Material production and its components

Generally distinguish between material and intangible production. So material production is production, which is directly related to the creation of material goods that satisfy, are determined by the needs of man and society as a whole. Intangible production, or it is also called the non-production sphere, does not set itself the task of creating material values.

Consider in more detail material production. This production is based on the use of technology and technology, as well as on the relationship between people. The main activity in the field is aimed at creating a variety of consumer goods, like food, and other goods to meet the vital needs of a person that are created from matter. The basis of material production is human labor. That is why labor in material production is the main social form of realization for a person of his life abilities and forces.

The development of the surrounding world by mankind caused the growth and improvement of production processes that would contribute to the adaptation and adaptation of man to the environment. In this regard, the tools also underwent changes, ranging from a stone ax to modern automatic and robotic plants and manufactures. This has largely influenced material production. Since the development and improvement of new methods and methods of production causes an increase in production and, consequently, fluctuations in its price, however, at the same time, due to the increased use of raw materials for the manufacture of material assets, it is depleted. But the main part of this raw material is natural, and most of the raw material products are either non-renewable or slowly renewable. Therefore, material production includes, on the one hand, a purely technical and production component. At the same time, labor is presented as a natural process organized according to certain laws and requirements. But on the other hand, this production includes social and production relations that develop between workers and the environment in the process of their activities.

Based on the above, it is possible to build a certain structure of material production. That is, material production and its structure, the production of which is based on the labor (activity) of a person in the manufacture of things and material values, while one worker in such production is in close cooperation with other workers who work to create these values ​​and things, and taking into account the use of natural resources and energy resources, the consumption of which in increasing production is growing rapidly provides for close human interaction with the environment and wii environment.

By the way, it is material production, according to most scientists, that has caused a high anthropogenic load on nature. And at present, this load has increased so much that it leads to disturbances in the processes taking place in nature. This leads to the degradation of large land areas, disruption of local ecosystems and, as a result, air and water pollution, both on a local and large scale. That is why, recently, the improvement of material production processes is aimed not at increasing the growing needs of the population, but at providing and maintaining natural conditions in nature, preventing pollution of the earth's water and air at not decreasing rates and volumes of production. Thus, it can be noted that at present material production is undergoing a turning point in its structure and basic goals and objectives.


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