How to braid a "dragon" (braid): step-by-step instructions, methods and recommendations

Modern fashionistas quite often resort to braiding hair . One of the best solutions for the formation of the original image is the dragon. This hairstyle is able to emphasize the individuality of the girl. Therefore, it is not surprising that both ordinary fashionistas and celebrities have resorted to its creation. Let's see how to braid the dragon.

Weaving pattern

how to braid a little dragon
If you look at the rather complex structure of such a hairstyle from the outside, the task does not look too easy. But, using recommendations on how to braid the "dragon", step-by-step training, you can pretty soon learn the weaving technique. After a short training session, girls take no more than 10-15 minutes to create such a hairstyle.

How to braid your hair with a dragon? To begin with, the curls are thoroughly combed, after which they are moistened with water. Using a thin comb, a neat parting is performed from the left ear to the right. So that according to the results of weaving, the hairstyle looks as neat as possible, it is recommended to create the most even parting.

The hair collected from the forehead is divided into three identical strands. The left strand is laid on top of the middle, and then covered with the right. Thus, the basis is formed, which in the future will allow you to understand how to braid the "dragon".

Weaving in the above manner continues using free strands. To make the pigtail look attractive, the hair is pulled in front of the face and neck. When using the lock from the center at the base of the braid, the resulting pattern will become unexpressed.

After the length of the braid reaches the level of the neck, you get three identical strands. The latter should be braided to the end, according to the same principle as ordinary pigtails. Having completed several trainings, according to the indicated principle, you can pretty soon understand how to braid the "dragon" to yourself.

Back weaving

how to braid a dragon to itself
How to braid the "dragon" in the opposite way? Work is performed according to the above principle. The only difference is the interweaving of the strands inward:

  • locks are divided into three equal parts near the forehead;
  • the left strand is placed under the middle;
  • the right strand lies in the middle under the bottom;
  • weaving continues with the addition of additional strands on both sides;
  • after weaving all loose hair, the braid is braided to completion, and then the hair is fixed with a hairpin or elastic;
  • a neat little ring forms from the bottom of the hair.

Before weaving the "dragon" braid in the opposite way, it is recommended to comb the hair thoroughly using a fine comb. To make the work look neat, it is worth applying mousse or foam to the hair.

How to braid the "dragon" on one side?

how to braid two little dragons
Hairstyle can be performed according to one of the above schemes. The main difference is the choice of the direction of weaving not in the center of the head, but with the creation of a side parting. You can weave a pigtail evenly, in a zigzag or semicircle, both from the temple and from the forehead. Having figured out how to braid the "dragon" on one side, many girls usually bring something of their own, more creative into it.

How to braid two "dragon"?

drag the braid
As the name implies, a hairstyle is formed from several braids:

  1. Hair is parted in two equal parts. The latter can be both flat and zigzag.
  2. One half of the strands is fixed with a hairpin, which will not allow hair to interfere with the work. The second part is used to form a braid according to the principle described above.
  3. At the end of weaving, one of the sides is fixed with a bow or elastic band.
  4. A similar braid is braided on the opposite side.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that only those girls who are confident in their own skill should use a curved parting when weaving two “little dragons”. Otherwise, the hairstyle will come out messy.

Accessories for braid "dragon"

how to braid a dragon step by step training
Usually, the elements of such a hairstyle are fixed with an elastic or a hairpin. At the same time, as weaving, the braid can be supplemented with various accessories and decorations. Such decisions look relevant when creating a festive or romantic hairstyle.

An original option is the use of hairpins, decorated beads. With a hairstyle decorated with similar accessories, you can easily go to any celebration.

A rather spectacular solution is the interweaving of colored ribbons into a pigtail. The latter bring a sense of lightness to the overall composition and allow you to create a romantic mood.

The use of hair clips with a flower or bow will not only draw the attention of others to the original hairstyle, but also additionally fix the tip of the braid. The girl can only competently choose the specified accessory so that it does not look too bulky against the background of the overall composition.

Ultimately, you need to understand that overloading your hairstyle with all kinds of accessories does not lead to anything positive. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. In some cases, it is better to completely abandon the use of jewelry, especially if it is planned to go to the office or to a business meeting with an oblique "dragon".

Useful Tips

to braid hair
To get a really neat, spectacular hairstyle as a result of weaving, it’s worth using a few practical tips:

  1. Performing each step of weaving, you should try to additionally comb the curls. Only in this case can the appearance of the so-called cockerels be avoided.
  2. In the lateral part, it is necessary to take thin strands, which also contributes to the creation of a neat hairstyle.
  3. Decorate the "dragon" braid with accessories should be in moderation. Thus, you can make the hairstyle more original and not draw excessive attention to your own person from others.
  4. For girls who have a long bang, it is recommended to start weaving with it. Alternatively, bangs can be laid to one side or left free.
  5. To braid acquired a well-groomed appearance, during weaving should try to select strands of uniform thickness.
  6. Making a braid "dragon" regularly is highly discouraged. The hairstyle needs to create a fairly tight weave that can harm healthy curls.
  7. Owners of hair with a naughty structure before weaving should treat them with mousse or foam.


Scythe "dragon" still continues to remain in trend, despite the emergence of a whole mass of more original weaves. And this is not surprising, because such a hairstyle looks extremely impressive, and every girl is able to cope with its creation, you just need to be able to weave a classic spikelet.

Creating a braid "dragon" is a universal solution. Such a hairstyle can serve as a harmonious complement to any image. She does not need to create complex makeup, looks great both in combination with casual jeans and evening dresses.


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