Panthenol shampoo: composition, use, effectiveness, reviews

Panthenol is an effective substance that positively affects the condition of the scalp and hair. Therefore, manufacturers often add it to the composition of cosmetics. Panthenol shampoo is quite popular among buyers due to its positive effect on the beauty and health of the skin, and it also helps to eliminate many hair problems.

Beneficial features

Panthenol effectively restores and intensively moisturizes the hair structure and heals damage to the scalp. Due to its beneficial properties, many buyers prefer those products that contain this substance. Its derivative is vitamin B5, and it is on the list of ingredients in many cosmetic products.

Well-groomed hair

Panthenol shampoo has the following beneficial properties:

  • Strengthens hair follicles, which helps to fight hair loss, nourishes them with beneficial substances, stimulates the growth of new hair and increases their density.
  • Restores the structure - professional trichologists and hairdressers advise using these shampoos for damaged, dull and brittle hair.
  • Heals damage and soothes irritated scalp when using unsuitable grooming and styling products, as well as when allergic reactions occur.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes - after applying shampoo with panthenol, the hair becomes softer, firmer, a beautiful and healthy shine appears, protects cells from moisture loss.
  • Prevention and treatment of dandruff - since it takes care of the scalp very delicately, it does not cause itching and irritation, it helps to quickly get rid of this problem.

Indications for use

Shampoo has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair along the entire length. It helps vitamins, minerals and other beneficial components to penetrate the cells and structure, improving blood circulation, and retains moisture inside them. Shampoo with panthenol can be used by absolutely everyone who does not have an individual intolerance to this substance.

Restoring hair structure

This cosmetic product can be used daily to eliminate and prevent the following problems:

  • dry hair and scalp;
  • dandruff;
  • hair loss of any degree;
  • slow growth;
  • itching
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • fragility, dullness and lack of gloss;
  • permanent chemical or thermal effects;
  • increased fat content of the roots.

Panthenol shampoo quickly and effectively helps to eliminate these problems. With constant use, the hair becomes healthy and beautiful, hair loss stops and growth is stimulated, and it also prevents the appearance of dandruff.


The only thing that can be noted is the individual intolerance of this substance. The composition of shampoos includes only natural ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions. However, if itching, irritation and an allergic reaction are detected after applying the cosmetic product, it is necessary to stop using it for a while.


The list of ingredients of this cosmetic product contains purified or thermal water, a washing base and the main active ingredient is panthenol. As auxiliary components there can be vitamins, minerals, oil complexes, extracts of various herbs and plants, antibacterial substances, keratin, hyaluronic acid and flavorings.

Panthenol Shampoos

All these ingredients are aimed at intensive restoration, hydration and nutrition of the hair structure. Panthenol shampoo soothes the scalp and strengthens the bulbs, and also increases their density and stimulates growth. Girls note that when using this cosmetic product, hair grows much faster, becomes stronger and resistant to the harmful effects of thermal devices.


To increase the effectiveness of any caring cosmetic product, you must follow the instructions for use. A small amount of shampoo should be applied to the palm and diluted with water. Beat with palms until a thick foam forms and apply it on the scalp. For several minutes, gently massage the hair roots, then distribute the foam along the entire length and rinse with plenty of water. In this way, dirt, dust, greasy secretions and residues of styling and care cosmetics are removed.

Hair and scalp cleansing

The second time you need to apply a small amount of shampoo to the roots and length and leave it to work for 3-5 minutes. It intensely moisturizes, nourishes and strengthens the hair roots. To prevent and eliminate dandruff, the foam is left for 5-7 minutes. After that, the shampoo is washed off with plenty of water and a balm or mask is applied along the entire length.


Thanks to reviews of panthenol shampoos, which are presented on the cosmetic market, you can make a list of the best. Customers and professional hairdressers claim that these products fulfill all the declared functions and completely eliminate problems on the scalp and along the entire length of the hair:

  1. Libriderm.
  2. Evo.
  3. Panthenol.

They are the best among the entire range, which is presented on the cosmetic market. As part of these products, panthenol is contained in the required amount to eliminate dandruff, reduce loss and restore the structure. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to use them as the hair gets dirty, and for prevention - once a week. You can buy these shampoos at a pharmacy or cosmetic store at an affordable price.


The manufacturer claims that Librederm Panthenol shampoo restores the sebaceous glands, effectively eliminates dandruff, slows down the process of hair loss, improves the structure, stimulates growth, gives them softness and shine, makes them soft and supple. Customer reviews confirm that it performs all the declared functions and improves the condition of the strands.

Shampoo "Libriderm Panthenol"

The shampoo is enriched with a sweet fragrance that does not cause discomfort during use. The consistency is gel-like, not liquid, which ensures minimal consumption even with daily use. It is completely transparent and does not contain dyes that can cause itching and irritation. Upon contact with water forms a persistent thick foam for intensive cleansing of the scalp and hair structure.

Reviews about the shampoo "Libriderm Panthenol" show that it is easily washed off and has deep cleansing properties. After application, the hair becomes soft, freshness appears, which lasts for several days, it tightens them and makes them more elastic. With constant use, the deposition process slows down and growth accelerates. Shampoo gives a small volume at the roots and relieves irritation of the skin.


This tool is quite popular among buyers and is in great demand. It contains panthenol, mild cleansing ingredients, proteins, vitamins, oils and absorbent substances. Shampoo "Evo Panthenol" is aimed at restoring and moisturizing dry, damaged, weakened and colored hair. It effectively protects them from constant chemical and thermal effects. Dyed hair is more prone to dandruff and hair loss. According to the girls, panthenol shampoo quickly eliminates dandruff, is excellent for prevention and helps strengthen bulbs. The cosmetic product has been tested and recommended by trichologists for the beauty and health of hair.

Treatment and prevention of dandruff

Buyers in the reviews claim that after application, the hair becomes softer and smoother, easier to comb, and the scalp is not prone to itching and irritation. The consistency of the shampoo is thick, and it does not form a thick, stable foam, but the product perfectly rinses the roots and length. After using for several weeks, the hair structure is restored, they become less brittle and a beautiful shine appears. Effectively slows down the loss and strengthens the roots. Buyers note that the shampoo performs the declared functions and meets their needs. Even with daily use, a 250 ml package is enough for 2-3 months.


Panthenol shampoo against hair loss is one of the most effective care products on the cosmetic market. It is aimed at stimulating hair growth, strengthening the roots, increasing the density and healing of wounds on the scalp. Due to the high content of the active substance, it quickly eliminates the problem with prolapse and dandruff. It does not contain dyes that can cause itching and allergic reactions.

Profuse hair loss

The consistency of Pantenol hair shampoo is quite thick, and it forms a thick foam that deeply cleanses and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Buyers note that it prolongs the freshness and purity of the head, and also helps to strengthen along the entire length. This product softens the hair, eliminates brittleness and protects against the effects of thermal devices. With constant use, it cures dandruff and prevents its further occurrence. Perfume Pantenol shampoo against loss is quite light and does not remain on the hair after rinsing with plenty of water. Reviews show that it helps to grow long and healthy hair, without damage and split ends. Girls with abundant secretion of sebum say that absorbent components reduce the need for daily hair washing.


Dandruff, hair loss, dull appearance and damaged structure are the problems of many girls around the world. Panthenol shampoo helps restore their beauty and improves their quality from root to tip. Trichologists recommend using this cosmetic product to prevent dandruff and restore hair structure.


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