aging process of the body and promoting health. Their main components are peptides. These are special short proteins. Where do scientists get these elements? Peptides of insects, crustaceans, reptiles, fish are mainly used. It is worth mentioning that preparations containing these elements have passed the necessary tests at the St. Petersburg and Kiev gerontology institutes. As a result, it was proved that among the subjects of the elderly with constant use of drugs based on peptides, mortality is reduced by 50%. Moreover, scientists also have evidence of a decrease in the incidence of colds in the elderly.

How do they work?

peptides rejuvenation

Now let's talk about how the high efficiency of elements such as peptides is achieved (reviews about drugs and dietary supplements containing them can be found later in this article). Peptide, getting into the cells of our body, enhances the synthesis of some of the most important substances, normalizes metabolism and eliminates various injuries. Thus, this element contributes to the massive rejuvenation of the tissues of our body. Due to such a property of living organisms as the identity of molecules, animal peptides are not rejected. In other words, the protein extracted, for example, from the lamb liver, is perceived by our liver as native, and works in exactly the same way.

What can peptides do?

With the principle of activity of these elements figured out. Now let's name the directions in which the peptides act:

• rejuvenation of all body cells;

• increasing cell resistance to harmful substances and toxins;

• activation of metabolism;

• activation of cell regeneration processes;

• increasing tissue resistance to oxygen starvation.

Patient Reviews

peptides this

Cosmetics and medicines containing peptides have long appeared on the shelves of shops and pharmacies. Customer reviews indicate that when using them, a certain effect is really observed. Someone noticed that the skin of the face and body tightened and smoothed, for someone it was a surprise to significantly increase overall performance and well-being.

Thus, we found that we should not be afraid to use products containing peptides. Reviews about her are usually positive. These drugs are a kind of elixir of youth.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44153/

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