Rosemary oil for hair: reviews, instructions for use and a positive effect on hair

There is no such woman in the world who does not dream of healthy and magnificent hair. Therefore, their excessive loss or progressive thinning turn into a real catastrophe. The real find for hair is rosemary oil. Reviews of girls who have improved in his help the appearance of their hair, confirmation of this.

Why does hair fall out

There are many reasons. Here are the most common factors that cause this problem:

  • Weak hair can be laid genetically, it is possible to deal with it, but it is difficult.
  • Skin diseases - dermatitis, fungal and viral infections.
  • Hormonal imbalance, which is most often caused by diseases of the female reproductive system or problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Poor nutrition, due to which the body lacks vitamins and minerals, as well as nutrients.
  • Stressful situations and depression.
  • Frequent hair coloring or abuse of curling irons, irons, hair dryers.
  • Incorrectly selected care products or an allergic reaction to them.
  • Side effects of certain medications.
  • Natural processes.

Loss is a symptom that signals any malfunction in the body. It is important to eliminate the reason why this happens, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, and the results are temporary.

rosemary oil for hair in shampoo

Healing properties

Rosemary oil for hair is a completely natural product that is made from the flowers and leaves of rosemary. Produce it mainly in Spain and Tunisia. To obtain the product, the raw materials are processed by steam distillation. The result is a liquid of a light yellow hue or completely colorless, with a slightly bitter smell.

The composition of the essential oil includes alpha and beta pinenes, camphene, borneol, cineole, camphor, bornyl acetate, limonene, myrcene, verbenone, dipentene, linalyl acetate.

According to reviews, the use of rosemary oil for hair is very wide. If used regularly, the product has such beneficial effects:

  • Active ingredients stimulate the metabolic processes in the hair follicles.
  • The oil improves the nutrition of cells in the root zone.
  • Moisturizes and nourishes hair.
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  • It has a wound healing effect on the epidermis.
  • The scalp, in general, becomes cleaner.
  • Rosemary oil is an effective prophylactic against split ends.

Terms of use

rosemary essential oil for hair reviews

Despite the many positive reviews, rosemary essential oil for hair should be used carefully to avoid unpleasant consequences.

  1. Do not use it in large quantities, a few drops are enough. This is due to the fact that the concentrated product has a very strong aroma that can make you dizzy.
  2. It is not recommended to use it in its pure form, as it can cause burns or irritation to the skin. The exception is aroma combing, but there are some nuances.
  3. Rosemary oil for hair treatment can not be used for more than two months. It is necessary to take a two-week break so that there is no getting used to it.
  4. Do not use the product before going out, especially in clear sunny weather, as a skin burn may appear under the influence of the sun.
  5. Be sure to conduct a test for allergic reactions. Apply a drop of oil to the skin in the area of ​​the elbow and wait an hour. It should be borne in mind that pure ether can provoke a reaction, and in a diluted form, everything will be fine.
  6. Not always shampoo can cope with such a difficult task as washing off the oil mask. An egg yolk will help. If you remove the film and apply it to your hair, the oil will be easier to remove, especially for such poorly rinse off specimens like shea or castor oil.


Rosemary oil has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Effectively accelerates hair growth even if by nature they add poorly in length.
  2. Weak hair becomes noticeably stronger and stronger over time.
  3. The appearance of the strands improves, they become more obedient, soft and silky to the touch, acquire a natural shine.
  4. The use of oil makes the strands smooth, especially true for hair that is fluffy and has split ends.
  5. Itching stops, irritated skin calms down.
  6. Dandruff disappears.
  7. The color of the strands becomes more saturated, this is especially noticeable on unpainted hair.

Application methods

So how to treat hair with rosemary oil? The use of rosemary essential oil for hair is most effective as a part of masks. An equally effective way is to add to the care products. You can do scalp massage or aroma combing. But the latter is not suitable for everyone, since ether has a very strong specific aroma.

Aroma combing

rosemary oil hair properties

You need a comb with rare teeth. It is best to take wood, since natural materials are much more beneficial for hair. Plastic strongly electrify them, and iron - they damage.

The oil is used in pure form. You can mix it with another similar product, for example, with ylang-ylang oil or orange.

Hair needs to be washed and dried. They should be slightly moist or almost dry. Apply a couple of drops of the product to the comb (as much as possible, it all depends on the thickness and length of the curls) and evenly distribute. Starting from the tips, slowly comb the strand after strand, rising higher. But do not let oil get on the scalp. In its pure form, it has a drying effect and can cause peeling.

Carry out aroma combing for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a week. Hair will become not only stronger, but also acquire a beautiful, healthy shine.


This is a very effective procedure, under the influence of which blood circulation improves, and oil is better absorbed. Thus, the action of beneficial components is enhanced.

  1. Mix 10 drops of the product with basic cosmetic oil (coconut, almond, apricot kernel, etc.) in an amount of 10 ml.
  2. Apply the mixture to the scalp along the partings with your fingers in circular massage movements.
  3. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.
  4. If possible, the oil mixture can be left for half an hour.
  5. Then rinse with shampoo.

It is not recommended to massage more than once every 3 days, so as not to provoke an increased release of fat. The duration of the course is up to two months.

For massage, you can use, according to reviews, hair oil with rosemary "Weleda". It contains additional components that are beneficial for the hair.

Addition to shampoo or conditioner

Rosemary oil can be found in many shampoos designed for weakened hair. As the girls write in their reviews, rosemary oil for hair in shampoo can be added independently if it does not initially include this component. For a tablespoon of shampoo, only 5 drops of the product are enough. The same can be done with conditioner or balm after washing.

Just do not carry out this procedure often, a 10-day course will be enough to improve scalp and strengthen hair. Then it is advisable to take a break of ten days. Then you can repeat the course again.

Hot wrap

Recently, procedures for hair under the influence of high temperatures have gained unprecedented popularity. In this case, the active components penetrate better into the dermis and into each hair, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and curls. Rosemary essential oil for hair is no exception. Reviews of the beautiful half of humanity confirm this.

What is needed for hot wrap with rosemary oil?

  • First you need to mix it with base oil (almond, grape seed or macadamia) at the rate of 4-5 drops of ether per tablespoon of base.
  • Heat the container with the oil mixture in a water bath or simply put in a bowl of hot water. Be sure to make sure that the product does not overheat.
  • Apply a warm composition to dry scalp along partings. It is convenient for this to use a pipette or syringe without a needle.
  • Wrap hair with polyethylene.
  • Warm with a towel heated to a comfortable temperature.
  • Hold for 30-45 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a high temperature under the film. Therefore, either you need to constantly change the towel to a warmer as the cooling of what is wound on your head, or use a hairdryer.
  • Wash off the oil with shampoo.

It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

hair mask with rosemary oil

Hair masks with rosemary essential oil

As has been said more than once, rosemary oil is best used in a mixture with other components. This is especially true for masks. The preparation of the composition does not take much time, and the effect will be amazing. Make masks better in the evening.

You do not need to wash your hair before the procedure. After applying the composition, wrap the head with polyethylene and insulate with a towel or hat. The exposure time from half an hour to one and a half. Rinse with warm water and shampoo.

To strengthen

Prepare a composition of 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of burdock oil. Stir and add 3 drops of rosemary and cedar essential oil. Apply a hair mask with rosemary oil on the scalp and the basal part of the hair, evenly distribute the remains along the length.

You can also add a teaspoon of honey if you are not allergic to bee products.

Hot mask for dry hair

Mix 2 tablespoons of burdock and almond oils and heat in a water bath. Add 3 drops of rosemary and apply over the entire length of the hair for 1 hour. As the hair cools down, heat the hair under the film with a hair dryer or regularly change the towel to a warmer one.

rosemary oil for hair application reviews

From falling out

How to treat hair with baldness rosemary oil? For this purpose, many use a very simple mask. You need to take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and one tablespoon. teaspoon of castor and burdock oils, add 5 drops of rosemary oil. For better mixing, the composition can be slightly heated in a water bath, but not much, since honey will lose all its valuable properties. Apply to the root zone. Wrap with a towel. Keep at least 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Nourishing oil mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 5 drops of rosemary, sandalwood, peppermint, tea tree. Apply to hair roots and entire length. Massage. Leave for an hour.

For dandruff

As a basis for this mask, any light base oil is suitable: almond, grape seed, macadamia. Add 3 drops of rosemary, tea tree and cedar oil, as well as one egg yolk to it. The mixture is applied directly to the scalp and hair roots. Massage and leave for half an hour or an hour. Rinse off only with warm or cool water. Not hot!

For shine

If you have dull, lifeless hair, the next mask will help them. Take a tablespoon of jojoba oil, mix with any hair balm in equal proportions. Add the egg yolk and 5 drops of rosemary oil. If the hair is thick, the curls are long, the proportions can be doubled or even tripled.

egg yolk

Apply the mixture to the hair and hold for up to one and a half hours (how many stand). Rinse off. Enjoy smooth, shiny hair.


There are not many, but in the presence of the following factors, the use of rosemary oil will have to be abandoned:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Odor intolerance to rosemary.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Top best rosemary oil products

  1. Bint al Dea Rosemary Shampoo “Daughter of Tenderness” based on olive-laurel emulsion. Manufacturers say this is a completely natural remedy. Rosemary oil for hair growth is in the second position in the composition. A great option for thin and weakened hair. It does not contain fragrances and preservatives, as well as synthetic components.
  2. Shampoo soap "Nettle and Rosemary". This tool has a pleasant herbal aroma, prepared on a nettle broth. Essential oils of rosemary, fir, citronella help strengthen hair, normalize the sebaceous glands, are quite effective against dandruff. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the hair with an acidic solution of citric acid or vinegar.
  3. VEGETABLE BEAUTY restoring hair balm based on olive oil from the Italian company Target SrL Contains rosemary and macadamia oils, as well as aloe vera extract. It penetrates deep into the hair shaft and restores it from the inside. Nourishes and moisturizes the strands. Protects from the adverse effects of external factors.
  4. Means for hair Weleda Rosemary Hair Oil. This is a mixture of oils and extracts of medicinal plants. Gives strands strength and shine. Reviews on Weleda hair oil with rosemary are mostly positive.
    how to treat hair with baldness rosemary oil
  5. SIBERINA Natural Hair Growth Oil. Contains rosemary, olive, almond, castor, burdock oils, as well as esters of ylang-ylang, juniper, cloves and plant extracts. The mixture perfectly nourishes and moisturizes, improves blood circulation, stimulates hair growth.


Rosemary essential oil for hair (according to the majority of the fair half of humanity) is an excellent tool for combating alopecia. After applying the oil, the hair really begins to fall out less, and the growth of new ones is significantly activated.

Not everyone likes a strong scent, but women are willing to endure it. They write in reviews that they get used to it over time, so it no longer seems so “tasteless”.

Many note the beautiful shine of strands after the first application. Therefore, having tried once, they use rosemary-based products constantly.


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