Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov: biography, personal life, career

Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov is a Russian manager and entrepreneur. For four years (2013–2017) he headed the Russian Post. After his resignation, he took up the post of Operations Director at the Eurochem company engaged in the production of mineral fertilizers.


1991 is the year in which Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov was educated. The young man graduated from Moscow State Technical University. Bauman with honors.

Since 1999, he has an MBA from the French business school INSEAD.

Dmitry Evgenievich scarnov

Carier start

In 1992, Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov founded his own graphic design company. The businessman led it for two whole years.

From 1994 to 2000, he headed the Russian division of Electrolux. Strashnov was responsible for the development and promotion in Belarus and the Russian Federation of such brands as AEG, Zanussi and Electrolux.

Philips (2000-2009)

In 2000, Strashnov was appointed CEO of this company. In 2005, Dmitry Evgenievich became a member of the European Leadership Council of the Consumer Electronics Division. In 2008, he became vice president of the consumer relations department.

dread Dmitry Evgenievich Russian Post

Tele2 (2009–2012)

April 2009 - that’s when Dmitry Evgenyevich Strashnov came to the post of Director of Operations for Tele2. The career of a man has developed very rapidly. Three months later he was already president.

In 2011, the Telecom conference was held, where Strashnov proposed a change in the regulation of the telecommunications industry. Dmitry Evgenievich believed that frequency distribution should be carried out not at competitions, but at auctions. This will provide the state with an annual income of 10 billion rubles. World practice confirms the validity of this approach. So, in 2010 Germany earned 4.4 billion euros, and India 11.7 billion dollars.

And also Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov proposed introducing the rule of technological neutrality. That is, if desired, each mobile operator could use frequencies to build networks using any technology. Well, the last initiative of the president of "Tele2" was the opportunity to implement the frequencies of one telecom operator to another. Thus, a secondary frequency market is formed, and they can be used more efficiently.

At the end of 2012, the Tele2 website published information about Strasnov’s resignation. December 31 was his last working day as president.

During the activity of Dmitry Evgenievich, the company showed positive dynamics both in the number of subscribers and in financial indicators. In the first quarters of 2011, Tele2's profit was a record.

Strashnov explained to the press his departure as follows: “The time has come to change the sphere of activity. Work at Tele2 was a very interesting period in my life. I am proud of everything that we managed to achieve together with our colleagues. Now Tele2 is incredibly strong both in terms of corporate culture and in terms of finance. The company has an exceptionally successful future. ”

About the new place of work of Strashnov nothing was reported. However, rumors appeared in the press that the Ministry of Communications was in talks with Dmitry Evgenievich. It was supposed to replace Nikolai Nikiforov, who holds the post of deputy minister, with Strashnov.

One of the acquaintances of the hero of this article suggested that the reason for leaving the entrepreneur could be negotiations with Rostelecom regarding the creation of a joint company or the purchase of Tele2 as a whole. Dmitry Evgenievich himself in this case was to replace Alexander Provotorov as president of the enterprise. Vedomosti has repeatedly been told about this turn of events by sources both in Rostelecom itself and in the government. According to a friend, Strashnov simply decided to "go aside" so that there would be no conflict of interest. After all, the entrepreneur knew a lot about the enterprise itself and the negotiations between Rostelecom and Tele2.

In September 2012, the government and the Ministry of Communications tried to replace Provotorov. One of the federal officials shared the information that the main goal of this step was to reduce the influence on Rostelecom of the head of the Marshal Capital fund Konstantin Malofeev. Together with Gazprombank, he shared control over 10.5% of the operator. Provotorov is a former director of Marshal Capital and a friend of Malofeev. But the presidential administration called the change of CEO “inappropriate.” Probably, such a decision was made with the active participation of Igor Shchegolev (ex-Minister of Communications) working there, who brought Malofeev to the industry.

Earlier, Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov gave an interview to the Vedomosti correspondent. The entrepreneur said that his transfer to Rostelecom is unlikely. “I am only a manager, and no one stands behind me, except for a professional reputation,” he explained.

Dmitry Evgenievich terrible education

Post of Russia

2013 is the year in which Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov received a new position. Russian Post has become his permanent place of work. The corresponding order on the appointment of Strashnov as Director General was signed on April 19. The businessman succeeded Alexander Kiselyov at this post .

Bonus of 95 million

In 2014, as the head of the Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov received a bonus of 95.4 million rubles. The Prosecutor General's Office found out about this only in November 2016. He did not agree on a contract with such a fabulous sum with the government of the Russian Federation.

Strashnov associated his remuneration with the profit size of Russian Post. In 2013 and 2014, the salary of Dmitry Evgenievich was 230 and 310 thousand, respectively. But the norm of his remuneration was not spelled out in the current labor contract.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the average monthly salary of a postal worker is 19.5 thousand rubles. In the Magadan region, salaries are generally lower than the minimum wage, and part of the vacancies are closed by combining posts.

There is a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on remuneration of the heads of federal enterprises. It clearly states that the ratio of the average salary of workers and managers should not exceed 8 times. For individual enterprises, this ratio may increase, but only by order of the relevant authority. Some departments received a similar order, but Russian Post was not included in their number. The salary of the hero of this article is 400 times the average salary of a simple employee of the enterprise.

In 2013, Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov, whose personal life will be described below, filed a tax return. It was subsequently published. It is clearly visible there that the entrepreneur's annual income is 50.7 million rubles. However, Nikolai Nikiforov (Minister of Communications) then issued a statement explaining that Dmitry Evgenievich earned only 2.9 million rubles from the indicated amount from the indicated amount.

The contract of Mr. Strashnov was also mentioned. In April 2013, the same Nikolai Nikiforov signed a contract with Dmitry Evgenievich for a period of 12 months. The contract was signed with the approval of Arkady Dvorkovich (Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation). A year later, the Ministry of Communications prolonged the agreement for another five years. However, the extension of the contract was not agreed with the Russian government. In this connection, the Prosecutor General’s Office expressed serious doubts about “his competence in the disposal of the company's finances and the adoption of working decisions” and declared them illegal.

The CNews publication repeatedly cited the facts of appeals by Russian Post personnel to the government of the Russian Federation with complaints about Dmitry Evgenievich’s orders to dismiss them. They stated that Strashnov did not have the authority to make such orders.

Attorney General Yuri Chaika explained in detail the essence of the claims against the hero of this article: “This is just outright impudence. In the industry, the average salary does not reach 20 thousand, and he accrues a reward for himself under 100 million. One must still have a conscience. ”

Dmitry Evgenievich terrible career

Criminal case

Soon, the investigative committee opened a criminal case against Irina Lapteva, who heads the department of organizational development in the Ministry of Communications. The main article of the prosecution is abuse of power.

According to the investigation, in April 2015, a woman intentionally calculated the reward to Strashnov in an overestimated amount. As a result, instead of the allowable 13.4 million, the bonus of the head of the Russian Post amounted to 95.4 million rubles.

New employment contract

At the disposal of CNews was a new contract of Dmitry Evgenievich, concluded with the Ministry of Communications in late 2016. The terms of the agreement were agreed with Arkady Dvorkovich.

The wage contract section stated that the amount of Strasnov’s remuneration would consist of salary and motivational and compensatory payments. The latter directly depend on the indicators of economic activity of the enterprise and the main performance indicators (KPI), which are prescribed in the contract.

Failure to comply with KPI indicators and economic efficiency could become the basis for termination of the employment contract. If the contract is terminated by agreement of the parties, Dmitry Evgenievich was entitled to compensation in the amount of three times earnings per month. In the previous version of the Strashnov contract, compensation in the amount of twelve salaries was mentioned. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office in 2013–2014. the head of the company received from 230 to 310 thousand per month.

The Ministry of Communications made several changes to the list of KPI established for Dmitry Evgenievich. At the end of 2015, his work was evaluated by eight KPIs:

  • Revenue from Russian Post (15%).
  • Net profit (10%).
  • Net assets of the company (10%).
  • Income deducted to the federal budget (5%).
  • The proportion of citizens satisfied with the work of the enterprise (15%).
  • The growth of staff salaries (20%).
  • Increase in labor productivity (10%).
  • Delivery of written correspondence on time (15%).

Dmitry Evgenievich scary after the resignation

The dependence of remuneration on the results of automation

An integrated indicator of innovative activity (IPID) - this is the additional KPI introduced to evaluate the work of Strashnov in 2016. Its weight in the total volume of KPI was 20%.

The significance of other indicators was slightly reduced. For example, “revenue” was reduced to 5%, “wage growth” to 15%, “the share of written correspondence delivered on time” to 10% and “the share of citizens satisfied with the work of the enterprise” also to 10%.

In turn, IPID consists of several separate indicators. Most of them were obtained after the implementation of the Unified Automated System (EAC) in the communications department. The value of this indicator with 100% implementation of the plan is determined on the basis of data from 5 thousand branches (12% of the total) in which the system operates.

Within the framework of the EAC project, there is an indicator related to the share of purchases. Its weight is 10% of the IPID in the total procurement of Russian Post. In 2016, its planned value was 2.1%. Also in EAC there is an indicator of the average speed of customer service in post offices. Its weight is 20%. The planned value of this KPI is 4 minutes 47 seconds.

Another 30% when calculating the IPID will depend on the implementation of the innovative development program “Russian Post”.

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Leaving the company

In connection with the expiration of the contract, on July 1, 2017, Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov resigned. The Ministry of Communications did not conclude a new contract.

Accounts arrest

The arrest of the accounts of the hero of this article was reported by Juno Tsareva, who works as a press secretary in the Basmanny court. We are talking about the same illegally accrued bonus of 95.4 million rubles.

The arrest was imposed on August 31, however, it became known only on November 2. Thus, the Basmanny court fully granted the application of the Prosecutor General. After that, Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov, whose biography periodically appears in the media, received a ban on transactions and the disposal of funds in the amount of damage caused.

The arrest of the entrepreneur’s finances was confirmed by Alexander Kurennoy, who is the official representative of the prosecutor’s office. The man said that this happened on September 1. “An employee of the prosecutor’s office took part in the meeting. With regard to such facts, we will continue to continue to uphold the implacable position that our agency previously took, ”he said.

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New job

After the resignation, Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov was awarded an honorary diploma “for his great contribution and labor successes in the development of postal affairs”.

On September 6, 2017, he was elected to the Board of Directors of RBC Media Holding.

And since November 2017, he was the operational director of the Eurochem group engaged in the production of mineral fertilizers. Dmitry Evgenievich will work in Switzerland and will be responsible for managing international business.

Personal life

This is a topic that Dmitry Evgenievich Strashnov does not like to speak in the press. The entrepreneur’s wife has not yet appeared, and the children too. Nothing more is known about his personal life.


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