Aspen bark with prostate adenoma: medicinal properties, recipes, reviews

When nodules appear in the tissues of the prostate that enlarge and squeeze the urethra, they are diagnosed with prostate adenoma. This is called benign tissue hyperplasia. But it can begin to degenerate into malignant neoplasms. Therefore, all men with this disease should monitor their health.

Methods for the treatment of neoplasms

Aspen bark with prostate adenoma
After making and confirming the diagnosis, doctors offer medication for prostate adenoma. It is necessary to improve blood circulation and stop the growth of degenerating tissues of the prostate gland. In addition, treatment should be aimed at reducing the inflammatory process, eliminating possible constipation and stagnation of urine.

But to improve the patient's condition and prevent possible complications, aspen bark can help with prostate adenoma. It has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. But doctors recommend this natural remedy to be used only as one of the components of complex therapy.

If you listen to the opinion of doctors, you can avoid the operation, which must be performed in advanced cases. Depending on the situation, surgeons perform an adenomectomy or prostatectomy.

Healer Tips

Folk doctors say that hyperplasia slows down when eating plant sitosterols. These substances are used in pharmacology as the basis for steroid hormonal medicines.

The healing properties of aspen bark with prostate adenoma
Aspen bark with prostate adenoma can improve the condition of patients who have been diagnosed with stage 1 or 2 prostate hyperplasia . An accurate diagnosis and degree of damage can only be done by a doctor. But each man himself can first assess the degree of problems. To do this, you need to know that at the first compensated stage, problems are already visible. Men notice that they have rapid urination, while the urine stream is lethargic. In the second subcompensated stage, the bladder does not completely empty. Patients complain of a constant feeling of incompleteness of its emptying.

aspen bark against prostate adenoma

Treatment duration

If you decide to use a decoction of aspen bark with prostate adenoma, then you should not count on instant and complete healing. But long-term regular use is paying off. But we must remember that it is worth hoping for a result only if you use the decoction according to the established schedule without gaps.

Traditional healers say that to get a noticeable effect, you will have to drink the broth for at least 3 months. Some argue that it will be necessary to use it for several years. This will help consolidate the result and prevent relapse.

The healing properties of aspen bark

Treatment of aspen bark with aspen prostate adenoma
When deciding to use alternative treatment methods, people should understand that the therapy will be long. It is also desirable to understand how it is necessary to take medicinal infusions and decoctions.

But before drinking them, many want to know the healing properties of aspen bark in prostate adenoma. Men note that regular intake of infusion is capable of:

- reduce pain;

- activate sexual function;

- normalize the process of urination.

The composition of the prepared infusions includes:

- capric, behenic, arachinic, lauric acid ;

- sucrose, fructose;

- tannins.

All of them in combination have a positive effect on the prostate gland, help reduce inflammation and stop the process of tissue degeneration.

Raw material collection and preparation

Aspen bark for prostate adenoma recipes
People who do not want to buy aspen bark in a pharmacy can collect it themselves. To do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its preparation. The most suitable period for cutting the bark is April-May. At this time, there is a process of activation of all metabolic processes in the trees, and the bark contains the maximum concentration of healing juice.

In order to cut the bark, it is necessary to make two cuts around the tree trunk, connecting them with a vertical cut. After that it is necessary to remove the cut out part. Treatment of aspen bark with prostate adenoma is carried out after the raw materials are crushed and dried. To do this, the prepared layer is cut into pieces of 2-4 cm. They must be dried in the oven at a temperature of about 50 degrees. Prepared bark is stored in a dark place in tightly closed jars.

Possible options for healing drinks

Folk healers offer several ways to prepare aspen bark. The most popular is a decoction. For its preparation you need 3 tbsp. l dried bark pour 200 ml of boiling water, put the mixture in a water bath and boil it for another 15 minutes. It will be possible to use it no earlier than 20 minutes after the liquid has been removed from the fire. Thus prepared aspen bark with prostate adenoma is drunk 1/3 cup up to 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Some people prefer to use alcoholic infusion. In a liter jar, it is necessary to tightly lay the aspen bark (about 300 g). It is poured with 0.5 l of vodka and closed with a lid. The bark should be infused for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Tincture is used daily three times a day on an empty stomach. 30 drops of liquid are diluted in 100 ml of boiled water and drunk half an hour before a meal.

Other methods of using bark

Aspen bark for prostate adenoma reviews
Those for whom aspen bark with prostate adenoma is only one of the components of the treatment may not prepare infusions or decoctions. Some say it’s good to use powder made from it. To do this, grind pieces of bark in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is drunk in 1/3 tsp. daily. Drink it with plenty of water. Even in this form, aspen bark can help with prostate adenoma.

Recipes for use may be simpler. Men say that the effect is achieved even with the resorption or chewing of a piece of bark. At the same time, essential oils from it enter the bloodstream and act on the tissue of the prostate gland.

Reviews of men

Assessing the effectiveness of folk recipes is quite difficult. After all, not everyone can drink infusions or decoctions without a break for 3 or more months. But healers argue that the regular use of herbal remedies can minimize the manifestations of the disease and stop its progression. They advise bark to all men, even for preventive purposes. Indeed, more than 80% of the stronger sex in old age are diagnosed with this disease.

As part of complex therapy, aspen bark against prostate adenoma is often used. But in this case, it is difficult to assess what exactly helped to cope with the problem. It has long been noted that the use of infusions or decoctions in combination with drug therapy can accelerate recovery and bring the patient into a state of persistent remission. Therefore, now even doctors often tell how aspen bark can be used for prostate adenoma.

Patient reviews confirm that its use can reduce painful manifestations, improve the quality of sexual life and normalize the process of urination.

Possible contraindications

A decoction of aspen bark with prostate adenoma
Most patients believe that aspen bark is a harmless remedy, the use of which does not cause allergies or other side effects. But you should not use it with confirmed intolerance.

Some patients note that when it was taken, they had such undesirable reactions:

- skin itching;

- diarrhea and nausea;

- constipation;

- weakness and dizziness.

This must be considered if you decide to be treated with aspen bark. Most often, patients complain of constipation. The bark contains tannins, which can have an astringent effect. To minimize this side effect, it is necessary to adjust the diet so that stool softening foods are included in the diet.

If you experience other undesirable reactions, then the advisability of continuing such treatment should consult a doctor. After all, not only the aspen bark is prescribed for prostate adenoma, it is possible to choose a replacement for it.


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