What does “chin-chin” mean, or live a century, a century ... be surprised!

As you know, politeness is the quality of kings, but, as it turned out, not only them. For example, the Chinese have always been very polite and friendly. Although politeness is akin to kindness for a European, in the understanding of the Chinese, these two concepts have nothing in common. After all, China is a classical country of ceremonies, for each of which there is not only its own costume, but also “its own words”. But, one way or another, in the topic of today's publication we will mention China, namely: we will talk about the expression “chin-chin”. What does it mean? What traditions is associated in other countries?

chin chin or your health

Origin history

The table is full of dishes, “Sparkling” sparkles in the glasses, cheerful laughter and the ringing of crystal are heard. Feast! "Chin-chin!" - the glasses are ringing. "Chin-chin!" - smiling at each other, we say at the table. But few people think about what “chin-chin” is.

The merry English sailors brought to Europe a polite Chinese address, which in translation means "please - please." “Qin-qin,” is what the Chinese say. For the ear of a European person, this word is consonant with the clinking of glasses, thanks to which it has successfully taken root and has become the traditional ending of a table speech. Subsequently, the “chin” gave a little European gloss, and during the feast in the houses of Westerners began to sound the traditional “chin-chin” or “your health”. So it is considered to this day. The popularity of this expression is proved by another fact. Today on the shelves of shops you can see the sweet vermouth, which is called simply and originally - “Chin-chin”.

what is chin chin

East is a delicate matter!

At this time, no less polite and tactful Japanese shudders and blushes every time he hears the words “chin-chin” during a fun feast. What does this expression mean in the territory of the Land of the Rising Sun?

According to legend, once spirits lived among people, and an incident happened to one beautiful goddess. Her teeth grew in the most inappropriate place. And she, not wanting to harm a man and frightened to be left without heirs, turned for help to ... a blacksmith. The memory of this amazing event is still alive. In early April, in Japan, thousands of people flock to the Kana Yama Jinja Temple from all over the country. They glorify the art of a blacksmith and worship the very male organ, thanks to which the Japanese people have survived to this day. Indeed, in Japan, “chin-chin” is the pride of every man. People worship him and ask the gods to send them healthy and beautiful offspring.

chin chin what does it mean

Sweet home

So to summarize. What does chin-chin mean? This is a traditional part of the table speech, and a matter of pride for the men of the Land of the Rising Sun, and the courteous treatment of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. But one cannot fail to mention another meaning of this word.

Far, far away, somewhere in the north-eastern part of Armenia, more precisely in the Tavush region, is the small village of Chinchin. Green and picturesque places surround it, natural conditions make it possible to keep cows on pastures. And nice and simple people live there - Chinchians. The village was founded in 1906. The people who originally grazed cows and sheep here forever decided to stay in these places. The population of Chinchin is small - about seven hundred people. And the name of the village was borrowed from the Iranian language. “Crystal water” - that is what “chin-chin means in translation from it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44183/

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