Yeast is ... Benefit, harm and composition of yeast. Homemade Yeast Recipe

Yeast mixes are widely used in the baking, brewing industry. It is a valuable product rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins. Yeast is also a rich source of iron and beneficial microorganisms. The product relieves pain in neuritis, increases the body's defenses.

Yeast history

yeast it
For the first time, yeast began to be used in Egypt. It was there in 6000 BC. e. beer was brewed from the product. By 1200 BC e. the Egyptian people learned to bake yeast rolls. The yeast mixture has various sources. Brewer's yeast is a product made from hops. The most powerful type is whey - a by-product obtained from the processing of milk and cheese. In Switzerland and Germany, liquid yeast is prepared on herbs. The product is also made on the basis of oranges, grapefruits, honey drink.

Baker's yeast

This type of product appeared before the war. This is the so-called gray yeast. In Russia, scientists have repeatedly studied the nature of yeast and stumbled upon a very interesting fact. German sources contained information that they were grown on human bones. However, experts were not allowed to copy these documents, so they remained classified. In Russia, bread has long been baked on a dough. Subsequently, the sourdough used to make the rolls was superseded by yeast. The new product saved bakers time. Now they did not need to demonstrate special skills in order to bake a delicious, magnificent and fragrant bun. Almost everyone managed to make bread with yeast. Therefore, they were bred to speed up baking. Now, baker's yeast is an artificially bred fungus that can withstand high temperatures. When baking, it does not die.

gray yeast

Cooking technology

Initially, “gray yeast” is grown in a special laboratory. Gradually, food is added to them and waste products are removed. The yeast is gaining mass gradually. In 14 days, you can grow about 100 tons of yeast milk. After the yeast mass grows, it is processed. The processing process includes filtration, pressing, drying or freezing. Thanks to these processes, liquid, active, dry, pressed or semi-dry frozen yeast is obtained.

Sourdough or baker's yeast?

how to make yeast
Sourdough is a piece of dough that began to ferment on its own as a result of yeast entering it. Yeast particles enter the dough from the external environment (water, flour, dust and more). But there are also occasional lactic acid bacteria, yeast cells, which, once in the environment, begin to multiply actively. When there are a lot of them in the test, it can be used as a starter culture. It is it that allows you to ferment the bulk of the dough. Thus, sourdough bread is also considered yeast. Industrial yeast for dough is obtained from various sources: natural and artificial. Most manufacturers prefer the latter option. The hostess also has a choice: use fast yeast or trust in “random” yeast cells.

Bakery Yeast: Benefit or Harm?

fast yeast
Yeast is a mushroom. In addition to harmless fermentation, they can affect individual organs, tissues, causing mycoses, allergies. This applies to individual fungi, which include saprophytes (rot). If you look at the composition of baker's yeast, you can be horrified. They contain so many chemical additives "E"! What are the names "building lime", "chemical formalin"? However, consumers should know that these are not basic, but excipients. Most of them are used in the production of yeast. Many of the ingredients listed on the packaging are needed to make yeast substrates. Other components are needed to create the optimal acidity of the medium necessary for the growth and reproduction of cells. Some of the ingredients indicated on the package of yeast are used to treat the premises where the final product is grown. Therefore, GOST is not as scary as it seems. The actions of unscrupulous industrialists, who strive to “facilitate” the technology of making yeast, are thereby much more terrible, thereby evading GOST.

Wine yeast

Wines need yeast for fermentation. The first person to discover wine yeast and also describe the pattern of alcoholic fermentation was Louis Pasteur (French chemist). Before him, wine was also successfully prepared, but it was Louis who proved that yeast activity is necessary to convert sugar into alcohol. Thanks to the invention of the microscope, Pasteur was able to discover yeast as a fermentation agent. The botanical name of the wine yeast mixture is Saccharomyces ellipsoideus. It is used in the manufacture of beer, bread. Yeast also includes many so-called races, each of which reacts differently to the substances present in the grape must, and affects the quality of the wine.

yeast reviews
There are yeasts that are sensitive to alcohol. They work only up to 5% alcohol. When they die, other species begin to do their work. There is wine yeast that reacts sensitively to heat, resulting in a large volume of hydrogen sulfide. Because of this, wine can get an unpleasant odor. There are also flavored yeast, as well as a specially bred race for specific wines. All this is taken into account by winemakers in the beverage production process.

Wine fermentation

At a temperature of +15 ° C, the yeast actively multiplies. This happens as long as sugar processing is underway. When the wine becomes dry, the yeast dies, settling to the bottom of the vessel. If you do not take any action, the wine will ferment itself completely. Winemakers should consider that alcohol is the enemy of yeast. If its content in wine reaches 15%, the yeast mixture dies. This phenomenon can often be observed in noble sweet wines. High temperature always contributes to the rapid reproduction of yeast, and at low temperature conditions they become sluggish. The main thing in winemaking is that the fermentation process does not end. Otherwise, the wine will be spoiled. Most winemakers now use not natural yeast, but specially bred cultures.

Brewer's yeast

Many are interested in the question: "How to make brewer's yeast?" But before you answer it, you need to find out what kind of product it is and how it differs from the wine counterpart. Yeast mixes are actively used in brewing and bread production. Now brewer's yeast is very popular. In pharmacies, they can be seen in the form of tablets or powder. They are used for medical purposes. Brewer's yeast is prepared by fermenting beer wort, which is obtained from high-quality hops, barley malt. In liquid form, the product is practically not sold due to the short shelf life: liquid yeast should be sold within the first 8 hours. Therefore, they can often be seen in a dry state - in the form of biologically active food additives. The cooking process at home is described below.

The benefits of brewer's yeast

For medical and cosmetic purposes, brewer's yeast is used. Reviews of people using the product as a preventive measure are only positive. Brewer's yeast can really help. The product activates the metabolic processes in the body, replenishes the deficiency of fats, proteins, vitamins. Brewer's yeast increases the defenses of the human body. And they strengthen hair, nails, cleanse the skin. Doctors recommend taking brewer's yeast in many diseases and pathological conditions, such as:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • lack of vitamins of group B;
  • digestive diseases;
  • anemia;
  • eczema, purulent rash;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • after the flu, sore throats.

A natural product allows you to normalize various processes in the body and makes up for the lack of nutrition. Brewer's yeast has three contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to them, gout, renal failure.

Making brewer's yeast

We proceed to answer the question: "How to make brewer's yeast on your own?"

Recipe 1 . It is necessary to mix 1 cup of water and flour and leave the mixture for 7 hours. Next, you should add a large spoonful of sugar and a glass of natural beer, which has a shelf life of no more than 2 weeks. The resulting mixture should stand in a warm place for a couple of hours. Brewer's yeast is ready. They can be placed in a closed glass container, stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.

Recipe 2 . It is necessary to take 200 g of raisins, put it in a glass vessel with a wide neck. Raisins are poured with milk and warm water. Next, add some sugar to it. The neck of the bottle is tied with gauze folded in 4 layers. The mixture is left in a warm place for 5 days.

Recipe 3 . On a fine grater, you need to grate 2 raw potatoes, add salt (a teaspoon), sugar and water (1 large spoon each) to them. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and set for 5 hours for subsequent fermentation.

Patty Yeast Recipes

yeast for dough
When there is no ready-made yeast at home, they can be replaced with home-made sour yeast. The recipe for homemade yeast is simple. You need to take 200 g of flour, add water to it and knead the dough in the form of a small ball. The resulting gingerbread man need to roll in flour and leave it in this form for several days. This time will be enough to make the dough sour, hard and dried. Yeast for pies ready. Homemade sour yeast can be used as a baking powder for the preparation of bakery products. Sour yeast is also made using store yeast. To do this, pour water (2 liters) into a saucepan, pour 40 g of yeast mixture and flour in such an amount that there is a dough of medium density. In a pan, it should come up and then settle. The resulting sourdough can be used to make bread.

“Unusual” yeast recipes

Yeast for dough can be prepared using potatoes. To do this, take 10 potatoes, a tablespoon of flour, 1 large spoon of honey and 25 g of vodka. Potatoes should be peeled and boiled in water. Still hot they need to be rubbed through a sieve, add flour, honey and vodka. Foam should form. It must be poured into a bottle, allowed to brew, and then taken to a cold place. After a day, the yeast will be ready for use.

The easiest way to make the yeast mixture is from peas. To do this, grind ordinary peas and boil in water, and then transfer to a warm room. After two days, a thick foam should appear on the surface of the broth. She will replace the yeast. Only for baking such a foam will require a lot.

Yeast in cosmetology

Home and brewer's yeast can help maintain beauty for years to come. For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use brewer's yeast. Based on them, it is recommended to cook various masks.

homemade yeast

  • Face mask . To prepare it, you will need 10 g of brewer's yeast and a small amount of kefir. The two ingredients should be mixed thoroughly to the consistency of non-liquid sour cream. The resulting mask can be kept on the skin for about 20 minutes. This mask is great for oily skin. It also helps to cope with acne.
  • Hair mask to help get rid of dandruff . You need to take 1 large spoon of brewer's yeast, dissolve it in one glass of kefir. The resulting mixture should be left in a warm room for several hours. The finished yeast mask should be applied to the hair and wrap the head with a film. The mask is kept in this state for 30 minutes. Then it must be washed off with water.
  • Body mask . For its preparation, you need to take dry brewer's yeast (15 g), 4 small tablespoons of honey and cream. Yeast should be diluted in cream, and when they disperse a little, add honey to them. The resulting mass should stand for 20 minutes. Then it must be applied to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. A yeast mask with honey nourishes the skin, making it supple, and also tightens pores and stimulates blood circulation. Yeast acts on the skin in a miraculous way. The regular use of masks based on them allows you to maintain a charming look and prolong youth.


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