The largest terrorist attack in history in the world: list, description and interesting facts

What is a terrorist attack? In other words, this is an explosion, execution, arson, or other similar actions that frighten the population and necessarily create the danger of death.

This article will tell about the terrible world tragedies that arose as a result of the actions of gangs and led to numerous losses among the population. The article provides a list of the largest terrorist attacks in the world.

Responsibility for such disasters, as a rule, is assumed by the groups behind the cover of Islam.

The largest terrorist attack in the world

Top 10 most high-profile terrorist acts of the XXI century

Here is a list of the largest tragedies in the world in terms of the number of victims.

1. September terrorist attack in 2004 in the city of Beslan, North Ossetia. As a result, 335 people died (including 186 children), 2000 were injured.

2. March 2004 - the largest terrorist attack in Europe since the 2nd World War, committed in 4 Madrid electric trains (Spain). A total of 192 people died, 2000 were injured.

List of the largest terrorist attacks in the world

3. In November 2008, in India (the city of Mubai), armed terrorists killed 174 civilians and 239 wounded.

4. One of the most bloody terrorist attacks in Pakistan occurred in October 2007. The result - 140 people dead and 500 wounded.

5. In October 2002, on a Dubrovka in Moscow, 130 people were killed by a group of armed militants during a musical presentation entitled β€œNord-Ost”. Over 900 people became hostages.

6. The largest terrorist attack in the world occurred in the United States of America in September 11, 2001. From actions of fighters (4 passenger planes were captured) 2973 people became victims.

7. In September 1999, an explosion was carried out on the street. Guryanova in a 9-storey building in Moscow. As a result, 92 people died, 264 were injured.

Another explosion after 3 days also in a residential building claimed 124 lives and injured 9 people.

8. As a result of an attack by militants in June 1995 on the city of Budenovsk, 129 people died, 415 were injured. More than 1,600 hostages were hospitalized.

9. A plane explosion (Boeing 747, flight from London to New York) over Scotland in December 1988 killed 270 passengers along with crew members.

10. The crash of a Russian passenger plane over the Sinai Peninsula in 2015 claimed the lives of 224 people.

Below is a more detailed description of some of the most tragic terrorist attacks.

Twin Towers

Consider the largest terrorist attacks abroad on the example of 2 events that brought a huge number of victims, especially among American citizens.

September 11th was a mourning day for all the inhabitants of this country and people of the whole world. Terrorists in the amount of 11 people (the international territorial organization Al-Qaeda), divided into 4 groups, captured four passenger airliners in the USA and sent 2 of them to the New York twin towers of a large shopping center.

The largest terrorist attacks in the world

Both towers were collapsed along with the adjacent buildings. The 3rd plane was directed towards the Pentagon building (not far from Washington). The team of the 4th aircraft, along with the passengers of the flight, tried to escape by intercepting the control of the airliner from the terrorists. However, his crash occurred in the state of Pennsylvania (Shanksville).

The largest terrorist attack in history took a total of 2,973 lives (including 60 police officers and 343 firefighters). The exact figures of the damage are unknown (about $ 500 billion).

Boeing 747

The Boeing 747 disaster over Scotland on December 21, 1988 killed 259 passengers, along with crew members and 11 residents of the town.

The largest terrorist attacks abroad

It was an American PanAmerican airline operating a flight from London to New York. This terrible catastrophe was also tragic for some residents of Lockerbie, in connection with the destruction of the liner on the ground. Among the dead were mostly citizens of Great Britain and the United States.

The charge was brought against 2 Libyans, although the state itself did not formally plead guilty. However, it paid compensation to the families of the victims of this tragedy (Lockerbie).

In connection with the events, in 1992 the UN Security Council against the regime of M. Gaddafi introduced international sanctions, which were lifted in 1999 .

During all this time, many assumptions were made about the involvement of senior representatives of the Libyan leadership in organizing the disaster, however, none of them (except for the guilt of the former secret service officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi) was proved by the court.

These two cases represent the largest terrorist attacks in the world.

The tragedy in Beslan

Russia suffered a huge number of terrorist attacks, which resulted in many losses among innocent civilians, including children.

The terrible tragedy in Beslan (North Ossetia) is the largest terrorist attack in the world, which claimed the lives of a huge number of children.

The largest terrorist attacks in the world

A detachment of terrorists (30 people) under the leadership of R. Khachbarov seized on September 1 the building of school No. 1, where he held 1128 people hostage (moreover, mainly children). The next day (Sep 2), the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, who was let into the school building by bandits, managed to persuade the invaders to release and release about 25 women with small children with him.

On September 3, an operation was taken to free the hostages.

Everything happened spontaneously. When a car drove into the school venue in the middle of the day to pick up the bodies of people killed by bandits, several explosions suddenly rang out in the building itself, after which firing began from all sides. Women and children began to jump out of the opening in the wall and from the windows. At that time, all the men at school were already killed by terrorists.

The surviving children and women were released.


Many of the largest terrorist attacks in the world took place with the capture of a huge number of hostages. This happened in Moscow on October 23, 2002 (21 h. 15 min.).

Militants led by M. Baraev during the performance of the Nord-Ost rushed into the Theater Center, located on Dubrovka (Melnikova St.). In the building at that time there were only 916 people (including about 100 children).

The largest terrorist attack in history

The room was completely mined by the militants. Attempts to establish contact with them were successful, and after a certain time, State Duma deputy I. Kobzon, journalist M. Franchetti and 2 doctors from the Red Cross were able to get into the seized building. Thanks to their actions, 1 woman and three children were taken out of the building.

On October 24 evening, the Al-Jazeera television channel showed Barayev. This video was recorded before the capture of the theater center. In it, the terrorists presented themselves as suicide bombers, and their demand was to withdraw Russian troops from Chechnya.

On October 26, commandos attacked using neuroparalytic gas, after which they seized the building, and the terrorists together with the head were completely destroyed (50 people). Among them were women (18). Three bandits detained.

A total of 130 people died.

Statistics on the victims of terrorist attacks over the past 10 years

Over the past 10 years, more than 6 thousand terrorist attacks have occurred worldwide. More than 25 thousand people became their victims.

Currently, according to various expert estimates, there are approximately 500 extremist groups and terrorist organizations. It is disturbing that recently, more and more often, the goal of these gangs has been to gather places of citizens (we recall the largest terrorist attack in the world).

Also, the so-called "technological terrorism", where the latest developments and technologies are applied, is increasingly taking place. In addition, there has been a recent increase in extremism among young people. Foreign citizens, differing in their ethnicity, are increasingly becoming targets of attack.

2015 terrorist attack

The largest air attack in the world recently occurred - in 2015 in the sky over Egypt.

Top 10 most high-profile terrorist acts of the XXI century

The terrible catastrophe with the Airbus-A321 aircraft (the Russian airline Kogalymavia) was a shock for the whole society.

During the flight, an improvised improvised device, with a power of up to 1 kg, worked on board the liner. to TNT. equivalent. This happened on October 31st. A total of 224 people died. After this tragedy, the Federal Air Transport Agency suspended regular, transit and charter passenger flights to Egypt from November 6.

Responsibility for the deed was taken by the grouping of the Sinai province (province) of the banned Islamic State (IS) in Russia.

The tragedy over the Sinai Peninsula is one of the bloodiest in the world.


In the 21st century, terrorism has become quite active and more sophisticated. Numerous news of the tragedies flood the press and television channels. Almost every month (or even more often), terrible attacks are being carried out all over the planet that take the lives of civilians. This kind of action is a disease of the earth. Attempts by some authorities to protect the population from such disasters have so far been unsuccessful.


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